Abraham on Alignment

And are you refreshed? Now what?

Hey Abraham, I'm really glad to be hear and I umm, I really appreciate where I am right now. As you and I know, I've come a long way to my perfect health right now (said with much emotion) and umm, I have a wonderful relationship right now that I've always dreamed of and I've found work that I really enjoy that is uplifting to me and empowering and inspiring.

So, what's all this, mmmmmmm?

All this emotion? Okay. I just, I'm really appreciative of where I am.

But when you uhh, are, what is this appreciation laced with? In other words, when you are really tuned in tapped in turned on, there is not that other edgy stuff. What's that about? Remembering how far you've come?


You can't remember how far you've come and be in the new place at the same time. So, it might be some of that, yes?

Yeah, I mean, on this day in particular, I'm very very appreciative of being here now. And all the wonderful things that I get to experience. And its, and to me its because I changed my chronic thoughts, and I deliberatly chose new ones that served me.


And you've helped to bring me further along on that path and so now I have all these fabulous things in my life that I'm enjoying.

You know, what we want to chew on here with you a little bit, and this is because you are in a good place that could be slightly better and let us tell you the difference. You are experiencing perhaps the best example of gratitude we've ever seen. But you are not in a state of
appreciation. And the subtle difference between gratitude and appreciation, is gratitude is looking back at what you have overcome, appreciation is looking forward to the becoming of that which you have set into motion. Nitpicking, perhaps.

I understand.

But really worth talking about,isn't it? Can you feel the difference?


So, what brings you here to play with us today?

So I have these fabulous new businesses, and I want to attract fun people to play with me in these businesses. (voice is clear and much stronger)

Now, do you hear the difference in her? Suddenly she looked forward. Suddenly she looked forward into what's coming, instead of looking back to what was painful. Just thought we'd bring that up.

I appreciate that.

Because, because, because, life is about how you feel now, so you might as well feel as good as you can possibly feel, you see.

Right. So, I'm here wanting guidance on how I can look at that to bring about what I'm wanting.

Well the thing is, and we haven't really addressed this very much today, but do you feel that your life has caused you to complete step one? In other words, do you think in the contrast that you've lived that you have done a good job of asking for what you want?

Yeah, I mean I'm always asking for new things.

But, relative to this specific subject, do you think the asking for the business for the people that will work with you, do you think you've asked, do you think you have sufficiently asked? We do, in other words, we think that the life you've lived has caused you to ask. We think that you've completed step one, and step two is not your job at all, and step three is, source is amassing around that vibrational escrow, so step three is what your work is. And the reason that we are putting it you and to so many others for so long in this way, is because, the, what, the sort of projection of your question is what do I need to now do in order to get what I want. And what we are wanting you to understand is, what you want has already taken place.

So the question is not what do I do to create it, the question is what do I now do to achieve vibrational alignment with that which has already been created so that I can allow myself to rendesvous with all the other components at the point of creation. Did you hear the careful choice of words? In other words, do you accept that when you ask it is already done? Do you accept that when you ask it is given, not only is it given, but source is there tending to it, and that law of attraction is now pulling all components to that point of attraction. So, can you feel the difference in the way you want to frame the question?


What can I do to cause me to let go of the resistance that's the only thing that's keeping me from freefalling right into that vortex where everything that I've been asking for is. Because the answer to that question is so much easier than the answer to the other question, because the answer to the other question has no answer. How can I get to where I want to be? The answer is, you have to become a vibrational equivalent to where you want to be. So, describe to us what you are looking for. And then we will help you to build some emotional bridges to get there.

Mkay, I'm looking for growth in my businesses, I'm looking to work with fun people.

Alright, use slightly different words, I've already asked for expansion and fun people, rather than I'm looking for it, I've already asked for it, and it is there. Can you feel the difference - I've already asked for it and it is there, how do I, what's the next word? How do I get there, no. How do I make it come to me, no. How do I chill out so that I go there. What can I do to relax and trust, what can I do to believe in my own dream, what can I do to get to where I want to be, what can I do?
What can you do?

Right, so what can I do? Appreciate, allow?

You say that like,


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, ooohh, that old crap. (audience laughter.) Doesn't feel meaty enough, does it? Feels, like, shouldn't I be doing more? Shouldn't I be struggling more?

Shouldn't I be making twenty calls a day? I mean, come on.

Shouldn't I be making more plans, shouldn't I be bloodying my head against the wall? Shouldn't I be, isn't there more that I should do? You mean all I have to do, well, finding the feeling place of where you want to be, so let's talk about this, because, this is a perfect, you'll feel this in a very strong way. So you get it, we've been redundant we know, you're source energy you bang around in your physical form, you give birth to rockets of desire, the source part of you tends it, the vibrational escrow is swirling, law of attraction is summoning everthing to that point of creation including you. So the question at hand is, how can I prepare myself to rendevous inside that vibrational escrow to the point that I can receive full blown manifestation, how can I get inside that vibrational escrow, how can I get inside the feeling place of that? So, the question sort of dictates the answer, you can feel it. How can I begin to feel, like I'm going to feel, once I'm there.

So, now you want to start playing with that. What does it feel like to interact with fun people? What does it feel like to have expansion where everyone is thriving and benefitting by the expansion? What does that feel like? So, what ideas do you have that, how could you get inside a
thought like that? Have you ever been in a situation that felt like that?


When, where, who, who?

Uh, uh.


There have been times in my business where I've felt in that flow.

For example.

Working with people and talking with people,

More detail.


I remember that time when. We were sitting where, and who,

I remember that time when a person who has an 85,000 name database said yes she wanted to joint venture with me. I remember how good that felt.



Well, we want you to milk that a little bit, we want you to get into that moment and remember it until you activate the vibrational equivalent of you now. In other words, your work now is to get yourself inside what that vibrational escrow feels like. You see, you've done most of the work, but you're over here and what you want's over here, so you've gotta find a way to get inside this and feel this.

Esther would say, even though it's not about business, I remember last weekend sitting around the small dining room table with son in law and daughter in law and two grandkids playing Uno and feeling the camaraderie as they knew how to play the game, taught it to us, and how fun it was catching on. And feeling the fun watching their little faces around watching them waiting to yell Uno because they knew that the likelihood of me remembering that I was putting down the card before the last one was not that good. And they knew that they were gonna get me over and over again. And the delight they felt when they got me over and over again. It is something that I will keep with me always the cooperative fun environment is what I seek in all things. I want my business to feel like that, I want my business to feel like the brilliance of that game, I want my business to feel like the fun of that game. I want the love that we were experiencing around that table to be present in everything that I'm doing, whether it's with family or with
friends, or with employees or with employers. I want that feeling of togetherness and appreciation of one another. I loved the feeling of that. That's what we mean by milking it.


Find something that felt good, and identify to yourself why it felt good, and then focus there, and feel good all over again because it feels good, and then just hold yourself there as long as you can in that feeling while you apply it to what you know is going on in your vibrational escrow. That's how you find the feeeeling place.

The example you gave was a good one. Someone showed up with a database and said, I will co-create with you. And the feeling of ease with which that came, the beautiful look on that person's face as we realized together that we had something to give each other and something from
which we could mutually benefit. And the sensation that ran through me was, ohh, things feel like, things like this that come so easily I have a sense that that's the way it is supposed to be. Holding yourself in the vibration of that by thinking about when it happened, and who was
there and what was the conversation. Just holding the feeling place of that.

The work is not hard. It's just a matter of finding something that feels the way you think you want to feel and focusing on it until you feel it, that's what the art of allowing is. That's how you close the gap, that's how you get inside your vibrational escrow. And so, subject after subject you just go there and mess around in it, and go there, and mess around in it. Use descriptive terms to get inside of it and before you know it, inside that escrow is where you vibrationally reside, and when that happens, now you can be the full blown recipient of everything that you have incrementally been putting in there, you see. It's all there, you've gotta find a way to match up with it and you do it by talking yourself into feeling as it feels there.


Earlier we were talking about people will say, I want to get over there, and we say why, and they say because I don't like it over here. That's the opposite of what we are describing. You gotta get over there, you gotta make an effort to get over there, you gotta sorta kinda feel like it sorta kinda might feel when you do get over there. And you gotta talk about it until you do sorta feel over there. And the longer, the more you make, the more effort you make about feeling what it feels like over there, then the more you are over there vibrationally, and then, you see, the universe does not know if the vibration that you are emitting because of a reality that you are living or because of something you are focused upon. The universe at large and law of attraction does not distinguish between a vibration in response to reality and a vibration in response to a thought. So, if you can ignore the reality, and activate a vibration because of a thought that you are thinking, now all things are possible. And really fun as they come.

That's that I want.

So, now you know what to do. You want to do it?

So, it's focusing on the feelings that I want to feel with my successful and profitable business.


How that's going to feel.

Yes, but words like successful and profitable, the way you say that here, sounds like blublahblublabhblah . blaw blaw, blaw.

I thought it sounded really good when I heard it on your cd.

It sounds good, it sounds good, but you've gotta get inside of it. What does successful feel like, what does that mean? That means I've taken money out of the equation, that means money is irrelevant, that means all the money that I could possibly have any sensible use for is already
flowing. That means that I'm making my decisions whether I WANT to play there, not whether I CAN play there. That means I'm making the decsions based on whether I want to do it not whether I can do it or whether it's possible to do it. So, you just keep talking yourself into that
security, you see.

So, what does successful and profitable feel like? We know what the words sound like. And we know what it could mean in terms of it means this many dollars or it means this many employees or it means this much in gross or net sales. We get that. We wanna know what successful and profitable feels like. So we're gonna ask you some multiple choice questions.

Does it feel like stress or ease?

I would choose ease.

You would easily choose ease, wouldn't you? In other words, there's not even any debate there. Successful and profitable feels like ease, doesn't it. Does it feel like worry or certainty?


Does it feel like I wonderif it's coming or I know it's coming?

I know it's coming.

Does it feel like wouldn't it be nice if or won't it be nice when?

Won't it be nice when.

Does it feel like I never had any reason to worry or I'm grateful that I'm no longer worrying?

I never had any reason to worry.

Does it feel like it was always there for me I just didn't know where to look or it was always there for me.

It was always there for me.

Does it feel more like my success is certain, provided I do the right thing or my succes is certain?
My success is certain.

So, you get what we're getting at with you. You're trying just a little too hard. When you sat down, even as you began, that feeling of the struggle that you've overcome, as if there is some price to be paid, we want that to be a far and distant long memory. Because there is no price for you to pay. In other words, when you want it, source provides it, you've just got to convince yourself that it's time.

Our friend earlier talked about worthiness, and when we hear the word worthiness we want to soften it, in fact we would like you not to even talk about worthiness because every time you talk about it it activates a feeling of unworthiness in most of you. But, just feel the difference between, you - you - we can feel you feeling, especially as we asked those questions, you can feel of course, which is the option that we are rooting for.

But the question that we want you to ask yourself is, not the obv-, we don't want you to give the answer you think that we think is the right answer. We want you to feel your way to the best feeling answer. The words don't matter at all, you see. It's a sure thing. You can't miss. You know too much. You've lived enough life, you've put enough in your vibrational escrow that it must come to you and it's coming whether you allow it to come quickly or whether you allow it to take it a little while, in any case you're gonna have a fun time as it comes. So, the best way to speed it up is to savor what is. Savor what is and be eager for more. We think you've got it.

Appreciate it very much.

Yes indeed.

Phoenix 3/01/08


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