Abraham: When you think in terms of perspective, how do you separate the thought from the thinker? It's a tricky thing to do, because as soon as the thinker thinks a thought, now the thought is thinking. And as soon as the thought is thinking, by its vibration, another thought that is like it comes unto it.
So let's pretend that we are right back at the beginning of all of that, and there is something that is perceiving, and in its perception, it offers a thought (We're playing this *silly* game of going back to the beginning, as if anyone could.) Since there are not a lot of other things to contemplate, that first thought that was thought by this first thinker is very close to the same vibration as the first thought was. And so, now there is a coalescing of those thoughts, and now this thinker has a broader perspective than it did just a moment before. And so, as it now perceives, another thought is born and another and another. And so, now, as ("time" isn't the right word) experience, moves on... Sometimes we hear our physical beings talk about the Stream of Consciousness as being one stream or one thought. And it's very difficult for you to contemplate that, now that you are out here on this leading edge with so much diversity in your ability to perceive. Law of Attraction is the way thoughts respond to one another, and it has something to do with the vibrational familiarity of the thoughts as they are thought.
Now that you are out here on the leading edge, where you are further, it seems, from the root of the thought, there is much more variance in your vibrational frequencies. And so, All thoughts aren't coalescing into one thought again.Which is what the expansion of the Universe is really all about: The more thoughts that exist, and the greater diversity in their vibration -- then the more new thoughts can be born out of those never-ending combinations of thoughts.
Guest: Who is controlling the Universe and all the thoughts? Who is responding? In other words, who is God?
Abraham: There is no "controller of the Universe," but it is by your vibrational responses to one another.
Who Makes the Diverse Laws of the Diverse Universe?
Abraham Hicks,
law of attraction,
laws of Universe
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