You would never be discouraged if you knew, as we do, that anything you want must be, and that all you have to do is line up with it. You would never be discouraged if you knew, as we do, that when contrast causes you to clarify a desire, that, in the moment of that clarification, even if you don’t speak words about it, Source immediately says yes to that desire and becomes one with that desire. So, there is no possibility whatsoever anywhere in this Universe that your desire is not being answered in the moment that you give birth to it. But if you don’t know that, if you’re still looking at the gap between your realization that you want it and your realization of the manifestation of it, then, because you have forgotten that it’s going to happen for sure, we can see how you might get discouraged.
Feel the difference between something that you want that you know you can achieve, and how exhilarating that is, and something that you want that you feel powerless to achieve. And what we’re wanting you to understand, is: You need not ever again feel powerless about the achieving of anything— because when you ask, it is given, every single time.
There is no such thing as something that is incurable; there is no such thing as something that is impossible. There’s only vibrational discord with the wellness; that’s what illness is. There’s only vibrational discord with abundance; that’s what poverty is. There’s only vibrational discord with clarity; that’s what confusion is.
You have Guidance within you that will help you to quantify your journeys. And so, you can tell (if you care about how you feel) whether you’re marching, marching, marching towards something that you’re going to like when you gets there. People will say, “Abraham, it came out of the blue!” And we say, hardly. You’ve been beating that drum for a long, long time. And you say, “No, I haven’t. I haven’t been thinking about that. I didn’t think about the specifics of this terrible thing that happened to me.” And we say: You thought about enough things that were a vibrational equivalent to this powerlessness that you are feeling (or to this rage that you are feeling) that you activated a vibration that kept you from going in the direction of what you want, and, in fact, took you directly to what you do not want.
When you are feeling ornery, ornery, ornery, ornery, ornery, ornery, you can’t end up in Happyville. It’s on a different path, you see. When you are frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, everywhere you go, things that are frustrating in nature are there waiting for you. They are waiting for you with open arms. “You planned us,” they say. “You prepared us. You called us from the ethers.” And the Universe and Law of Attraction goes to great trouble (it’s really no trouble at all; it’s just a natural consequence of the Laws of the Universe). Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself is drawn) will meet you around every corner with the essence of your vibrational nature. It’s everywhere you go. That’s what we mean when we say: you take yourself with you.
Have you ever taken an airline trip or a car trip, or any trip, even a hiking trip, where you have made a direct line from where you are to where you want to be? Or, are your trips always ups and downs and around things? In other words, aren’t you just always correcting your course, generally going in the direction? Jerry and Esther are amazed sometimes when they look at a map, and they realize that the road that they were on that says I-10 East doesn’t go east a good deal of the time. It’s really interesting how often it is going north, or even south in its general direction of east.
There are many twists and turns in your road, but you must have your Guidance System activated consciously so that you can tell, when you twist and turn, how you’re wanting to correct yourself—because, of course, things are going to happen—of course. Something’s going to sneak up on you that you didn’t see coming because you weren’t aware that it was active in your vibration. Sometimes, stuff got activated in your vibration when you were really little, when you were living with somebody else whose activation was very strong, and you didn’t even know it got activated until you got old enough that you started watching the manifestational response.
It’s a wonderful thing, that what you think and how you feel is always a vibrational match. It’s a wonderful thing that what you think and how you feel—and what manifests—is always a vibrational match. But if you wait to correct your course until something is already manifested, it’s harder to correct your course. We call that post-manifestational awareness.
It’s ever so much more effective if you are correcting your course, based upon the way you feel, and that you stop in the middle of an ornery moment and you say to yourself, “I’m marching, marching, marching toward something that I’m not going to like when it gets there. Can I find a slightly better approach?”
Now, this is the thing that we really want you to hear: We do not expect you, because no one has ever done it, to go from an ornery vibration directly to bliss—it doesn’t happen. We don’t expect you to immediately correct your course. We don’t expect you to teleport yourself to where you want to be. This is a physical time/space reality where you have this magnificent buffer of time. So, you have plenty of time to get yourself lined up. And with every effort of realignment that you attempt, you will find a slight enough improvement that you will begin to see manifestations that reflect your effort. Even though you’re not all the way to where you want to be, you will see manifestation that reflects your effort. (We’re not kidding you one bit about that.)
So, you might see yourself as standing always at a fork in the road because there is always the option of finding a way that feels better. In other words, wouldn’t it be nice if? Or, making the best of it. Or, there is also the option of, wouldn’t it be awful? Or, making the worst of it. In other words, you get to choose.
We see a lot of you (lovely Beings that you are) making the worst of it over and over again. And do you know why you do that? It’s for very well-meaning reasons. You make the worst of it because, at every level of your Being, you understand that you are supposed to feel good and that things are supposed to go well for you. And when they don’t, you’re, sort of, freaking out on even very deep levels… there’s something that makes you want to shout, “Somebody should call somebody about this! Somebody should call somebody, and somebody should fix something, so that my life goes better,” because you were born with that promise in place. You were born knowing that you are the center of the Universe. You were born knowing that the resources of All-That-Is would back you up. So when something’s going freakishly wrong, we understand your consternation. We understand how frustrating it must be, or how disempowering it must feel. But we want to say to you: All you have to do, is make the best effort you can right now, to fork a little bit in the direction of what you want—that’s all the work is.
You want to demand the world give you what you want. And we say, the world cannot give you what you are demanding. The world is giving you what you’re deserving. The world cannot give you what you’re demanding; the world is giving you what you’re offering vibrationally, and nobody can change what you’re offering vibrationally—but you… We think the reason that you may not be very good at it, yet, is because you want to change too much, too fast. You want the manifestation to change, right now. And we want you to just take this opportunity to mold your vibration. Because as you take this opportunity to mold your vibration, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, not only do you feel better along the way, not only do you have more friendly clerks across the counter, not only do you uplift rather than make people feel terrible, you feel better along your way. Your journey is brighter and brighter. And ah, the manifestations that reach out to you, the people that you rendezvous with, they are equivalent to the vibrational forks that you take in the road.
Don’t be hard on yourself. If you’re standing in a place where you’ve been chopped off at the knees, where you’ve been hit in the gut, where you’re feeling awful, don’t feel bad. Don’t beat up on yourself for not being able to choose the best thought you’ve ever thought. Just choose the best thought you can find from where you are. In other words, just fork off gently in the direction of what is important to you. And before you know it, your path will get brighter and sweeter, and brighter and sweeter. And the people who watch you will say, “You know, you amaze me. Things go well everywhere you go. Why is that so?” And you say, “I’ve come to expect it.” And many of them will say, “Agh.” They don’t want to hear how you expect things to go well. They’ll say, “Oh, that’s because you’re rich. Oh, that’s because you have an entourage that travels with you.” We promise you, no entourage can buck your current. There is no one in the world who can prepare your path for you, you see. You are all as rich as everyone else because you all have the resources of the Universe at your fingertips. And when you take the time, when you care enough to take the time to find the better-feeling thought, now, you’re moving toward something that will please you.
Every step you take, you are marching toward a manifestation. And if you feel good while you’re stepping—you are marching, marching, marching toward things that are going to delight you when they get there. And if you are ornery, if you’re unhappy, if you are frustrated, if you are blameful, if you are angry, if you are hateful, if you are revengeful, if you are fearful, if you are depressed—you are marching, marching, marching toward things that are going to augment that feeling of depression, of anger, of frustration. In other words, the way you feel must net you more stuff that feels like the way you feel.
The better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the worse it gets, the worse it gets, the worse it gets, the worse it gets, the worse it gets. You cannot defy the Laws of the Universe—please give it up! Stop trying to use your words and your action for the stuff that attitude and mood, and vibration are to do. In other words, mold yourself into place. Do the vibrational work before you do the action work, and the action work will be a fraction of what it has been before.
There are three steps to the Creative Process: Step One, you don’t have to worry about; contrast makes you take that step. Contrast causes you to desire or focus, or prefer. Step Two, not your work, anyway. Source and all of the resources of Source answer your request. That’s that vibrational alignment. That’s that one point of vibrational relativity that happens instantaneously.
So, your only work is Step Three. And Step Three is: Can I find a thought right now that feels a little better than the thought I’ve been thinking? That’s all Step Three is. Finding a thought that causes me to feel a vibration (or a feeling) of relief. So, there is allowing of what I want, or disallowing of what I want. There is allowing of what I want, or resisting what I want. You are either practicing the art of allowing, or the art of resisting. When you’re forking off toward things you want, you’re practicing the art of allowing. When you’re forking off to things you don’t want, you’re practicing the art of resistance. And every day, and every moment of your life experience is a perfect reflection of how you’ve been forking. (Good.)
Life Is Supposed To Feel Good
Abraham Hicks,
Art of allowing,
Life is good,
Source Energy,
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