Its OK to Prefer

ELIAS: You all are, as I have stated previously, highly unique individuals, and you DO create individual expressions in relation to your personality types, your orientations, your intents, your natural flow of energy – your expression of yourself.And in this, you create preferences within your physical expression, and as you allow yourselves those preferences, it is unnecessary for you also to be automatically creating judgments upon elements within your reality that you do NOT prefer.
BASHAR:Judgement is invalidating that which you do not prefer. Whenever you judge anything, by focusing your attention on it, you exchange energies with it, and so you "become" that vibration. So you automatically become the very thing you disapprove of. You become that which you invalidate. Preference, on the other hand, is not judgement. Preference is exercising your ability to discern what is really "you", what excites you, and then making choices aligned with the real "you". To prefer one thing does not necessitate invalidating those other things you do not prefer.


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