Food chain

Everything we consume is living. Everything.
Scientists have shown that even plants are intelligent beings.
In other words, everything that is living is intelligent energy
and the choice to consume any source of intelligent energy
for our own survival is a personal choice that each of us
must make.
Life is simply a circle of energy being exchanged.
The choice to not to eat one or another species of animal or
plant life is definitely personal.
But, be careful when making statements that might appear
that you judge those who do not share your beliefs.
Did you know that there are people who must have animal
protein to maintain health?
Did you know that some sources of plant-based protein cause
allergic reactions in some humans, and without animal protein
these people would not remain healthy.
And, did you remember, from all the Abe listening you have
done that there is no death.
The return to non-physical as described over and over by Abraham,
is one of bliss and joy.
They have also said, frequently, that many choose while in non-physical
to come back as animals knowing full well what that means in terms
of lifestyle and life span.
Which brings me back to the bliss we've been promised upon
returning to non-physical.
Maybe that bliss is so orgasmic and wonderful that many choose
to return to physical in a form with a shorter non-human life span
in order to gain the opportunity to experience the return to non-
physical sooner.
Maybe it's kind of like when there's an earthquake and it's an amazing
feeling both scary but exhilarating to feel the earth moving under
your feet, and it's over so quick, and you're saying, "Again! Again!"
Craving that experience.
All I really know for sure: It is not our job here to judge one another.
Life is exhilarating and joyous. Make your choices. They are yours.
Embrace them. Be thrilled with them. And don't worry what others
are up to. Everything evens out in the end.
Q Well then what about .. How come a caribou doesn't just walk up to a bear and say, "I know you're hungry. Eat me."A: They do.Q: They do?A: That's how they're chosen. In other words, it's always an agreement.Q Well, is it just ... When we look at those wildlife videos and they always show these .. hunts, and the caribou's trying to get away, and I've always been puzzled about that because I believe that there have to be places where a mouse just kinda hops into the mouth of a fox and where the caribou isn't fighting that hard to get away because the caribou understands "OK. I'm the chosen one. We're, we're now in this together", where .....A: Well, you have to understand that it is all part of the game also.In other words, here is something that we will promise you, if a caribou were to just lie down and wait, the lion would still chase the ones that are running.Q: Really.A: IOW, it is all part of the process. Now that's not to say that a hungry lion might not stumble upon anything and eat it. But we're wanting you to understand that animals do not look at death in that way. That beast is not *fearing* for it's life. It's running *for* it's life. IOW, it's running *toward* the well-being that it continues to enjoy without pushing against death. And that's the thing that's hard for you to [Q: Ah, yes. It is.] .... As you superimpose how you would feel about it [Q: Yes!], it gets very complicated. But the beast does not feel that way. In other words ....Q: Well and also it's when you were a child, the *tone* in the video, it teaches you ...A: Wellllll, what you learned from Bambi [Q: Yes!] gets you all off .. set off kilter.Q: Exactly! I mean it teaches you that that animal's afraid.A: Just for a little while as you are contemplating this in the future days, overlay this sentiment and see if it does not bring you some clarity and resolve. Think in terms of following your bliss, and think of the caribou that is running as following it's bliss rather than running from the lion. [Q: Oh, Okay.] In other words, it's running toward the continuation of it's life. But it's not resisting the idea of death. And it's an interesting thing, the caribou that is chosen is chosen accurately by the beast. Always.
Fort Collins, CO 6-22-02
Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. Your beasts vibrate more on the Energy scale of contentment than of passion. Their desire was set forth from Nonphysical, and continues to be set forth by those, like you, who want Energy balance, who want sustenance.
Philadelphia, PA, 10/15/98 & Tarrytown, NY, 10/17/98


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