Guest: Is there any value in the counseling that people go to to process their grief, to process their shadow, to process their....
Abraham: Yes, there is some. And here is what it is. We talked about this a little bit earlier. Remember, if you have desire that your habit of thought doesn't match so there's contradiction in your vibration, what most do in a self-preserving way is they begin, without even knowing they're doing it consciously, to release the desire little by little by little. And it does bring them into a place of feeling a little better but it also causes them to be less sensitive to what they are feeling.
Our friend was talking about her hyper-sensitivity and there is a part of her that would like to get rid of that hypersensitivity. She would feel better initially if she wasn't so sensitive. But what happens over time is you get so negative emotion feels normal to you. So your guidance system doesn't give you the information that it was meant to give you. It's normal to feel overwhelmed or it's normal to feel guilty, or it's normal to feel blameful. It's normal for most of you by your physical standards to feel negative emotion. So what happens is, you get so accustomed to negative emotion that, it's sort of like you didn't have any sensors in your fingertips and you keep shutting your hands in car doors and stepping on your own fingers and shaving them off on things and laying around on hot stoves and then you complain, "My hands are having a very hard time in this life experience. I'm just sort of beating the life out of them because I don't realize what I'm doing to it."
And so sometimes what happens is, when you go to that counseling and there is an exaggerated attention on what went wrong, it takes the discomfort to a strong enough level that it now gives birth to the rocket of desire. In other words, you see people sort of pushing to the breaking point, pushing pushing pushing pushing, until a desire comes out of it. Because counselors have
discovered that until you are able in some way, most of them don't even know what they're doing with that, but they've had enough experience that they see the results of it. Once you are pushed to the point that a desire is born within you, things start to turn around usually.
A lot of people, you see.... As you are going down, down, down...let's say it's a financial issue as we were talking about earlier and you're going down down down down down down down.... Well at any point you could just withdraw your attention from that and focus on something else and go up up up up up up up. But most people don't even try to go up until they've hit bottom.
It's something about at what point, it's like.... Jerry and Esther have an extraordinary life and they talk about how if people could follow them around they would be amazed at the way the universe yields wonderful things to them constantly. Things that you can't buy or things that just happen because the universe is yielding them. And then they'll get in a little, Esther calls it
a vortex, which it is, where things go a little wrong. And they don't have to go very wrong with this hyper-sensitivity, before a rocket of desire is born within Jerry and Esther. In other words, they don't tolerate much discomfort before they start intending differently. Esther said as they were walking down the hallway today, "I'm going to get that placemat process out and start
working with it again on some things." She hasn't been working with it for quite a while, she hasn't been scripting for quite a while. Because things get going good, and then you get sort of lazy because things are going good, and it isn't usually till something isn't going so good that it gets your attention and you start focusing again.
Esther has said about herself for very many years, "I shine in a crisis." And because she shines in a crisis, she likes to create crises because she likes to shine. She likes it when she can pull them out of some extraordinary. ..she loves it when the computers just go as screwy as they can be because she...
And so what you are really bringing forth here and it is so important is, how important is it to me to feel good? And how far am I willing to deviate from feeling good before I take control and start lining up my energy again? And lots of people don't know anything about lining up energy and so, and they don't know why they are in this vibration and getting all this stuff, and so they've just learned to cope, they've learned to cope, they've learned to cope, they've learned to cope until they've desensitized themselves so much that sometimes it takes some pretty major focusing on what's wrong to get any clarity about what is wanted out of it.
That is the value of that. But it is overrated and it is not very successful very much of the time. Usually does much more.... Because any time you are looking at you don't want you are holding yourself in that vibration longer. You can't get to where you want to be by talking about where you are. You can only get to where you want to be by talking about where you want to be, and
why you want to be there, and what you think it would feel like to be there.
You have to generate the feeling place of that, you see. Helpful?
Guest: Very. Thank you.
Abe: And now, do you feel any inkling to want to explain that to us, or did that sort of go away?
Guest: No. That whole thing has gone away. But I've wondered if I'm supposed to help people that have had the same problem deal with it. So I've thought maybe I'm supposed to go back to school, get a degree....
Abe: No. You're just supposed to live happily ever after.
Guest: Thank you.
Abe: And people who want to live happily ever after will gravitate to you. And sometime it might come up and you might be able to offer some stabilizing words about that, but it is not your work. You did not say "I'll go forth and live a really miserable experience so that I can deal with others who have lived the same miserable experience so that we can live in misery as we
regurgitate our miserable experiences forever more." You did NOT say that.
Guest: Good!
G-7/4/99 (c) Abraham-Hicks Publications
Abraham on counselors
Abraham Hicks,
esther hicks,
feel better,
law of attraction,
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