When you think about something, you are creating...
When you imagine something, you are creating...
When you continplate something, you are creating...
When you ponder something, you are creating...
When you wonder about something, you are creating...
When you make a dision about something, you are creating...
When you have a belief about something, you are creating...
When you don't expect something, you are creating...
When you expect something, you are creating...
When you think of something negative, you are creating...
When you think of something positive, you are creating...
When you write about something, you are creating...
When you paint picture you are creating...
When you make a collage about something you are creating...
When you speak of something, you are creating...
When you share about something you are creating...
When you elaborate on something, you are creating...
When you mince words about something, you are creating...
When you are "wishy washy" about something you are creating...
When you are confindent about something you are creating...
When you "Dear Diary" about something, you are creating...
When you journal about something, you are creating...
When you fax something, you are creating...
When you text something you are creating...
When you Blackberry something, you are creating...
When you blog about it you are creating...
When you e-mail about it you are creating...
When you post about it, you are creating...
When you draw words in the sand, you are creating...
When you relax & allow, you are creating...
When you have fun & do the things you enjoy, you are creating...
When you make lists of appreciation & positive aspects, you are creating...
When you read this & add ideas of your own, you are creating...
In every moment you are creating...
Abraham Hicks,
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