Abraham about Seth

Q: (Seth) talks a lot about probabilities and probable existences. And it seems that everything that we could want, everything that we could possibly think of, all possibilities exist as this huge pool, and each of our lives are simply a stream of choices that we choose to actualize.”
A: Well said.
Q: It all exists at once. It’s all now. There’s no past or future. It’s all now and we just come here and make a choice –“
A: There’s a little misunderstanding there …
Q: -- day by day –“
A: Here’s the thing that he is saying that we want you to hear because we are he and he are us. In other words, we are all the same energy stream.”What Seth is saying is what we’ve been talking about. That as you move through your contrast, you launch these rockets of desires and whether you are calling it a rocket of desire or just a projection of thought, everything that you are thinking about is projecting out here to this vibrational future or vibrational probability or alternate reality. And, so, now, tie what you are knowing about that with what you’ve been hearing from us today and realize that you’ve got all kinds of things bubbling out there and Law of Attraction is causing a coalescing of them, and some of them are gathering enough momentum that they are ready to pop into some reality. They are all coded with you. In other words, there are all kinds of probabilities that are there for you.And right now, where all of your power is, you can feel yourself moving toward them. If you feel good, you are moving toward those good feeling ones. If you are feeling bad, you are moving toward those bad feeling ones. In other words, the probabilities are all there and they are being lived on some level. In other words, they exist. They are realities in and of themselves, just like your dream state is a reality in and of itself.But, that which is going to manifest in your experience is that which you keep most active, most often in your vibration.Isn’t that a good way to look at it?So as I’m ornery, ornery, ornery I’m marching diligently toward probabilities that I have set into motion during other times that I was ornery. And depending on how many times I have been ornery, and how congealed those realities are, and how fast I am marching today, which means how ornery I really am, I’ll call my orneriest friend and see if I can’t goose it up, maybe I can put it over the edge today .And so, there are all kinds of things that just feel like they come out of the blue that are nothing more than alternate realities that you have been fine tuning and honing every day of your contrasting experience. And, so that’s why Seth said: Your Point of Power is in the present. Seth said 2 things that Jerry heard so powerfully: You create your own reality. And Jerry said, “How?!” And we’ve been telling him ever since. And, Seth said, “You’re point of power is in your now.” And Jerry said, What in the world do you mean by that? And, so, that has been the basis of everything we’ve said.We’ve for years been attempting to answer those 2 powerful questions. All you have is now. And the way you know about how you are doing with your now is by feeling it in your gut, because you can feel what you are doing with the clay between where you are and what you want. And, so, ah, so many magnificent probabilities.
Q: Are all possibilities a probability?
A: Well, we would say a possibility is a softer form. A probability is something you have been working upon longer. In other words, a probability is more probable than a possibility. Everything is possible, but once you start really thinking about it then you make it more probable and then it’s a probability. And if you think about the probability longer, then not only is it possible, it’s actual. In other words, focus on those probabilities and they will no longer be probabilities they will be Real-abilities.”
Alaskan Cruise 2005


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