Rampage for health and wellbeing

*I Feel the power and intelligence of my body *
*I know my body will ask and receive exactly what it needs *
*I trust in the natural health and well-being of this wonderful,*
*Self -regulating, perfect organism that is my body*
*My body has been there with me for so many years *
*Lovingly renewing and gathering well-being always *
*Just as I need it to be *
*I appreciate all the wonderful well-ness that my body has given me*
*my body is beautiful and is a loyal well-functioning friend to me*
*I love it that I can go to sleep and my body takes this time to re-align *
*I know that every cell in my body is able to re-tune +renew itself while i
*I trust well-being and I know Well-being is an ever flowing constant *
*Always there for me to allow *
*I love this constancy*
*I love the naturalness of well-being*
*And I love it especially when i allow it and feel it filling me*
*I will take time tonight to soothe myself with gentle easy thoughts +things
*and allow *
*my body to draw all that well-being to me*
*OMG i just revel in this feeling of lightness that comes with my thoughts
of health*
*I love well-being *
*I can easily remember the many times Ive allowed the touch and freedom
streams of well-being*
*I can easily remember running freely *
*and delighting in my body as a child *
*Im letting go of all concerns now *
*I know I can trust the universe *
*i can trust all the wonderful health ive created in the past*
*and all that Ive learned in these last years*
*I am a Divine Expression of Source ..,*
*Thats big *
*I have al the resources of Source flowing within me*
*Im going to put down these oars now*
*I see the Down stream flow of a gentle stream *
*Ill slip into that and just drift for tonight*
*Iknow when I re-emerge inthe morning that I will already feel good *


Abraham Hicks Fan © 2008 Por *Templates para Você*