"It's illogical when you understand the expansiveness of this Universe to believe the only physical beings live right here. There are many dimensions and many universes and many other planets, even within this Universe, that experience life in a similar manner to what you're living. In every sense that you all are real, they all are real, too."
"Everything that you have thought or everything that someone else has thought has been projected and is manifesting in some way. But these planets that have given birth [to human life] are all coming from core energy. It is life force, it is pure positive energy that launches all of that into motion.
"Now much that physical humans worry about or speculate about does NOT come from that Source Energy. There are all kinds of things that you worry about that you've launched in thought form fashion that become thought forms. They are thoughts that are connected with thoughts that are connected with thoughts enough that others can pick up on them. They are not physical manifestation in the sense that they have been launched from Source Energy.
"And it's difficult, as physical beings who begin to decipher non-physical energy, to discern the difference between that, because to you, anything that is not knock-on-wood physical then is non-physical. And we say that there's a difference between the non-physical thought energy that comes from the eternity of non-physical energy life force and the spin-off of man's conscious thought.... As civilizations on this planet, you do not hold your thoughts consistently upon anything long enough that you could create life form from this physical perspective. Those creations are always made from a non-physical point of view."
"And most of the aliens or alien life forms that people are talking about do not exist in a real life reality in the way that you do because they were not launched from the non-physical stream in the way you were. They are the spin-off of man's conscious, fearful thoughts....
"Yes, there are other physical beings that live in other dimensions. Do they interact with you here in a physical sense? No, they do not. But you can connect to them vibrationally through thought and you can have what feels like very real experiences with them just like you do in your dream state and in your out of body experiences.... They are vibrationally happening and therefore they feel real.
"But it is our promise to you that you will never in this physical dimension dig up one of those spaceships. You are not going to find the metal from other planets. You're not going to find any little bones. All of that stuff is conscious conclusion that comes from a premise that is not valid...."
"Most of the time, the conversations about aliens comes as a spin-off of man's conscious thoughts of vulnerability, not from connection to core energy....
"You did not come forth to contemplate the rightness or wrongness of this galaxy or any other. You came forth to find your joyous pleasure in motion forward right here and now. And that is the reason, we promise you, you are not going to be intergalactically co-creating."
(Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks workshop tape, Tallahassee, FL 3/30/97)
Extraterrestrials -Abraham quotes
Abraham Hicks,
laws of Universe,
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