
CD 02/17/08 - San Fransisco, CD 2, Track 2

Guest: Now, I've been thinking about this and I'm kind of curious -
when do children and infants or fetus - when do they begin thinking?

Abe: You've sort of picked up right where we were before segment of
refreshment when we were talking about vibration and you're also
picking up on the discussion we had yesterday about how vibration and
thought are the same thing. When a vibration is vibrating you could
say it is thinking - you think a thought and then the thought thinks
and so at many levels of their being they are vibrating so you must
call them a thinking being. But we know what you're talking about.
When does this being that is becoming, that is forming in the mother's
womb that will be birthed into the physical experience - at what point
does its consciousness as you know it to be come forth, and we say not
easy to answer because there are variables and not easy to answer
because every part of them is already vibrating and thinking but
usually consciousness in the way you mean it enters upon first breath.
The reason that this debate over all of this is so volatile is because
(and even as we've been talking here in this gathering today) you
recognize that YOU ARE before you come into this body and we promise
you are thinking from that vantage point. You see the Source within
you does not need a physical vessel in order to perceive this time-
space reality. So Source is thinking about all of this but does not
necessarily need this particular vortex to flow through.

Guest: So in the womb, let's go into the womb, the baby, fetus,
whatever - is receiving the vibrations from the thoughts of the people
around them, like the parents?

Abe: Certainly acclimating - and can begin on a cellular level to
resonate with the vibration of what's going on around but you gotta
know the Source within you is the dominant vibration in all of that.
That's why we say when you were born into this physical body you were
in that place of pure positive energy. That's the perspective you hold
coming in.


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