We are really not proponents of taking the action first. We are proponents of finding the desire, lining up the energy and then letting the action follow. When that happens, it is an essay road.
But you all don't let your desire dominate. Because you don't like the feeling of the difference between a desire and a belief. And so if a desire gets our there to far ahead of your beliefs, most of you sabotage it and try to grab it back down. And what we want you to start doing is no longer beat up on yourself for the desire. In other words, you knew when you came into this environment that that would be, that the desire that would be born would be the byproduct of the contrast. And yet what we see so many of you trying to do is to sooth, sooth, sooth. I never want to get into a place where I really want anything because wanting somehow is materialistic. Wanting is somehow hedonistic. I should keep myself in a calm place of contentment. And we say that is not what your intention was. Your intention was to let contrast give birth to desire and then let desire dominate your vibration.
So if we where in your physical shoes we would exacerbate, we would fan the flam of desire. In other words, we would examine where we are relative to where we want to be until we have harassed ourselves into a powerful, powerful, powerful, powerful, powerful desire. We wouldn't say: Hmmmm, I way a lot more then I really want to way but all is well. We would say I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. I DON'T LIKE WHERE I AM! I DON'T LIKE WHAT I'VE DONE! WE WOULD GET THAT DESIRE OUT THERE AND SAY: HEAR THAT UNIVERSE? DO YOU HEAR THAT DESIRE? CAN YOU FEEL WHAT I AM ASKING FOR? NOW BRING ME IDEAS TO IMPLEMENT THIS DESIRE! And then watch will happen.
We don't know where you all got the idea that your hanging out here all by your self and your desires are something you should be embarrassed about. You are afraid to admit that you want anything. When the whole basis of your universe says ASK AND IT IS GIVEN.
You said I came forth into constant to make sure that constant new desires are coming forth. Ask and it is given. Our friend began with that this morning. I am getting the idea she said that there is never enough. I am never going to be without desire. And we say if you really could be without desire you really, really would be dead and there isn't any of that.
Will it happen instantly? No. Will it happen steadily? Yes. Will you have fun along the way? Absolutely. If you are taking score of the energy rather than the manifestation, you'll start having a great time as soon as today. But if you're taking score of the manifestation, then every time you're taking score, your observation defeats your own energy flow."
Abraham - Hicks Publication
Atlanta, GA
ASK AND IT IS GIVEN....... but you don't ASK through your words or sentences that have the question mark at the end of them. You ASK through that vibration of desire. Ask and it is given. So, when you are asking, the energy is ALWAYS supplied, to satisfy the desire. But sometimes, while you are asking.....and therefore summoning through your desire...... .... you are so aware that what you are asking for has not yet occurred and you are so much more aware of the negative place that you stand that is absent of the fulfillment of your desire, that even though you are ASKING for something, you are NOT a vibrational match to it. And so, you are, in this moment, 'disallowing' the very thing that you are asking for.
So, those two things that you are wanting to be aware of relative to the 'stream';How much of this STREAM am i summoning and Second: Of that which I am summoning, how much of it am I ALLOWING. And your EMOTIONS give you the answer to both of those questions.
For example..... ..... feel with us, the vibrational meter....... we will stop in four places on this meter. In truth, there are infinite stops but for sake of clarity we will stop in four places.
Feel with us for a moment, the feeling of PASSION. Exhilaration, enthusiasm, you know that feeling. Well that means, relative to the first of the two things...... ...strong desire. And relative to the second...... ..... no resistance. IOW, passion means 'I am summoning LOTS of nonphysical energy through the power of my desire and I am not vibrating opposite of it, I am ALLOWING the energy that i am summoning'.. ..... that's what the feeling of passion is.
Now, feel with us the feeling of contentment or peacefulness. In this moment, not much desire, but no resistance. Now feel with us the feeling of frustration. Some desire, some resistance. Now feel the feeling of strong frustration or anger or guilt is a strong one or some depression. Strong desire, strong resistance. Do you get a sense of what we are talking about here?
So, as you begin to play with your emotions, or be aware of the way you feel, when you pay attention to the way that you feel, what you are going to notice is ............ .your emotions let you know, your emotions are your guidance system, that let you know how you are vibrating. And it is so important to understand that, because when you know how you are vibrating, then you understand everything that is coming to you.
Someone gave a letter to Jerry thru the mail awhile back, predicting his untimely death. And at first Esther was just mad about it, she thought, 'why don't they mind their own business, let him die in peace' (audience laughter)... .... but then she thought, 'but that is just illogical'.. ........' knowing what i know about the summoning of life force and the allowing of it to flow........ ....those words are not a vibrational match to the energy that i am feeling here' IOW, she did not need to worry about someone's negative predictions, she does not need to worry about some
circumstances that someone is forseeing... ......because she can tell by her own awareness of vibration, that this is not a vibrational match....... ...... .getting a sense of this?
Kansas City 9/26&27/1998
Abraham Hicks,
ask and it is given,
strong desire
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