“If I Can Get There Emotionally, I Can Get Anywhere”

“Right now I am going to find the best-feeling thought that I can. I am going to reach for more relief, more relief, more relief.” Remember:
• Rage gives you a feeling of relief from depression, grief, despair, fear, guilt, or powerlessness.
• Revenge gives you a feeling of relief from rage.
• Anger gives you a feeling of relief from revenge.
• Blame gives you a feeling of relief from anger.
• Overwhelment gives you a feeling of relief from blame.
• Irritation gives you a feeling of relief from overwhelment.
• Pessimism gives you a feeling of relief from irritation.
• Hopefulness gives you a feeling of relief from pessimism.
• Optimism gives you a feeling of relief from hopefulness.
• Positive Expectation gives you a feeling of relief from optimism.
• Joy gives you a feeling of relief from positive expectation.
In time, and with practice, you will become very adept at understanding what your Emotional Guidance System is telling you. Once you make a determined decision to continually reach for the relief that an improved emotion brings, you will find yourself feeling good most of the time, and allowing into your experience all the things you desire.
Attention to how you are feeling is necessary in order to understand everything that is happening to you. How you feel—and the feeling of relief that you discover as you reach for better-feeling thoughts—is your only true measurement of what you are attracting into your experience.
Ask and it is given


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