Before you start another one... Some of you ARE in the perfect place - do you realize?
Before you come together in your next relationship, that you come to the place of understanding that the way you feel is purely up to you. You've practiced moving up the emotional scale on many topics, so you are feeling pretty good about almost everything. And now you are in a place the Universe is going to bring to you somebody who is in that same vibrational place.
What can I do before I start that next relationship?
Abraham Hicks,
How can I train myself to feel good all the time?
You'll get better and better at selectively sifting... Here's the thing that we most want you to hear so that it doesn't feel so hard or so futile to you -- each time you deliberately choose a good feeling thought for no other reason than you want a good feeling thought, it activates a vibration within you that makes it that much easier for you to choose the next good feeling thought. Until eventually what you *mostly have access to* are the good feeling thoughts. You can have heaven on earth right here in this physical body and you can within a very short period of time train yourself, orient yourself to the best feeling aspects of everything.
Abraham-Hicks -- Atlanta workshop
Abraham Hicks,
feel good,
law of attraction,
The Power Is Within You - Louise Hay
Who are you? Why are you here? What are your beliefs about life? For thousands of years, finding the answers to these questions has meant going within. But what does that mean?
I believe there is a Power within each of us that can lovingly direct us to our perfect health, perfect relationships, perfect careers, and which can bring us prosperity of every kind. In order to have these things, we have to believe first that they are possible. Next, we must be willing to release the patterns in our lives that are creating conditions we say we do not want. We do this by going within and tapping the Inner Power that already knows what is best for us. If we are willing to turn our lives over to this greater Power within us, the Power that loves and sustains us, we can create more loving and prosperous lives.
I believe that our minds are always connected to the One Infinite Mind, and therefore, all knowledge and wisdom is available to us at any time. We are connected to this Infinite Mind, this Universal Power that created us, through that spark of light within, our Higher Self, or the Power within. The Universal Power loves all of Its creations. It is a Power for good and It directs everything in our lives. It doesn't know how to hate or lie or punish. It is pure love, freedom, understanding, and compassion. It is important to turn our lives over to our Higher Self, because through It we receive our good.
We must understand that we have the choice to use this Power in any way. If we choose to live in the past and re-hash all of the negative situations and conditions that went on way back when, then we stay stuck where we are. If we make a conscious decision not to be victims of the past and go about creating new lives for ourselves, we are supported by this Power within, and new, happier experiences begin to unfold. I don't believe in two powers. I think there is One Infinite Spirit. It's all too easy to say, "It's the devil," or them. It really is only us, and either we use the power we have wisely or we misuse the power. Do we have the devil in our hearts? Do we condemn others for being different than we are? What are we choosing?
I also believe that we contribute toward the creation of every condition in our lives, good or bad, with our thinking, feeling patterns. The thoughts we think create our feelings, and we then begin to live our lives in accordance with these feelings and beliefs. This is not to blame our-selves for things going wrong in our lives. There is a difference between being responsible and blaming ourselves or others.
When I talk about responsibility, I am really talking about having power. Blame is about giving away one's power. Responsibility gives us the power to make changes in our lives. If we play the victim role, then we are using our personal power to be helpless. If we decide to accept responsibility then we don't waste time blaming somebody or something out there. Some people feel guilty for creating illness, or poverty, or problems. They choose to interpret responsibility as guilt. (Some members of the media like to refer to it as New Age Guilt.) These people feel guilty because they believe that they have failed in some way. However, they usually accept everything as a guilt trip in one way or another because it's another way to make themselves wrong. That is not what I’m talking about.
If we can use our problems and illnesses as opportunities to think about how we can change our lives, we have power. Many people who come through catastrophic illness say that it was the most wonderful thing that ever happened to them because it gave them a chance to go about their lives differently. A lot of people, on the other hand, go around saying, "I'm a victim, woe is me. Please…doctor, fix me." I think these people will have a difficult time even getting well or handling their problems.
Responsibility is our ability to respond to a situation. We always have a choice. It does not mean that we deny who we are and what we have in our lives. It merely means that we can acknowledge that we have contributed to where we are. By taking responsibility, we have the power to change. We can say, "What can I do to make this different?" We need to understand that we all have personal power all the time. It depends on how we use it.
Many of us are now realizing that we come from dysfunctional homes. We carry over a lot of negative feelings about who we are and our relationship to life. My child-hood was filled with violence, including sexual abuse. I was starved for love and affection and had no self-esteem at all. Even after leaving home at the age of 15, I continued to experience abuse in many forms. I hadn't yet realized that the thinking, feeling patterns I had learned early in life had brought this abuse upon me.
Children often respond to the mental atmosphere of the adults around them. So I learned early about fear and abuse and continued to recreate those experiences for my-self as I grew up. I certainly didn't understand that I had the power to change all of this. I was unmercifully hard on myself because I interpreted lack of love and affection to mean I must be a bad person.
All of the events you have experienced in your lifetime up to this moment have been created by your thoughts and beliefs from the past. Lees not look back on our lives with shame. Look at the past as part of the richness and fullness of your life. Without this richness and fullness, we would not be here today. There is no reason to beat yourself up because you didn't do better. You did the best you knew how. Release the past in love, and be grateful that it has brought you to this new awareness.
The past only exists in our minds and in the way we choose to look at it in our minds. This is the moment we are living. This is the moment we are feeling. This is the moment we are experiencing. What we are doing right now is laying the groundwork for tomorrow. So this is the moment to make the decision. We can't do anything tomorrow and we can't do it yesterday. We can only do it today. What is important is what we are choosing to think, believe, and say right now.
When we begin to take conscious charge of our thoughts and words, then we have tools that we can use. I know this sounds simple, but remember, the point of power is always in the present moment.
It is important for you to understand that your mind is not in control. You are in control of your mind. The Higher Self is in control. You can stop thinking those old thoughts. When your old thinking tries to come back and say, "It's so hard to change," take mental command. Say to your mind, "I now choose to believe it is becoming easy for me to make changes." you may have this conversation with your mind several times before it acknowledges that you are in charge and that you really mean what you say.
Imagine that your thoughts are like drops of water. One thought or one drop of water does not mean very much. As you repeat thoughts over and over, you first notice a stain on the carpet, then there is a little puddle, then a pond, and as these thoughts continue, they can become a lake, and finally an ocean. What kind of ocean are you creating? One that is polluted and toxic and unfit to swim in, or one that is crystal clear and blue and invites you to enjoy its refreshing waters?
People often tell me, "I can't stop thinking a thought." I always reply, "Yes, you can." Remember, how often have you refused to think a positive thought? You just have to tell your mind that that is what you are going to do. You have to make up your mind to stop thinking negatively. I'm not saying that you have to fight your thoughts when you want to change things. When the negative thoughts come up, simply say, "Thank you for sharing." In that way, you are not denying what is there, and you are not giving your power over to the negative thought. Tell yourself that you are not going to buy into the negativity anymore. You want to create another way of thinking. Again, you don't have to fight your thoughts. Acknowledge and go beyond them. Don't drown in a sea of your own negativity, when you can float on the ocean of life.
You are meant to be a wonderful, loving expression of life. Life is waiting for you to open up to it--to feel worthy of the good it holds for you. The wisdom and intelligence of the Universe is yours to use. Life is here to support you. Trust the Power within you to be there for you.
law of attraction,
louise hay,
We create our reality in every moment
We know that we create our reality with our thoughts and feelings. But sometimes we feel that we have been having negative thoughts and feelings for a period of time in the past, therefore the effects are inevitably going to manifest in the present soon. We start to think that we can’t stop them from happening since we have already been putting energy into their creation. But the truth is we have no idea how much control we have over our reality creation in every moment. There are no limits what we can do. This power of freewill enables us to choose how things should go in the moment so that we can make a choice in the present at that point. To reality create in the moment, slip out of normal awareness and lock yourself into a dream like state. Visualize what you need in that moment and then return back to normal awareness and continue what you were doing. We should do our visualization in the alpha state instead of the beta state. It’s the daydream state. Dreams turn into reality when you focus on them. The entire process should take no longer than five seconds, and the results are amazing. You normally visualize a lot in the alpha state when you are daydreaming but you are unaware of what you’re doing, therefore you are surprised and shocked when the actual event manifest in physical reality. When you reality create in the moment, you are using this daydream visualization deliberately. This simple and powerful act is all you need to turn an uneasy situation into a pleasant one whenever you need to.
Enoch Tan
enoch tan,
law of attraction,
mental universe,
Abraham on death
Q: I was listening to a tape and you made a statement that there is no suicide....
Abe: Well, actually what we said is [all deaths are]....
Q: That's right, [all deaths are] suicide. That's right, that's right.
Abe: All death is that because everything is self-created.
Q: Okay. Well, I had a question... I recently got married and my brother-in-law, he passed away at 39 years old very unexpectedly and two days after Thanksgiving. And it was just a shock to everybody. That day he was going to a concert with his girlfriend, they were going out to dinner. (Very choked up.) He was very happy, talked to everybody. And then he was gone.
Abe: Well, not really.
Q: Well, yeah. So, you know, I'm part of the family but I'm new to the family, so it's been hard for me to watch everybody else in the family, [and] my wife, deal with it. And I was just wondering, like, I really believe that he is in a better place, you know, he chose that, and that he's up there. And actually when I was out running one morning I had a conversation with him (choked up again) and he told me to tell them a few things, and I felt a little resistant at first, but I did tell the parents what he had said, you know, "Don't worry, everything's okay." And it was really some things that he would have said, so I know I was connected to it. And I guess my question is, is there anything I can do to help them with this?
Abe: There are so many things that we're wanting to give you around this subject. We're going to go right to the heart of it because we think you're ready for it, and that is: you still believe that death is a bad thing. It feels like something that shouldn't have happened and something that if there had been any way that we could have prevented it we would have, and something that has gone wrong. And part of the reason that powerful teachers that are in conscious concert with others like you, who are other powerful teachers -- in other words, the reason that someone this young and this vital does something like that is to assist all of you in understanding that there *is not death*.There are a number of things -- it's hard for you to hear, but we're going to really go after this because we think if anyone will hear it you will. We can feel the intensity of your desire and yet you're not in a place of such closeness to it that you can't hear what we're saying....physical beings have treated the subject of death as something not wanted and something inappropriate for so long, and yet you have yourselves in an impossible [position] -- this is something every single one of you are going to experience. How do you stand pushing so hard against something that is so inevitable? Do you feel the absurdity of that? And the best way that we can... [help you] hear this maybe in a different way is to say to you: in this Universe that has at this basis only Well-Being, how could something as abhorrent as you think death is even exist...? And what it is, all that what you call death is, is your ultimate pinching yourself off from Source. In other words, it's sort of like every bad dream you've ever had, every negative thought you've ever had, every reason that you've ever used as your excuse to not allow energy to flow in this moment sort of culminates into the great subject that you all call death. That's how big and bad and ugly and awful this subject is to you.And it's an interesting thing for us to get our thoughts around because it is something that doesn't even exist and it is the thing that you all use to not allow yourself to live. In other words, the circle of this complex subject is... (brief pause to search for words) very funny. (Laughter.) It is very funny to get a look at it in this way, you see.When you understand that you are eternal beings -- in other words, you walk into this room, you all come willingly and yet you have not committed your life to being in this room. In a few hours, you're going to get up and you're going to walk out of here and everybody's going to say that's just fine. And yet when somebody makes their transition, which is no different than that -- they just withdraw their attention from one room and give their attention to another room -- you all act like it's the end of the world.Jerry and Esther have a new cat that they kidnapped when they were in Louisiana -- well, the cat really kidnapped them. It sort of appeared at their motor home and said, "I want to live with you," and the owner of the park said, "We want you to take this cat," and ultimately they did. And now this cat -- Loveable Cat is her name, they call her L.C. -- she lives at the office. And Jerry wanted her to have freedom, and so in the beautiful new office building the carpenters cut a door for L.C. to come in and out. And the building is very thick, and the doors are metal so they could not put the cat door in the door. So they put it in the building and built a chute, and so there's about this much distance from outside to inside. At first, she did not like the idea of the door. Jerry said it was like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. (Laughter.) And then he watched her, her first emergence, and it was a very interesting thing because here she's standing in the break room, a very beautiful room inside, and then she leaps up onto her shelf that has been build and she pokes herself through the tube and then out into the bright sunlight.Well, death is sort of like that. In other words, it's not a bigger transition than that. It is something that is going from one perspective to another, but there is no sense of having left behind something. Instead, there is the exhilaration about what is on the other side. Now the thing that we're wanting you to understand is that once L.C. goes outside, she is equally free to come back in. So she's in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out, and that is the way it is from the nonphysical perspective. In other words, the conversation that you had was a very real conversation -- nonphysical consciousness is here with you all the time. The question is why have those of you who are still remaining in the break room, why have you limited yourself only to that experience? And that really is what these workshops are about. We're wanting to help you consciously reconnect with that broader self that you know you are. And once you gain that awareness of the wholeness of who you are, then you're like the cat that's back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth, not feeling any big deal about it, having a glorious experience no matter where your consciousness is focused, you see.Physical beings feel so earthbound in the fact that you think you only can stay in the break room. In other words, you don't know you have access to all of that other stuff. And we know that even as we speak about death that you're really not worried about those that have made the transition. You consciously know that they really are doing very, very well. The problem that you are having and the worry that you feel is for those that feel as if they have been left behind. And that's the whole point of our conversation -- we want you to understand that you are not left behind, but you have to accept the fullness of who you are in order to understand that.
Abraham Hicks,
law of attraction,
Virtual Reality
This Virtual Reality Process is not one where you try to fix something that is broken. It is one where you deliberately activate a scene in your own mind that causes you to offer a vibration matching the scene you have activated—and as you practice visualizing pleasant scenes in your mind, these good-feeling vibrations can then become your new set-point.
Most are presenting the majority of their vibrational offering in response to things, people, and conditions that they are observing. And so, the lives of most people continue to unfold very much as they have been, with no significant improvement from day to day. This is because there is not much thought being offered that is much different from what has already been experienced. However, the game of Virtual Reality will change that, because an application of this process, on any subject of your choice, will cause your vibration to move far beyond where you are currently standing. Since the Universe responds to your vibration—and not to what you are living right now, amazing things can now begin to flow into your experience even though they have never done so before. The thing that we see that most commonly trips you up is that in the contrast—which is necessary and valuable to help you give birth to a rocket of desire—often there is an activation of many kinds of jumbled Energy. Usually, in order for you to know that you want something, you have to pretty well have chewed on details or events that have helped you know what you do not want. In other words, when do you speak most clearly about wanting to be well? Usually when you are less than well, correct? When does your strongest desire for more money really kick into high gear? Most likely when there is not enough money.
When you are confused, that is when you want more clarity, right? When you are overwhelmed, isn’t that when you want more serenity? And when you are bored, isn’t that when you want more stimulation? Remember, the Creative Workshop Process comprises three steps: (1) Ask (that is easy, you do it all the time). (2) Answer the asking (that is not your work—Source Energy does that). (3) Allow (be in the receiving mode of what you are asking for). It is important that you realize that Steps 1 and 3 are different. When you are focused upon, or praying for, something you really want or need, often you are not a vibrational match to the thing you want. Instead, you are a match to the absence of it.
When the bills all come at once, there is not enough money to pay them, and you feel frightened and fearful and say, “I need more money,” or you try to use more positive words such as “I want more money,” you are doing Step 1. You are setting forth your desire. But you are not in Step 3, so you are holding yourself apart from what you are asking for.
You are continually asking. You cannot stop asking; contrast is evoking the desire from you. Your real work is to find a way to be in the receiving mode. It is similar to wanting to receive a satellite or radio signal. To do so, you have to set your receiver on the same wavelength as the transmitter or you are going to get static; you are not going to get a clear signal. In like manner, you recognize the alignment of your (transmitted and received) signals by feeling the alignment of your emotions. In other words, when you are out there in that ragged place where you are feeling frazzled and frustrated or angry and hurt, you are out of alignment.
We want you to relax and not be so hard on yourself when you find yourself in a place of negative emotion. Negative emotion is a good thing in that it is letting you know that some tweaking is required in order for you to be in harmony with who you are.
If you are really out of sync; in other words, if you can really feel that you are not in a good-feeling place, then a more soothing process that we would recommend would be that of Meditation. Because when you quiet your mind, you stop thought, and when you stop thought, your vibration automatically rises. Of course, if you can find something to focus upon, something that you can easily appreciate, then the Rampage of Appreciation Process would be an even better one because you can do it under all conditions no matter where you are. But this process of Virtual Reality will help you in two specific ways: You will become accustomed to the way non-resistance feels, so you will recognize when you have moved into resistant thought at an earlier stage when it is easier to move back out again. And, in every moment that you are in your state of non-resistance, the Law of Attraction will be responding to you in a positive way.
The more you practice the process of Virtual Reality, the more you will be practicing the vibration of no resistance; the more you practice the vibration of no resistance, the better you will feel, and, of course, the things that you want will now easily begin to flow into your experience as well. For example, imagine the following scenario:
Place: A lovely, white sandy beach. “It’s wintertime, but the weather is delightful. It’s 70 degrees with scattered clouds, and the air feels wonderful on my skin. “I have no shoes on, so I’m enjoying the feeling of the cool, clean sand under my feet. My clothes are loose fitting and very comfortable, and I feel very good in my body. And I am lazily walking down the
beach, feeling strong, happy, and secure. “My five-year-old granddaughter is with me, and she is loving this glorious day, as I am. She’s glad to be with me, but she does not seem to need me to entertain her; and I’m enjoying watching her happy, selfempowered activity as she runs, digs in the sand, and enjoys this lovely beach. I’m very glad that we’ve come to this place. It was a very good choice. “My granddaughter runs up to me, holding a shell that she’s discovered, and with a gleeful sweet voice and bright sparkling eyes, she says, ‘Grandma, I’m so happy we’re here. Thank you for bringing us here.’ And I tell her, ‘You are most welcome, sweet girl. I love being here with you.’“Now this is a good time to get out.
“If I Can Get There Emotionally, I Can Get Anywhere”
“Right now I am going to find the best-feeling thought that I can. I am going to reach for more relief, more relief, more relief.” Remember:
• Rage gives you a feeling of relief from depression, grief, despair, fear, guilt, or powerlessness.
• Revenge gives you a feeling of relief from rage.
• Anger gives you a feeling of relief from revenge.
• Blame gives you a feeling of relief from anger.
• Overwhelment gives you a feeling of relief from blame.
• Irritation gives you a feeling of relief from overwhelment.
• Pessimism gives you a feeling of relief from irritation.
• Hopefulness gives you a feeling of relief from pessimism.
• Optimism gives you a feeling of relief from hopefulness.
• Positive Expectation gives you a feeling of relief from optimism.
• Joy gives you a feeling of relief from positive expectation.
In time, and with practice, you will become very adept at understanding what your Emotional Guidance System is telling you. Once you make a determined decision to continually reach for the relief that an improved emotion brings, you will find yourself feeling good most of the time, and allowing into your experience all the things you desire.
Attention to how you are feeling is necessary in order to understand everything that is happening to you. How you feel—and the feeling of relief that you discover as you reach for better-feeling thoughts—is your only true measurement of what you are attracting into your experience.
Ask and it is given
“If I Know So Much, How Come I’m Not Successful?”
There is never a reason for you to be without something that you desire. Nor is there ever a reason for you to experience something that you do not desire—for you hold absolute control of your experiences.
Sometimes our physical friends disagree with that powerful statement, for they often find themselves without something that they desire, or with something that they do not desire. And so, they argue that they must not really be the creator of their own experience, for they would not have done that to themselves; if they were really in control, things would be different.
We want you to know that you always hold the power and control of your own life experience. The only reason that you could ever experience something other than what you desire is because you are giving the majority of your attention to something other than what you desire.
Abe on Conspiracies!
GUEST: I've heard about the secret government in health conspiracies and very powerful men that want to control resources and create a lot of evil for the human race. I'm a naturopath. I work with health, and I'm frustrated by the health cover-ups that this so-called secret government has caused. And I'm wanting good for my clients. I'm wanting a way for them to have health.
ABRAHAM: You raise a very good question. And we want to give you an answer that will leave you in a place of feeling relief. Let's say, just for the sake of this discussion, that it's not just paranoid people picking up on a stream of thought and magnifying it. Let's pretend that everything you heard is true. As you project thought, that thought exists eternally, which means that every thought that you've ever thought exists. It also means that every thought that everyone else has ever thought exists -- and by Law of Attraction those thoughts are coalescing. So there are literally rivers of thoughts that you can tap into by focusing upon something long enough that you find vibrational harmony with it. You cannot protect yourself from something that you do not want because as you addressing this thing that you do not want -- you are finding vibrational harmony with this thing that you do not want. And now that you have found vibrational harmony with it, it comes to you. And then you say, "See, they were right. That terrible reality that they talked about is accurate and I have proof of it." And we say, "All you've proved is that you have the ability to find vibrational harmony with something you don't want." Every thought that has ever been thought still exists. And so, as an individual, what you are really wanting to do is appreciate that it exists, so that from it you can get a basis of your own desire. And then, as you individually align with your basis of desire -- then that's the life that you live. This free will, that means so much to you when you are getting your way -- you would like to take away from those who are getting their way if their way does not agree with your way. Fortunately, you can never orchestrate that from your position. Many of you try. You get together and you say, "This is true evil. This absolutely a wrong thing. Let's get enough of us together that we can push against that." And all you do as you get a bunch of you together to push against it is create more of it and make sure that you are more likely to be in vibrational harmony with it. We will put your mind at ease just a little bit by offering you one very clear statement. Your government is not that clever. You are giving them way too much credit. Every feeling of victim, every feeling of paranoia, every feeling of vulnerability, that has been projected from the beginning of man's experience here on this planet, is running like a river. And every now and again someone will tap into that stream and speak it as truth -- and what they are speaking is their truth. What they are speaking is what they are finding vibrational harmony with. What they are speaking is an option that is certainly available to all of you. Most of you are not aware of what the vibrations, that you are offering, are attracting back to you." So, if you mean well, if you want well, but you are not getting well, and you don't understand because nobody's explained to you the correlation between what you are thinking and feeling and what you are getting -- that's a breeding ground for paranoia. Because then you say, "Well, I'm certainly not doing it to myself. Somebody else must be doing it to me." And as it shows up everywhere you go, it must be somebody really, really good, somebody who has spies and networks and satellites. "How could I keep having these same negative experiences everywhere I go? I know I'm not doing it to me. So somebody else must be doing it. And if they're this good, they must be really good. It must be government or other galaxies. It's a huge conspiracy." And we say, It's a self-perpetuated conspiracy. It's you hooking into victimhood or into the vulnerability and holding yourself apart from Well-being, and then blaming somebody else because the Well-being doesn't come to you. Law of Attraction says Well-being can't come to you when you're so aware that you are standing over here where you don't want to be. So you blame your plight on your mother or on the government or on some evil conspiracy, and we say, All you need to do is just relax and lighten up and let your Energy raise, and Well-being will come back to you. And then, who do you give that credit to? When Well-being happens, why aren't there any "giant conspiracies of Well-being" out there? You never hear it, do you? "The government has secret things that are happening that are making things go well for me. Traffic lights are turning green and friends are calling me and dollars are flowing. There's a conspiracy of health in our neighborhood. I look around and almost everyone I see is up and alive and well. Children are smiling and going to school. The traffic, for the most part, is going very well. Only a fraction of our traffic ever goes wrong. A conspiracy. A conspiracy
."Excerpted from the workshop in Dallas,
law of attraction,
Old dog
Guest: We have an old dog...a bit feeble, it's disturbing to watch physical forms age...can we stop aging?
Abraham: If you can stop watching television and think thoughts that are different from what your mass consciousness is thinking, you can be an exception to what they've got going on. But you can't control what they've got going on.In other words, you can't create in another's reality. You can only create in your own reality, but you can create differently from the masses that surround you.Your beasts, we like that you brought them into it. Your beasts are a very good example. If your beast were not domesticated and had not been socialized by you and had not come to care about what you think, your beast would not have lived long enough for you to see decline. Because it isn't your beast's wish. The animals understand that they can come into a body and regain full maturity very rapidly, so they don't mind coming and going and coming and going and coming and going.In fact, they prefer those frisky, frisky bodies! It's why very often they will just run out in front of your car. Because it says, "Ready for a new one!!!" And "Easy come, easy go!"But when an animal or a human gets attached to your attachment to them, now their own intentionality gets sort of watered down and sometimes they'll serve you in hanging around beyond what they would choose if they were completely tuned in, tapped in and turned on.And so we have said for a long time that the domesticated animals begin to act more like humans and you don't find old decrepit, declining wolves in the wild. They just don't do it. You think they are all in the prime of their lives because they come into the prime of life quickly and they live at the prime of life and when the prime of life is past, they go off into the bushes and they go to sleep. They don't even have to get run over by a truck or anything! They can withdraw their consciousness from this apparatus because they have no discomfort about the coming and going of consciousness into the physical.
Asheville 10/22/06
Abraham Hicks,
Are Economic Business Slumps Natural Phenomena?
Guest: Is there such a thing as an economic cycle? Is there a natural law to economics, like summer is summer, and fall is fall.
Abraham: Your economics are, in terms of your individual success, your exposure to contrast which gives you your idea of desire, and then your success has to do with your alignment. So, the alignment of your own Energy is the only thing that causes anything to affect you. Of course, your Energy is affected by what you think about other things. And so, your economy is the consensus of the mass consciousness thought, because, as you have become a global world, and as you are all tied into the same media information, you can simultaneously be affected -- and therefore mass consciousness is affected -- therefore your economic conditions are more world wide experiences.*These are rip roaring times. This is the leading edge of thought. There is not a reason for there ever to be a decline. And the declines are always false. Always man-made. Never necessary. And they always serve some extremely well*.As we watch your television and we see, through Esther's eyes, the newscasts, we notice that although the good news of your planet is huge in proportion to the bad news -- the bad news is what is amplified and given to you. What the media is showing you, is the bleakest picture, in order to get your attention, because that sells newspapers or television programs, or whatever. And even if they are all doing it, it does not need to affect you. But, it usually does affect you. And as it affects you, then there is a greater ripple effect. How could you go through eight years of one presidential administration, having economic booming times, and then days into a new administration, have economic disaster? It is because a handful of people began saying a handful of things that a few billion listened to. And so, it affected a few billion vibrations, and now you're having the ripple effect of all of that. It is a powerful example of the power of mind.There are popular trends and there are unpopular trends. And positive attitude has, as long as you've been in your physical body, not been a very popular trend. It doesn't sell newspapers. It doesn't sell television programs. (It doesn't sell "protection" .) If you are in a position that you are wanting to soothe people's troubles, then isn't an aggravation of their troubles beneficial to you? That's sort of what is at the heart of all ofthat.*You are having glorious economic times, and there is not a reason for it to be otherwise for you individually. You are having glorious economic times.And there is not a reason for it to be otherwise for you as individuals, or you collectively. But don't let what they are doing, collectively, affect you individually. It need not. Begin making statements that always keep youin the receiving mode: *"I'm not affected by what's happening outside of me. I'm only affected by the alignment of Energy between my desires. I'm actually benefiting by what's taking place here, because I'm giving more thought to what I am really wanting. I am fine tuning my desires in a more powerful way. I'm pulling more Energy through me than I ever have before. And I'm more deliberately paying attention to when I'm in the receiving mode than when I am not.*"I anticipate that I will thrive even more during these economic times.These are boom times for me. I'm clearer about what I am knowing. I'm in a much better place this time than at any other time. All is really well here, and the Law of Attraction will sort everything out, and we are all doing extremely well." *When you hear others that are expressing otherwise, sometimes it is to your advantage to stop, just for a brief moment, and ask: what is their reason for perpetuating this? In many cases, they haven't thought it through. But, sometimes the answer will be, it is to their economic advantage to do so. And as you begin to acknowledge how many people are using this to their economic advantage -- you won't worry about the economy any more. Economics has always been about supply and demand. So if you are the diamond dealer and people are digging diamonds up in their back yard, you might wantto go find something more rare, like a chunk of coal, or something like that. *There is no shortage. We know that there is no shortage, because we know that when you ask, the Universe has the ability to yield. There cannot be a shortage. All there can be is an individual or a whole bunch of individual scutting themselves off from the supply of Well-being -- by finding one thing or another to be upset about. *Remember, there are the three points... You ask, the Universe yields, and you just must be in the receiving mode. It does not matter what games anybody else is playing. You have the ability to stand in a place of prosperity -- no matter what. And so, is there ever, really any shortage? There is never ever, ever, ever, ever any shortage! It is all something that is man's making. Sometimes deliberate, sometimes indeliberate. But it isnever reality. It is only a perception of reality.Life is good, let it be. It is our powerful wanting that you let yourself receive half the benefit that we all receive in our interaction through you. It's time for you to begin letting it in.
There is great love here for you.
Life is good,
receving mode,
Guest: When things come into my life that aren't necessarily good. I ask,"Why do I need this contrast? How'd I create this?" and try and find a reason for it being there.
Abe: Well we can make it really simple for you. The reason that it is there is because you were not focused upon what you wanted.It's sort of like - if you drive your car into the ditch, do you sit there for a long time and try to comprehend why you're in the ditch or do you just start trying to figure out how to get out of the ditch?And it's the same sort of thing - in other words, you got in the ditch because you weren't paying attention. And you get out of the ditch by paying attention. And for a while after you get out of the ditch you usually pay more attention for a while. In fact - sometimes even when you see somebody else in the ditch you pay more attention for a while. But - there is really - we think that what's complicating this is that it is true, and we really recommend, that you make the best of whatever happens. So sometimes when you're in a place that you don't want to be, it is to your greater advantage to say "Well, I received this clarity from it and I received this value from it." rather than saying "Well this was just really dumb thing and no good has come from it." And so, it is always good to do your best to look for the positive aspects. But, we would not spend any time looking for the lesson or looking for the value when you're in some spot that you clearly do not want to be in. We would just start saying "Wait a minute, it's not luck and it's not chance and it's not karma and it's not what somebody else did. I had my vibration, my attention upon something that brought me right here. And now I'm here,I'm really really sure I don't want to be here. I think I won't do that again. I think I'll start thinking about things that feel better to me when I think about them."
- Abraham-Hicks, Asheville 10/24/04
Abraham Hicks,
Soul mates
Q: A person that I really would like to be in myl ife asked me to ask you when she's going to meet her soul mate.
Abe: Well, our answer to her is: when she no longer
thinks it's missing. (Pause.) Sound familiar?
Q: Mm-hm.
Abe: Our answer to her is: when she achievesvibrational alignment with that which is her soul,then she will recognize that which matches that. And until then, that soul mate could be right under her nose and she would not know it.
Abe -- Boston, MA, 10/2/04
Guest. So if your inner being could have concurrently be incarnated into a multitude of individuals in the physical format as we know it today, what are the implications of that in relation to your own individuality and stuff like that.
Abe. Well, you would have full individuality. In fact much of the time if one of those aspects were to run into another one of those aspects you would not even have a recognition of it. It is the true implication of the term soul mate or twin flame. When you are in a moment of true connection which just means that you have no resistance, your cork is floating, your energy is vibrating in that high pure fast place that is natural to you. And you were to bump into one of those other aspects that was the same energy and that physical human also was in a moment of appreciation and connection, when the two of you rendezvoused, you would have a strong delicious encounter. That's truly what that in love feeling is. That's truly what that feeling of coming home is. You know those people that you've met where you just feel so attracted and so at one that's what it is. But also, remember our vibrational meter that we talked about yesterday where when there is strong positive emotion,which means passion, which means true connection, which means strong wanting and no resistance and on the other end of that stick is that strong negative emotion, lots of times those people that are the raspiest, most hard to deal with people that you run into, they are soul mates too. And one or the other of you, and usually both of you,are not well connected to source and when you rendezvous you are on different wavelengths. And so there is a clashing. There is a powerful and strong desire and intent that in this moment is not being satisfied and when the two of you get together and see each other in your disconnection, sparks fly from the friction.
San Diego
"You gotta care how you feel. Now having said that, we want you to care how you feel, we just don't want you to beat yourself up about how you feel. We don't want you to feel bad about feeling bad. We want you to feel glad that you know that you feel bad. We want you to feel glad that you are aware of your guidance, because now you've activated your awareness of which way is the way you want to go. When Jerry and Esther are in Yuma or out there in the desert - they are not mad that they are not in San Diego, because they know they are on their way to San Diego! And so even though they are not where they want to be, they have not yet reached their destination, they are not mad. They are just aware that they are not there. And that's what your emotions mean to you. They are not the basis with which you club yourself over the head and pronounce yourself unworthy. They are the basis, they are the basis, they are only the basis. Let's see if we can really be clear about this: They are only the basis that determines the direction of your movement. They are not there as punishment, they are not there as warning bells in the sense that you are being warned about something, they are only there to help you determine the direction of your course, you see. We don't see you get into your automobile and be angry because the gas tank appears to be empty. We don't see you sticking a happy face sticker over it because you don't like to see the empty gauge.."I feel better not knowing that"...(laughter) ...instead, you're glad for the indicator, because it causes you to be able to do something that's gonna make your life more comfortable, and you've got this gauge going on all the time - that is your emotional gauge that lets you know wether you are moving in the direction of what you want or wether you are moving in the direction of what you don't want. And so as we move on now, we want to leave you with these concluding words, cause this is the part that as you get it, you will be a deliberate, powerful creator for ever more: ...g-o-o-d feels g-o-o-d... (laughter) ...and not so good itsn't so good. In other words: The way you feel matters."
(Abraham-Hicks, workshop 10/23/05 Asheville, NC)
I want a mate
On the subject of attracting a mate
Abraham: So, just ramble a little bit. Just talk about what you want and why.
Guest: I want a mate who's a good friend, a playmate, someone to exchange ideas, to bring the best out of both of us....
Abe: Good. Now these are very good things. Now take that into a picture that brings more sensual, and we're not talking about sexual, we're talking about sensory perception. We want you to talk about it in a way that you feel like you're already there. And an easy way to way to do that is to remember any fun conversation that you've ever had with anyone. In other words, can you get inside that feeling of what it's like to just sit and visit with a good friend and you're on the same wavelength and you're almost not even needing to speak words because you're so in tune with each other that you're saying the same words over the top of each other? And as you're having experiences together you're just looking at each other and laughing, no words are even necessary because this thing that is manifested is exactly what you were just talking about and the Universe has delivered something to you that is so real and so on target with what you were talking about that it's like you and all of the Universe is in on this game together? Can you get the feeling of this? Can you imagine being so comfortable with this person, there is no feeling of embarrassment or negative judgement. In other words, there is just absolute adoration. You adore this person and you know this person
adores you. And so there you are in this lovely, comfortable interchange of unconditional love for each other. Can you feel how that feels? Now you see it's those kinds of little self-conversations that provide the vibrational nucleus that becomes your point of attraction that brings precisely what you are wanting. But most people who are standing in the place that you are standing that are wanting something like that aren't having those kinds of thoughts at all. Instead, they're having lonely thoughts, or they're remembering negative experiences.
Guest: But when you say that, and when I get to that feeling that you created, I can see myself with this person, but I had also utterly bad experiences with, though we had all that I'm trying to....
Abe: So what you're saying is, every relationship is a mixed bag. (Yeah...) It's sort of like the wedding vows that someone conjured that says "In sickness, and in health. And in good times, and in bad times. And we will stay together no matter how bad we are to each other" sort of rings in your ears. And what you are wanting to do, you see, this is what we're talking about, about selectively sifting. You get to choose what aspects of that individual you hold in your consciousness. But it isn't until, oh here it is, it isn't until your dominant intent is to feel good that you discover this magic. As long as you're logically or realistically examining things you *have* to get the sickness and the health, the good times and the bad times.But you see it is only the physical world that is asking for your logic. The nonphysical world is asking for your obsession*. Your obsession with joy, your obsession with what feels good, your obsession with a floating cork, you see...." "...And we want you to become so sensitive to feeling good, that you are wanting to examine the positive parts of relationships. Sometimes if a relationship, or any particle of your experience, is a really mixed bag, where there are powerful things that feel good as well as powerful things that feel bad, sometimes it's better to stay off that subject altogether because as soon as you get hold of a piece that feels good it takes you right to a piece that feels bad. And often it is easier to go into, in other words, to pretend something or to remember a fairy tale or to read a book. Just remember, your work is to find things to ponder about the subject of a relationship that feel good to you. That is your homework. And if you can do it effectively for a week, wonderful people will start showing up in your life.
Guest: Thank you.
Abe: They're lined up outside your door."
feel good,
law of attraction,
Guest: Can you talk about 2012?
-What about 2012? It'll be right after 2011! (laughter) It'll be incrementally different as everything is.
-Do you remember the Harmonic Convergence? Everyone said "Did I miss something?" (hahaha) Boston 6/2/2007,
2/27/05 San Francisco CA
Q: ... received some information. .. on ascension... There is so many varying points of view in the non-physical as there are in the physical...
Abe: Let us embellish what you just said a little bit. There is not as many varying points of view in the non-physical as are being translated into the physical. In other words, the translator has a difficult time translating very far outside the range of his beliefs. And so the great variances are predominantly different from physical perspectives more than they are differences in non-physical perspectives.
Q: OK, so I'm taking it you don't agree with the ascension material? Are you familiar with the ascension material?Abe: We are in absolute agreement with what is at the heart of it. In other words, as it is described, what is literally being described is what every physical being does when he withdraws from the physical and re-emerges into the non-physical.Our question that we put to those who are speaking of ascension in different terms to what we just described, is what are you going to do with a physical body in a non-physical dimension? And then some have expressed back to us "well, we won't be there long, we'll re-appear in another physical dimension."What we have discovered as we have probed, and we've talked to a lot of people about it who are holding firmly to the idea... What we've discovered is that without exception the reason that they hold to the idea of keeping this body with them is because they can't imagine being without it. Their whole point of identity revolves around this body and so the "I" that they want to preserve feels threatened under any other conditions you see.Someone said "well, I don't want to ascend because this body is sick". In other words I don't want to take this body with me, I just as soon leave it and live in a healthier state of being." And we say, yet it is a guarded feeling that causes that sort of interpretation.
Q: I didn't feel good about it or bad about it...
Abe: The reason you don't feel bad about it is because all of you will ascend. In other words, all physical beings as you leave this consciousness will re-emerge into the broader perspective. And everything that we are hearing them describe about it is the way that it is. There's just one little thing, and that's you are really not wanting to keep one body, it defies the agreement between physical and non-physical that has been in place for a very long time.You see you come into a physical dimension and what you bring to it is energy and then the energy combines with that which comes of the earth. Now think about it, let us give you our perspective. There are more physical dimensions than we would have time to number, let alone describe to you. And just to give you a vague idea of what we're talking about, the oxygen content of these physical arenas varies dramatically. The gravitational pull on these physical arenas varies dramatically. What you have here in this physical dimension are physical species, like you, who have been evolving and adapting to this physical time and place. To the oxygen, to the gravity, to all of the things that represent life of planet earth. So do you really think that you would like to take this oxygen breathing being that has been precisely adapted over eons beyond description - do you really think you would like to take it and transplant it into an environment different? Talk about adjustment! (laugher) Why would anyone want to do that?First of all, they don't know where they are going. They're asking questions like when? where? how? Who will I be? They're asking questions to which they don't have answers to and so they're getting in a negative place about it. And then from their negative vibration, they attract information that it is deciphered in a way that will sooth them you see.
Abraham Hicks,
Abraham and the Next 12 Steps
Guest: I work in health care.
Abraham: Good. Do you have anything in your pocket?(Laughter – Esther has a cold and is coughing and has laryngitis)
Guest: One of the things I do is I work with a group – a small group of displaced individuals who – teenagers, mostly – who have been taken away from their homes because of addictions like alcoholism and drugs and one of the things they have to do in the facility is to follow your classic 12 step program and they are being taught that they're alcoholics and that's a disease and they'll forever and ever have that disease, and I find this contradiction in myself in that I want to teach them to do whatever makes them feel best, but for them, very often, that means drinking a bottle of vodka or, you know what I'm saying? They're just – I can't seem to get that straight in my head and as to how to - I don't want to -I don't think they should be labeled with a life-long disease. That seems to limit their choices and ability to move forward. But on the other hand, by telling them "do whatever feels best for you" half of them will be running out in the street or even if they just say, "Oh, I'm just going to have one drink 'cause makes me feel better." Inevitably they have 12 or whatever and then it just continues the cycle which just makes them worse and worse even though their original intention was, "I doing this `cause it makes me feel better."
Abraham: Do you know the steps?
Guest: Um hum
Abraham: Speak them.
Guest: Well, the first one is that they have to admit that they are powerless over alcohol and that their lives have become unmanageable.
Abraham: Can't be helpful.
Guest: No, and that's the most important one. I mean they have to admit that they have no, ah, power over their own lives.
Abraham: We cannot see how that can be helpful. Can you?
Guest: Um um . But on the other hand, it does, very often, if they stick with the program, they will stop drinking, at least for periods of time and some of the people who come in a volunteer have been sober for 30 years. But they are terrified of ever even, you know, smelling alcohol `cause they're sure that they would be right back there. So it's ah, I'm having trouble with how to approach that.
Abraham: Well, what's the second step?
Guest: You would ask that. Anybody? (laughs) Came to believe that there is a power greater than ourselves.
Abraham: (Esther sneezes) That's loud. Must be something wrong with the microphones. (Cough Cough Cough)
Jerry: I didn't get to hear that one. (off mic)
Guest: Came to believe that there is a power greater than myself (while Abraham is coughing)(Laughter)
Abraham: Oh, we're waiting for you.
Guest: I came to believe (Abraham coughing again). All right. I'm not going there. (Laughter)Abraham: The reason we are playing with you about this is because the most important thing to remember, first, we are, not at all, pushing against, in any way, the 12 step program because for someone whose life is in a very unpleasant place, all of those steps are downstream. In other words, when you feel totally out of control, maybe it does feel downstream for you to admit that you're out of control. And to say, "I hope there is something, some power that's greater than me that will help me", because when your life is in a mess, that's the last moment in time that you really want to crow about how in control you are. So acknowledging that you are powerless is a downstream step. You see what we are getting at? What we've noticed about the program, and we've interacted with so many people who've been part of it, is that in the beginning it is all downstream for them. But after a little while, when they begin gaining their balance, to say those same things are upstream for them. So it never really gives them the autonomy and self control that they are all reaching for. Every single one of them felt not free when they began this process that evolved into the alcoholism. In other words, you're right, they turned to the alcohol or whatever it was because it seemed like a path of least resistance. It felt better to them than where they were. And there is something that we would like somebody to say to them about the rightness of that decision. But the whole program, and in fact, almost everybody ever involved in it stands and says something else to them. They stand and say, "You were wrong to do what you did. You were not wise in what you were doing. And you should never, ever do something again ---" It's sort of like what we were saying earlier, when a person feels not free and they innately and naturally turn toward anger. That the anger that they turn toward is the most natural thing in the world, but almost everybody would stop and say, "Your anger is wrong. Your anger is misplaced." So when you are interacting with people that are experiencing the hugeness of disconnection, it's not an easy thing for you to teach them the principles from their place of strong disconnection. Something more overt and in their face is necessary. And it is easier to teach someone about action than it is to teach them about vibration. In an action oriented world it's easier to say to them, "This alcohol is your problem" than "Your vibrational countenance is your problem." So we think, if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would introduce the 12 Step Program as the first 12 steps. And we would tell them there are 12 more. And the first 12 steps are about the action part of distancing yourself from something that hasn't been working. And then once you've sort of got that under your belt, then we would begin the next 12 steps which would be about understanding that you are the creator of your own reality and that while you have been saying in the first twelve steps that there is a power that is greater than you, there has never been a power that is greater than you – you just somehow separated yourself from that greater power. But it never left you. It never was forsaking you. It was always aware of you, reaching for you, calling you toward it. You just could not hear, but it was always there. The second of the next twelve steps would be: you are the creator of your own experience, and you are doing the best that you can do every step along the way. You did the best from where you were that you could have done, and you can't go back and undo all of that. So now you have admitted all of that wrong-doing and now you have made your peace with all of those people who you have wronged. This new second step says: I did the best that I could do then, and now I'm in a better place, and it will be easier this go-around. The third thing in this new set of steps is: I am where I am. I am where I am, and where I am is all right because it has to be because it's the only choice I have. If where I am is not all right, then it's over for me. If where I am is not all right, then there's nothing else for me to do because I can't get to where I want to be when I am condemning where I am. Not possible. You can't possibly turn downstream in condemnation of where you are. So - I am where I am, and where I am not only is enough, it must be enough because it's all I've got. The fourth step in this second set is: I am a worthy being who is an extension of Source Energy, and I came forth with powerful intention and got crossways of it. And when I got crossways of it, I went nuts. Because who I AM is such a lover and such a knower of my own value. And when, somehow along my physical trail I lost sight of that, I could not abide in my own vibration. The split in me was too severe, and that's the reason I turned to something that was numbing. And while I will not turn to something that is numbing again, it is satisfying to know that when someone like me, who is Pure Positive Energy, gets crossways of who I AM, that it's going to be pain beyond pain that will require numbing. And I've never known anyone who would deny anyone some sort of a solution or solving of some kind of pain. Step five says: I will make peace with those who did not understand how I felt. For how could they? Everyone has their own emotional scale. Nobody could know what was downstream for me. Nobody could know what was a solution for me. And they all stood in such certainty that they were right when they couldn't possibly know. And so, this fifth step, in my second set of steps, is my true acknowledgment of my powerful desire to forgive them. The first set demanded that I ask for their forgiveness. In this second set, I'm prepared to give them my forgiveness. I forgive them for not understanding me. I forgive them for trying to be my guidance when they could not. I forgive them for not paying attention to how they felt so there was no way they could teach me to pay attention to how I felt. I forgive them for not upholding the knowledge of the personal guidance system. I forgive them for everything they did not understand about me. It feels good in letting all of that go. The sixth step is: I forgive all of them from this new point of view. I forgive them for not only not seeing me as I am, but for not seeing themselves as they are either. I allow them, which is more than forgiving, I allow them to be whoever they are even if who they are being is critical of me for I accept that they cannot see me accurately from their point of view. And I no longer need alcohol or drugs to numb the discord that I felt when I saw that I could not achieve their approval. I'm giving up my need for your approval in this step, and in giving up my need for your approval, I have set you free, but more important, I have set myself free. The seventh step in this second set of 12 steps is: now that I am more sure of who I am and now I'm beginning to return to the eagerness of life that is innate within me, it is my promise to myself that even if I were to do something that formerly I thought was a mistake that I am determined that I will offer no self-condemnation ever again. This may be the most important step of all. I acknowledge that the Source within me never gives up on me, and the only reason I ever feel bad is because I do. So in this step I am pronouncing to the world I am absolving myself of all guilt relative to action. And if I should, and it could happen, ever take a drink again, it is my promise to myself I'm not going back through those first 12 steps. (laughter) Because I am where I am, and because Source continues to adore me, and because there is always downstream from wherever I am, and I don't have to start over every time again. I know too much. I've come too far. The next step in the second set of 12 steps is: sincere appreciation for the first 12 steps. Because they were there for me when I most needed them. I could not even begin to see this second set from where I was and there they were – tangible and real – and they helped me. They don't now, but they did then. They were bridges that were valuable, and I will feel eternal appreciation for their existence. Number 10: I am appreciating everything that ever gave me grief because from it was born clarity of desire. I'm not sorry for one thing that I ever lived through. I'm not even sorry for what I put you through. Because in my dealing with the contrast of the life that I created, I've launched rockets of desire, and I can feel a brighter future that would not be there if it had not been for that. The eleventh step is: I encourage no one to go through what I went through in order to get where I am. I acknowledge it could have been easier for me if I had been willing to pay attention to the way I feel, if I had listened to my own guidance, if I had been able to turn downstream earlier on without being pinned into that corner of feeling not free, I could have turned into my alignment and my allowing without the help or the aid of the drugs. The last and final step is: I adore knowing that I am the creator of my own reality. And I take full credit, not responsibility, I take full credit for the amazing life that I am in the process of creating. I aspire to see myself through the eyes of Source. And I think all 24 steps are part of me now being able to do that. And now I would like to announce to the world I am healed. I am whole. I am free. I am love. And it might be only temporary, but if I ever slip from it, I know exactly what to do.(Applause)
12 steps,
Who Makes the Diverse Laws of the Diverse Universe?
Abraham: When you think in terms of perspective, how do you separate the thought from the thinker? It's a tricky thing to do, because as soon as the thinker thinks a thought, now the thought is thinking. And as soon as the thought is thinking, by its vibration, another thought that is like it comes unto it.
So let's pretend that we are right back at the beginning of all of that, and there is something that is perceiving, and in its perception, it offers a thought (We're playing this *silly* game of going back to the beginning, as if anyone could.) Since there are not a lot of other things to contemplate, that first thought that was thought by this first thinker is very close to the same vibration as the first thought was. And so, now there is a coalescing of those thoughts, and now this thinker has a broader perspective than it did just a moment before. And so, as it now perceives, another thought is born and another and another. And so, now, as ("time" isn't the right word) experience, moves on... Sometimes we hear our physical beings talk about the Stream of Consciousness as being one stream or one thought. And it's very difficult for you to contemplate that, now that you are out here on this leading edge with so much diversity in your ability to perceive. Law of Attraction is the way thoughts respond to one another, and it has something to do with the vibrational familiarity of the thoughts as they are thought.
Now that you are out here on the leading edge, where you are further, it seems, from the root of the thought, there is much more variance in your vibrational frequencies. And so, All thoughts aren't coalescing into one thought again.Which is what the expansion of the Universe is really all about: The more thoughts that exist, and the greater diversity in their vibration -- then the more new thoughts can be born out of those never-ending combinations of thoughts.
Guest: Who is controlling the Universe and all the thoughts? Who is responding? In other words, who is God?
Abraham: There is no "controller of the Universe," but it is by your vibrational responses to one another.
Abraham Hicks,
law of attraction,
laws of Universe
We are Abe and Abe is Us
Guest: "I'd like to ask a question about your relationship with vibrational energy. How do you relate to it? you launch rockets?"
Abe: "We do and we are part of the rockets that you launch. In otherwords, when you allow us to be focused within you, much of the inspiration that you receive is part of our awareness. Humans, nothing that is physical, can separate itself from that which is non-physical. We don't have solar plexes that we use to interpret the energy but we are vibration and we do have discernment as does everything. It is this vibrational relativity that is the big factor that we want you to consider. In other words, we are so much that which we are that if we were to deviate by your standards at all from it, we would feel it more than any emotion that you have ever felt.In other words, the faster the energy moves, the more imperative the alignment is. That really is what non-physical provides for humankind. We are so stable in our connection to Source, so much so that you could not separate that which you call Abraham from that which you call Source."
Guest:" you non-physical beings have interactions. ..amongst yourselves?"
Abe:..."the projection of thought brings us together. There are no boundaries. The Law of Attraction brings everyone and everything together in what some have referred to as families of consciousness,in other words, within that which we are there is still latitude and leeway but we are teachers, we are teachers of teachers and so we hangaround with others who are teachers of teachers and that is the most satisfying experience for us because that is the intention that is vibrating most powerfully within us.
Jerry: "To clarify it a you just totally leave it up to usto do all the wanting and you just enjoy our wanting or do you everwant something that gets manifested somehow?
Abe: "We want you to fulfill your desires"
Jerry: "Do you ever send out rockets of desire?"
Abe: "Is that not one?
Jerry: "Well that's kind of piggy-backing.
.."Abe: "We want you to know your power.
"Jerry: "But that's nothing that you want for yourselves.. .
"Abe: "The flaw in your question is that you are separating yourself from us. Your joy is our joy; your desire is our desire. But you are on the leading edge so that is your job.
You are Source energy and you are on the leading edge of thought. We are right there with you and we are Source energy,therefore we are on the leading edge of thought and when you are,through your deliberate paying attention to the way you feel, coming into alignment with who you really are, then you and we are one,having a wonderful time and that is the optimal experience. You letting you really be you which means you are letting you be us, that is the optimal experience. All of this talk of you and us says to separate you and yet in the beginning since you think that you are separate from us we have to have some beginning point and so we speak of you and we speak of us and we speak of you and we speak of the Inner Being of you and then we talk about your compatibility and then we talk about the vibrational relationship but in talking about the vibrational relationship which is necessary for you to have guidance,then we must help you to understand why there could be more than one perspective which has a relationship with another perspective. ..We were the you that you are before you were born into this body. And we were the we that extended ourselves into this physical time/space reality which became you and now there is this relationship between the we that we have always been and the we that we have just become as we have been born into the body that you call you.
"San Antonio"
Abe on Suicide and Allowing
The death experience is always suicide. Always. Every time. Because every death experience is created by Self, no matter how it plays out. Every single one of them is created by Self.
Guest: There's really no wrong path.
Abraham: You can't get it wrong. Because you never get it done. And no matter what you have lived, you now have the perspective from where you stand, and this powerful perspective and the desire that has been stirred by what you have been living has a huge calling of Source energy qualities. So as you stand in this newly discovered asking, with energy pouring through you in a more powerful way than ever before, andyou have practiced in easier times relaxing and allowing the energy to flow, things always work out for you. And sometimes the way they work out for you is in the death experience. Sometimes, people get so resistant about allowing wellbeing to flow, that the death experience is the way they release all of the resistance. And that happens everytime in the death experience. There is the releasing of all resistance.But it is so lovely when you are physically focused and you are able to, in your physical body, release resistance and allow your Source energy here in this time/space reality. Some will have to croak to do it. But what we are teaching, art of allowing, is tasting the sweetness of it before you croak.
There is life, then there is physical extension of life, and then there is that which is the return to that which is life. There is no death. And so you cannot NOT save a life because a life cannot be squandered, a life cannot be lost. You cannot cease to be. And so you are saying that I should save the sanctity of a physical life experience.A dear woman had been coming to our gatherings for many years and in time introduced her daughter also, and not long after her daughter took her own life. And her mother, of course, was devastated and then mad at us and ather because she thought that our knowledge of no death had in some way given her daughter permission to take her life in your words and re-emerge into pure positive energy. And as we visited with her, we said to her, we explained what the death experience is and the freedom and well being that her daughter is experiencing and we said in an attempt to soothe her wouldn't you rather that your daughter is in this place of pure connection to who she is rather than that uncomfortable, painful mindset that she wasin before? And her mother said, no! And it really speaks to the way that most humans view this so called sanctity of life. "Yes, I would prefer that you're here suffering and miserable rather than re-emerged and feeling wonderful. And we really think it's worth getting your thoughts around.And we know that it's not the easiest thing to know and understand, and we know that most of the world, as we said to our friend earlier, would not agree with us on this!Most people really believe that under *all* conditions it's better, no matter how miserable you are, to stay in this physical body. And we are certainly not promoting suicide, although every death is that you know?Every death is suicide because no one can do anything to you that is outside of your vibrational offering, and your vibrational offering, by way of Law of Attraction is creating everything! And so we think that it's really one of those things where you do the best you can to express the Joy of life experience through the clarity of your example.
Tarrytown NY
Abraham Hicks,
ABE on Prayer
Questioner asks about a doctor's experiment where there were two groups of ill people, one half of which was prayed for and one half of which was not... the prayed for group all did remarkably better than the group not prayed for. They didn't know they were being prayed for, and the prayers did not know the people they were praying for.
Questioner asks about the "mechanics" of our influences over other people, positive and negative... how can we be sure our influence is positive, and also how can we be sure no one else can affect us negatively, etc. How do our thoughts and feelings influence others? And theirs influence us? Abe says first they want to say... they can understand how something like this would happen because --
"WE know that when you are holding someone as your object of attention and you are connected to Source Energy, which means you are expecting good things, you are in that high pure fast vibration as you hold them, appreciation is a very good state of being to be in while you are holding someone as your object of attention. It's like shining, it's like opening a vortex of well being and focusing it, and so it is, it can be, beneficial.We've noticed, however, as we've watched people praying for themselves and praying for others that there is variety in the way people pray. Some people pray in a way that is beneficial to the recipient of the prayer and some people only amplify the problem.And so it is interesting to us that this group of pray-ers apparently was understanding how to ask for and anticipate.. . in other words they were apparently focusing on the well being, rather than on the problem that they were praying for. Sometimes people will say "why are my prayers not answered?" and we say everything that you're asking for is asking for is always answered, whether you are verbalizing, as in a state of prayer, or whether it is just a desire that is bubbling within you. But in your mode of praying, if you are a vibrational match to what you're praying for, it always flows. If you are more aware of the problem that you are trying to solve, then you are offering resistance at the same time you are offering the rayer. Now, so, let us begin by saying it is absolutely possible, and likely, that you or anyone could hold someone known to you or not known to you as your object of attention while you ask for well being on their behalf and you could influence that.Now that comes to the other part of your question. 'If a group of people who don't even know me can hold me as their object of attention and improve the condition of my being, then could they do the opposite? Could they wish me not well being?' And we say one who's connected to the stream of well being is many times more powerful than one who is not. In other words the ratio of comparison.. .. in other words you have to be connected to source energy before that influence is very powerful. And so it is not possible for you to hold someone, someone at a distance, as your object of attention and wish them harm because in your not well wishes you are not connected to the Source Energy and so you have nothing to offer.It is, however, possible to negatively influence people. It usually takes more of you to DO it and over a long period of time but it usually in that case takes your physical interaction with them... you have to get their attention, you have to encourage them through whatever you are offering to vibrate in harmony with not well being. In other words, your television is enormously influential as it influences people toward feelings of vulnerability or feelings of not well being, because there is such a constant hammering of the deficiency of your physical apparatus. You are powerful beings in your influence as you are connected, and it is important to realize that -- you see, when you are praying on behalf of another, what you are really doing if you are in alignment with Source Energy is you are saying "Source, I would like to use my vortex to focus well-being toward the fulfillment of what this being truly desires". And so if this person has absolutely made a decision that they are no longer wanting to be in this physical experience, if their decision is they are wanting to make their transition, no amount of your focusing could alter that, because you can not step on their creative toes. So what you are doing is acting as a catalyst or adding focused energy towards the fulfillment of what they are wanting. Another thing that is really worth talking about is, sometimes... . and we talked about this here earlier with our friend ... when we say: if you are summoning more energy than you are allowing, it can actually cause more contradiction within you. In other words, let's say that a room full of people took one individual person who was sick and this person, while they are sick, and they really want to be well, they've got all kinds of belief in sickness, so their energy is very very jumbled relative to the subject, but they have strong resistance to the well being. And that's why they're sick, in fact. But in this case it's very very strong. And a group of you were to use this person as your object of attention while you all focused the energy of well-being upon them, you would actually cause more contradiction within their energy. In other words because you would be attempting to summon more energy on their behalf than they were vibrationally allowing. Does that make sense to you?And that's why these studies come up with all kinds of different things because there are really a tremendous amount of variables.Also, the one who is doing the study who has a premise that he is wanting to support or approve, by Law of Attraction attracts the subjects that will support what he is trying to prove (laughter). So Law of Attraction is in place. In other words, he automatically attracted those who were wanting the well-being, he attracted people who knew how to pray in an influential way. The whole thing is about Law of Attraction more than it is about anything else. GoodQuestioner - Very interesting. Thank you, that's very helpful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
ABRAHAM: Now let us tell you about prayer. Prayer, from the perspective that we offer is this: Identifying something wanted. That's why you're praying. And opening the valve to receive what it is you are wanting. Most pray from a valve closed. Most see a condition not wanted, so wretched they can't bear it, and with their valve closed, they pray. But they cannot receive the answer or the satisfaction of the prayer because vibrationally they are disallowing it! Forgiveness is not something that your Inner Being will ever do -- because your Inner Being has never judged to begin with. Forgiveness is only taking back a judgment. And, since your Inner Being has never offered a judgment, forgiveness is only a product of the physical environment. And forgiveness feels really good because what forgiveness is, is opening the valve, anyway! What forgiveness is, is saying, "It doesn't matter, the condition doesn't matter. What matters is that I flow who I really am, here." Forgiveness is in the order of unconditional love. That is what your Inner Being always gives you. Your dog gives it to you, too. Have you noticed? The pure, positive Energy, being, not holding a grudge? Does your dog ever forgive you? Never, because your dog has never blamed you to begin with, you see. So forgiveness from our perspective is opening the valve again.
Rye, NY
Abraham Hicks,
inner being,
unconditional love
Guest: Does He (God) hear us when we pray, then?
Abraham: When we say, "Ask and it is given, " in what other way could that be interpreted?It isn't a matter of whether you're being heard. It's a matter of whether or not you are lining up with what you are asking for....So this Source or this God, whatever label you want to give this Infinite Intelligence that is liquid love, that is Pure Positive Energy, that is always responsive to what you are asking for, never withholds anything from anyone! But there is a difference in the way one prays.You can pray from fear, which means you are not letting in what you are asking for.Or you can pray from a place of hope, which means you are letting a little more of it in.Or you can pray from a place of belief, which is letting in even more of it.Or you can pray from a place of knowing, which means it is, even now. That's why prayers of appreciation are the most powerful prayers because when you pray for something that you are already appreciating, you activate the vibration that let's all the good stuff in.And when you pray from your fear, your words are futile. But it is not because you are not being heard, and it is not because you are not answered, it is because you are holding yourself in a place vibrationally apart from your own answer.
Abraham Hicks,
pure positive energy,
Evolution theory
Guest: Abraham, you've said that dinosaurs, which preceded us, imagined and altered their environments which then allowed the rise of the human being. Is it the case that humans are now imagining and preparing earth's environment for the next iteration of the leading edge life form?
Abraham: Yes. And it will be an expanded, evolved, more eager, more exhilarated, more stable, more healthy, more focused, more satisfied, more creative, human.
Guest: If that's the case, then is the destination of that human the result of some kind of plan? Is there something that's guiding us in a certain direction?
Abraham: No, it's not a master plan in the sense that something has already been decided. It's the natural by-product of an environment, which continues to evoke, on many levels of every human being, new preferences. So the fantastic, positive, forward moving evolution must take place. It is the inevitability of the Well-being.Future generations will look back on that which you now are, as a species, and call you Neanderthal by comparison. They will talk of times when human did not understand emotions. And they will talk of times when people boldly blundered forward doing things just for the sake of pleasing others, rather than satisfying self and ultimately connecting with Source Energy.They will talk of those who saw with only their five senses. "They could see and hear and taste and smell, and touch, but they had not begun to consciously develop that broader sense of reading vibration and therefore understanding the true nature of every moment in their life experience."Oh, there is so much delicious stuff before you! And much of it you will experience as soon as tomorrow, if you like."
--Abraham-HicksExcerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring
Abraham Hicks,
Silver Spring,
Abe on Sexuality (relationships)
Guest: My husband has been unfaithful to me a couple of times.
Abe: How does that thought feel?
G: Very bad.
A: Can he take it back?
G: No.A: So you have a choice of choosing the way you feel. Now, we're going to throw some things out to you.A: do you think you'd be feeling better now if you did not know?
G: Yes, but I wouldn't prefer not to know.
A: This is important. What you are saying is you'd rather know the truth than feel better. And almost everyone would agree with you. We're wanting you to want to feel better.We're just going to throw some things out and shake up the game of sexuality in your time space reality. Play the game of which thought feels better.Which thought feels better:My husband WAS unfaithful to me or my husband IS unfaithful to me?
G: Was.
A: Which thought feels better:My husband was unfaithful to me or my husband is a thriving sexual being at the height of his sexuality?
G: thriving sexual being.
A: Which thought feels better:My husband is thriving sexual being at the height of his sexuality or the sexuality in my husband has withered and he has no interest in it whatsoever.
G: Thriving sexual being.
A: Which thought feels better:We are innately sexual beings whose desires are very powerful or we have the ability to limit ourselves in many ways.Because what we are getting at here is that as physical humans you do interesting things to one another. We've been talking about, very pointedly here today, how it is very common here to say, this thought makes me feel good or this thought makes me feel bad, therefore the people who are important to me must do this so that I can feel good. Because what you are actually saying to others is, it is your responsibility to deny your natural instincts and do what is biologically unnatural, in order to perform a behaviour that makes it easier for me to feel good. You keep saying to each other: My happiness depends upon your behaviour and it's up to you to control yourself in these ways.You will discover the most extraordinary of relationships when you say to everyone you love, be as you be and I will choose to feel as I choose to feel.
~ San Antonio~
Abraham Hicks,
San Antonio,
Solomon's Fine Feathered Friends
Solomon, what did you mean that Law of Attraction doesn't keep secrets?"When you are feeling something, even though you may pretend that you don't feel it, by saying words that are different from what you are feeling, "Law of Attraction" is still responding to your feeling. And so, the things that come to you in response to your feeling always point out what that feeling is."hmmm," Sara was quiet. Solomon's words sounded the same as other things he had told her, before. If you feel vulnerable or afraid, but you pretend that you are not afraid --- sometimes even by seeming aggressive, or like a bully, yourself --- still,"Law of Attraction" brings you experience after experience that matches your feeling of vulnerability.If you feel sorry for yourself, even though you may pretend otherwise, the way you are treated by others continues to match the way you really feel.
If you feel poor --- you cannot attract prosperity.
If you feel fat --- you cannot attract slender.
If you feel unfairly treated --- you cannot attract fairness.
You see, Sara, if you carefully observe the way you are feeling, and then younotice that what comes to you matches that feeling, you then can begin tounderstand that by changing the way you feel --- you can change how thingsturn out.
"But what if it was something really, really awful?"Most people are going about it the hard way, Sara. Try to control how you are feeling, and see how much easier it all becomes. It turns out that there is no such thing as injustice. Everyone always gets exactly what they are feeling or offering. It is always a match --- and, therefore, it is always fair.
Abraham Hicks,
law of attraction,
Abraham: "What you're saying is, 'when someone gathers forces, who seems to be a bully, and wants to push against another, shouldn't someone rise up big enough to push back?', and we say, all you end up with is bigger and bigger pushing against, and more and more using each other as your excuse not to allow your well being.
...guest: "So you would say that, like, America and Britain would've just become invisible to Hitler if they had assumed this philosophy?"
Abraham: "You would not provide the fodder to the fire that keeps him fueled. If there were no one pushing back at him, the majority of the energy that he had amassed would have been non-existent. ... If you weren't pretty good at understanding well being, as [the bully's] poking at you with a stick, you're probably going to get provoked, which is exactly what he wants--so, as he provokes you, and you now turn your attention, now you're engaged--which is what he had in mind the whole time. Someone who wants power doesn't want passivity, doesn't want somebody not interested, they want somebody to push back against them! In other words, you can't have a war unless there's somebody that's fighting against you." ...but it does not mean that you have to play the game. ... So here you stand--and you say, 'I'm going to choose what's dominant in my vibration.' So he pokes at you, and you notice that the world's beautiful over there--and hepokes at you, and you notice that there's well-being over there, and he pokes at you, and you notice that he's a non-issue. You notice that your life goes pretty well except when you're being poked a little; and less and less do you notice his poking, and more and more do you notice well-being, until you literally become so vibrationally different from him that the poking is no longer any fun for him--because you vibrated out of range ... and others vibrated into range. His enemies bring themselves right to him.What goes wrong with humans, is they say, 'I want world peace' --and we say world peace is none of your business! Personal peace is. ... There is no possible way of getting everyone to agree. ...So then you say, 'yes, but what if I ignore him and so I disengage him from my vibration ... what about the others that he's trampling? What about those that don't know as much as I do?', and we say now you're back involved. In other words, youget to choose. ... So, finally, when you say, 'I don't have to figure it out for any of them, and I'm going to align with the energy of well-being', and follow that path, then it's easier for you to watch everyone else play out their game.
Abraham Hicks,
law of attraction,
world peace
Guest: I feel quite compelled to support Tibetan people and their cause.
We get it but we have one question. In your support are you joyful or are you beating the drum of their plight. You can observe them and see the harassment they are living and from that Disturbing awareness, you can launch a much better version of their life into your vibrational reality but the question we have for you is, which version of them, then, are you giving your attention to. Are you giving your attention to where they're going or where they are. Are you giving your attention to the life that they too… In other words, you have to understand that when they're living struggle, they're creating a better reality. But when you observe someone living struggle you put a version of them in your vibrational reality but you don't help then when you focus upon something they're living and feel bad when you focus upon it, that's not helpful. You don't shine any light. You can tell that's your source guidance letting you know that it's all right for you to think these thoughts and certainly they're available but those thoughts about someone else's plight don't help them. Jesus knew, when you sat before him dripping your illness he did not see your plight, he did not see your illness he knew your wellness and he knew it so well that as he saw you in his wholeness, illness could not abide in his vibration.
Sydney Australia 14/12/08
Abraham Hicks,
10 very good ideas!!!!
JERRY: If you were the "burning bush" (group laughter) and I would like some guidance for my people, do you have "10 commandments" that you would offer?
ABRAHAM: We would have 10 good ideas. We would not command anyone to do anything, for a number of reasons. They never listen anyway.( group laughter) Rather than "commandments" , what we would offer are examples, in this case, verbal offerings, of that which we have found to be a very good way of life. Commandments are usually offered in action form, are they not?
JERRY: "Thou shalt not kill." "Thou shalt not mess around with somebody else's things." (group laughter)
ABRAHAM : So commandments is NOT to do. Rather than telling you what NOT do, we will tell you what we do. How's that?
That is the recipe for eternal joy. And it will provide a format for a life of dramatic magnificent creating, also. That feels like the "bottom line" to you: "How much success, or how much acclaim... how much value can I offer here and now?"And what we are wanting you to understand is that your value can only be measured in terms of joy.
Once you get upon that path where you are seeking and finding -- you are abundant with joy. You see, the nice thing about this offering is that you cannot seek something without finding it. It cannot be. For that which you are asking for is always that which is coming to you. And once you've got the first one down , the second one is easier and once you get the second one, the third one is easier... In other words, they all dovetail into one another.
except from A new Beginning II
a new beginning,
Abraham Hicks,
What is the media’s role in epidemics?
Jerry: Now, I’ve been hearing in the media recently that there are free flu shots in town for those who wanna go and get them. Will that news affect the spread of the flu virus in any way?
Abraham: Yes, it will be of great value to the spread of the flu virus. There is no greater source of negative influence your environment, there is wanted and unwanted. And you do have the ability to focus and therefore receive value from your television and media. But those sources do bring you a tremendously distorted imbalanced point of view. They look all around your world for pockets of trouble, shining spotlights upon them and magnifying them, and enhancing the trouble with dramatic music, and then funneling them into your living rooms, giving you a tremendously distorted picture of the trouble vs. the Well-Being of your Planet. The constant barrage of medical commercials is a powerful source of negative influence. As they explain to you that 1 out of 5 people has this disease lurking, and you’re probably the one, they influence you to give thought. And then they say, “See your physician”. And when you go to your physician, remember, the intent of the physician is to find something wrong. Now your negative expectation is born, or enhanced. And with enough of that influence your body begins to manifest the evidence of those pervasive thoughts.
Your medicine is more advanced today than ever before, and yet more of you are sick than ever
before. Remember, to create anything, you have only to give thought to it and then expect it, and it is. They show you the statistics, they tell you the horror stories, they stimulate your thought, and as you’re being stimulated by the thought in great detail, you have the emotion (the dread, or the fear) “I don’t want that”. And one half of the equation is complete. Then they encourage you to go in for a check-up, or to come and get the free flu shot (“Obviously we know it’s an epidemic or we wouldn’t be offering the free flu shots”), and that completes the expectation, or the allowing, part.
And now you’re in the perfect position for the receiving of the flu, or the essence of whatever it is that they’re talking about. You get what you think about, whether you want it or not. And so, it’s of great value for you to begin practicing your own story about your Well-Being, so that when the television presents that frightening story, one that you do not want to live, you can hear their version and feel humor about it rather than fear. .
Abraham Hicks,
By attention to Wellness I’ll maintain Wellness
Just as your wound or sickness is evidence of misalignment, your healing or Wellness is evidence
of alignment. Your tendency toward Wellness is much stronger than your tendency for illness. And that is the reason that even with some negative thinking most of you do remain mostly well. You’ve come to expect your wounds to heal, which helps tremendously in the healing process, but when the evidence of your illness is something that you cannot see, where you must rely on the investigation of your doctor, who uses his medical tests or equipments to probe for information, you often feel powerless and fearful, which not only slows the healing process, but is also a strong reason for the creation of the illness. Many people have come to feel vulnerable about the unseen parts of their body, and that feeling of vulnerability is a very strong catalyst in the perpetuation of illness. Most people go to the doctor when they are sick, asking for information about what’s wrong. And when you look for something wrong, you usually find it. The LOA insists on it, actually. A continual searching for things wrong with your body will in time produce evidence of something wrong. Not because it was lurking there all along and you finally probed long enough to find it, but because repeated thought eventually creates its equivalent.