The following are excerpts from the book:
“Maternal love stops when a child is 33 months old. Mothers maximize their reproduction by focusing on the next child when the current child can feed itself. By 33 months, children can feed themselves if food is available. They can walk and their first set of teeth have completed eruption.”
“Men only love a woman for 42 months, which covers 9 months of gestation and 33 months of post-natal care. Both sexes maximize reproduction by starting a new reproductive cycle with a new partner when a child can feed itself.”
“Revenge encourages victims of rule breaking to always retaliate, whether it helps them or not. The more victims retaliate, the fewer rule breakers there are. The fewer rule breakers there are, the more efficient a group is.”
“Pride is triggered by higher rank, not high rank. Rookies feel pride, but veteran all-stars do not. Recent nursing graduates feel pride, but doctors nearing retirement do not.”
“Humiliation is triggered by lower rank, not low rank. The only criminals who feel humiliation are first-time offenders. Every CEO feels humiliation when they retire.”
“You feel affection when you see or hear features that separate humans from other primates, such as the sight of white eyes or the sound of talking.”
“When you maximize your happiness, you do what is best for the species.”
The Origin of Emotions- book
origin of emotions
The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History
Dr. Joe Vitale
If you want money, you only have to do one thing.
It's the one thing some of the wealthiest people on the planet have done and are doing.
It's the one thing written about in various ancient cultures and still promoted today.
It's the one thing that will bring money to anyone who does it but at the same time most people will fear doing it.
What is that one thing?
John D. Rockefeller did it since he was a child. He became a billionaire.
Andrew Carnegie did it, too. He became a tycoon.
What is the greatest money-making secret in history?
What is the one thing that works for everyone?
Give money away.
That's right. Give it away.
Give it to people who help you stay in touch with your inner world.
Give it to people who inspire you, serve you, heal you, love you.
Give it to people without expecting them to return it, but give it knowing it will come back to you multiplied from some source.
In 1924 John D. Rockefeller wrote to his son and explained his practice of giving away money. He wrote, " the beginning of getting money, away back in my childhood, I began giving it away, and continued increasing the gifts as the income increased..."
Did you notice what he said? He gave away more money as he received more income. He gave away $550 million dollars in his lifetime.
P.T. Barnum gave money away, too. As I wrote in my book on him, "There's A Customer Born Every Minute," Barnum believed in what he called a "profitable philanthropy." He knew giving would lead to receiving. He, too, became one of the world's richest men.
Andrew Carnegie gave enormously, too. While some might argue that these early tycoons had the money to give, so it was easy for them, I would argue that they got the money in part because they were willing to freely give. The giving led to the receiving. The giving led to more wealth.
Today it's fashionable for businesses to give money to worthy causes. It makes them look good and of course it helps those who receive it. Anita Roddick's Body Shop stores, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield's ice cream, and Yvon Chouinard's Patagonia, are living examples of how giving can be good for business.
But what I'm talking about here is individual giving. I'm talking about you giving money so you will receive more money.
If there's one thing I think people do wrong when they practice giving, is they give too little. They hold on to their money and let it trickle out when it comes to giving. And that's why they aren't receiving. You have to give, and give a lot, to be in the flow of life to receive.
I remember when I first heard about the idea of giving. I thought it was a scheme to get me to give money to the people who were telling me to do the giving.
If I did give, it was like a miser. Naturally, what I got in return was equivalent to what I gave. I gave little. I got little.
But then one day I decided to test the theory of giving.
I love inspiring stories. I read them, listen to them, share them, and tell them. I decided to thank Mike Dooley of for the inspiring messages he shares with me and others every day by email.
I decided to give him some money. In the past I would have given him maybe five dollars. But that's when I came from scarcity and feared the giving principle wouldn't work. This time would be different. I took out my check book and wrote a check for one thousand dollars.
Mike was stunned. He got my check in the mail and nearly drove off the road as he headed home. He couldn't believe it.
I loved making him so happy. I delighted in giving the money to him. Whatever he did with it was fine with me. What I got was an incredible feeling of helping someone continue doing what I believed in. It was an inner rush to help him. I still rejoice at sending him the money.
And then something wonderful began to happen.
I suddenly got a call from a person who wanted me to co-author his book, a job that ended up paying me many times over what I given away.
And then a publisher in Japan contacted me, wanting to buy the translation rights to my best-selling book, "Spiritual Marketing." They, too, offered me many times what I had given my friend as a gift.
A true skeptic can say these events are unrelated. Maybe in the skeptic's mind, they aren't. In mine, they are.
When I gave money to Mike, I sent a message to myself and to the world that I was prosperous and in the flow. I also set up a magnetic principle that attracted money to me: As you give, so you will get.
Give time and you'll get time.
Give products and you'll get products.
Give love and you'll get love.
Give money and you'll get money.
This one tip alone can transform your finances. Think of the person or persons who have inspired you over the last week. Who made you feel good about yourself, your life, your dreams, or your goals?
Give that person some money. Give them something from your heart. Don't be stingy. Come from abundance, not scarcity. Give without expecting return from that person, but do expect return. As you do, you will see your own prosperity grow.
Try it and see.
give money,
joe vitale,
law of attraction,
making money,
the secret
Questioner was uncomfortable with body weight.
Abraham: When you have not taken the time to line up the Energy, it doesn’t matter what sort of action you do or don’t do. You can’t buck that current. So what you must do is find the feeling place of that which you are wanting.
So what you would then say is, I really want to believe this. I really want to change this belief because I know that this belief is in my way. I would really like to believe that I can eat these things and still stay slender. And as you you say that, now that is a new creation. Now you begin to attract people to you that are eating those things and staying slender. And you say to them, "You must work out 1000 hours a day", and they say, "No actually I don’t do very much of anything. I’ve just always been slender. It is just the way I am". And then instead of having the impluse to punch their lights out because you are coming from lack, this time you willsay that is very interesting, this something I am coming to understand. Talk to me a little bit about it. And they will begin to tell you from a very early age or just last year they began to realize they have control of their bodies. That their body responds to their thoughts and to nothing else.So as you believe that food makes you fat, food will make you fat. It can be no other way. But as you begin to want it to be different from that, then you will begin to attract the evidence that will assist you in really believing it can go either way. There is not a constant. Food can be a fuel or food can make you fat. Your body can literally metabolize everything you eat into energy or your body can store it. Like the squirrel store nuts. It is up to you, you see.
Abraham Hicks,
body weight,
Quotes about body weight
If you feel fat, you cannot attract thin."
- Abraham What is metabolism?Metabolism is vibration response to your moment in time. Metabolism is the way the Energy is moving through your body. And so, everything is in response to the way you feel-everything is. Everything is mind over matter. Every disease is mental first. Everything is about thought. Everything is about vibration. Everything is about the way you feel. Practice scenarios that feel good-and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating.
Silver Spring, MD - 5/11/02
What can I do to make my manifestation happen?"
We don't know anybody that wants anything, whether it's a change in their body, or a physical condition, or a relationship, or an event, or a pile of money- we don't know anything that anybody wants that isn't for the same reason, and that is you THINK that in the HAVING of that manifestation you will feel better. And what we're saying is- you MUST find a way to feel better FIRST, then the manifestation will happen.
People say 'give me the manifestation and then I will feel good'- and we say, you probably would, but FEEL GOOD and then the manifestation will come. And if you can't feel good about where this manifestation is (questioner's body weight) then find other things that you DO feel good about. Use ANY excuse in the world."
Abraham Hicks,
abraham quotes,
body weight,
San Rafael, CA - Mar. 15, 2009 workshop notes
Focus on the knowing that is – in the reality that is – in the vortex: worthiness, connectedness. Those core beliefs - have that be your reality.
Celebrate diversity.“You’ve gotta want to be in the vortex more than being right,” no matter what evidence you might have that you could use as justification for not going in there.“There is so much more to creation than action.” – not to take away action, “but when you count on your action for your creation you limit yourself incredibly.”** “Your hospitals are filled with people taking action to compensate for discord in thought.”
1st questioner: Wants to get into the vortex to find her lover.
Summary: You don’t get into the vortex to find your lover; he’s already in there. Get happy and then you’ll recognise him.
Abe – What is it about the vortex that would make you want to be in there?Talk about “How good could it be for me?” – When you get in the vortex the already written story is waiting for you – It’s already written. Talk about it further… What does that feeling of being there feel like? (For the questioner it’s feeling ‘On top of the world’) Now talk about that further: “I feel like…”You want to be independent and you’re full and whole in the vortex, but your beliefs say you need to be dependent.“The vortex is a swirling mass of cooperative components, of which I am now one.”What does it feel like in the vortex when you meet someone in alignment with you? When you’re in the vortex what’s in there equals you. When you get spit out of the vortex, laugh, dust yourself off, and go back in. No big deal.Focus on, what does it feel like in the vortex?
2nd questioner:
Left her husband because she thought he kept her out of the vortex. Wants to know how to explain her decision to him in a way he’ll understand.
Abe reframed it to her not having had the self-discipline to keep herself in the vortex and be happy while she was with him.“Being in the vortex is an inside-job, personal thing. Don’t give your power over to somebody.”They gave her a beautiful piece of what to say to him to explain it in a way he could understand. Was so sweet - they asked, “Would you like to know the words to say to him?” She, sitting there in tears, “Yes, I have my pen!” Abraham: “... And I didn't have the self-discipline to go there [to the vortex] when I was with you. I made you so big and important I gave you my power. But I remember who I am... Let me tell you who I know I am: I love to laugh, I am free, I am creative, funny, inspired, colourful... so many wonderful things. You tried to make me responsible for how you feel, every damn day we were together, and I'm not. So, I'm going to get happy. I know I can. And maybe you and I will decide to take another run at it.”That's all I wrote (I stopped at a point to just listen – it was compelling) but the finish was that maybe there will be a decision for another go, or maybe for a moving on, but I know it's my responsibility to be happy for myself, not to have needed you to be a certain way for me to get there.
3rd questioner: Wants to get in the vortex in relation to money.
Reframe by Abe: Wants in and doesn’t want what she thinks and believes about money to boot her out.
Focus Wheel 101 – The purpose of a focus wheel is to bridge a belief that isn’t working to a belief that is working – one that does feel better. Goal is to shift emotional response to something because when that shifts, your vibration shifts.Put what you’re wanting in the centre of the wheel. Then as an entry point to the wheel (first segment), write down something you already believe that matches what’s in the centre.Example centre statement: I want to feel prosperous, good, sure… I want to know and feel the ease of my prosperity.
Segment 1: I have felt the ease of prosperity before, and there are people who feel like I want to – and who before, were where I am and now have come to. Prosperity is possible.
Segment 2: I have wonderful clients who are prosperous and it’s lovely to be around them. (Abraham seemed to caution that for some people this could be a not-so-good-feeling statement, due to comparison, but for this woman it worked well.)
Segment 3: I like choosing what to do based on being free… based on whether I want to do it rather than on whether I can afford it.
Segment 4: These tense days are great – there will be a time when I’ll be shifted in my life and I’ll thank this contrast.
Segment 5: I’m good at what I do and I care about doing it well.Abraham used the analogy of the merry-go-round so many of us have played on, and how risky it is to try to get on when it’s spinning really fast! When it slows down though, you can jump on and keep your balance without being flung into the bushes because it’s starting too fast for you to keep up with. So, with your first segment statement, choose something you already believe about what you want.So it’s not the situation/circumstances of my life, it’s my response to the situation/circumstances. It’s a temporary – and catalytic – time --> reframe on contrast, with knowing that one day I’ll look back and thank it.* “When you’re in the vortex you’ll seem, by outside appearances, lazier.”For the most part, we learned what we know about money (and other subjects) from those not in the vortex.* When you’ve wanted something for a long time and you let go of resistance, it can come fast. Relax into it and stop doing that thing you do that keeps it from arriving.
Next question: Does Abraham have an Oversoul (like Seth speaks of)? There is an “out of the vortex” for Abe but we couldn’t discern it.
Next question: Is there a deeper place Abraham can go, to speak to humanity?
Abraham: Stop demonizing ego and embrace it as part of creative focus. When in the vortex, the response to ego is embracive. When you’re egotistically focused on things apart from who you are, it feels bad. You can also use egotistical focus to be connected with who you are, in order to go/get back into the vortex.
Questioner: “So it’s either you’re connected or you’re not.”
Abraham: “Period.”Don’t pretend you feel one way when you feel another.
4th questioner: Was in the vortex until she visited her parents and popped out.“We don’t want you to need anyone else to be necessary for you to be in the vortex.” It can be a good opportunity to do things like touch base with parents every so often (eg. go home), to see how you’ve done at being in the vortex. In other words, touch on a tricky subject after you’ve been in the vortex on purpose for a while, to discover how you’re doing.It’s a bitter pill to swallow when you’re an allower and loving someone who doesn’t allow you – but it is up to you. That’s where power and empowerment comes.* A lot of people not in the vortex resent you being in there and think you’re not taking their problems seriously. You need to decide that your connection with Source is your top priority because only when in the vortex do you fully have all of you to give to someone else.Think about those in trouble thriving. You could say to them, “I always knew ______ about you.” I have lists of things I’ve written about your heart, soul, future, humour, beauty, where you’re going, how glad I am we know each other, how good things are for you, your prosperity… Get in the vortex pre- face-to-face meeting. (I think it was the questioner’s sister she asked about, wanting her to feel better; how to focus on her.)
5th questioner: Asking about Feng Shui
Questioner: “I’m a little confused. People say if you use Feng Shui in your house and your life will go perfect.”
Abraham: “Well, then use it. And report back in.” (Funny)Abraham told the story about Esther with the crystals when she was told a crystal’s energy would help but she asked Abe which she should choose. “Well then, choose the biggest one. But then you’ll need to always have it with you.” (To me this is sort of like Dumbo discovering that he didn’t need the feather in order to fly.)Alignment is just about you and you, no more. When you’re in alignment everything must be good for you because Law of Attraction would give you no other than what you’ve asked for.* There can be energy misalignment in a space (and there are people sensitive enough to read it), but when you’re in alignment you walk in and the space aligns itself to you. Likewise, if you’re not in alignment and go into an aligned space, the space will mold itself to you. Your alignment trumps environmental (eg. home environment) factors. Absolute knowledge of your power is alignment.“We want you to understand, your planet has been Feng Shui’ed. It’s huge.”The way you deactivate something unwanted is to focus on something wanted – go to a “neutral zone”. A symbol can stand in as a help for that – something to focus on that you don’t have resistance to or pre-conceived notions about.
Abraham Hicks,
feng shui,
focus wheel,
workshop notes
Abraham on the Multiverse and Alternate Dimensions
The purpose of Abraham's message is for us to live the most satisfying way we can here in THIS "dimension", and in THIS time-space-reality. When they are questioned about "other dimensions" they often don't dwell on the answer since, as I said, it is not the thrust of their teachings. When Abraham says "there is no competition", they are not referring to competing in a game or sport. They mean that there are ample resources available to us all, and that nobody can take your piece of the resource "pie". Anything you can desire, you can manifest IN ITS ESSENCE. So while there will not usually be two winners of a particular contest, all participants can and will achieve that which is a vibrational match to their offering. There is always another contest, another prize, another ship.. you name it. That is the thrust of Abraham's "there is no competition" teaching. You have chosen to come into this "dimension" (although this is not a word I've heard Abraham use frequently). You chose to come HERE to THIS PLANET and THIS TIME SPACE reality in order to experience HERE, the contrast that is available HERE. And... you can have THE ESSENCE of exactly what you want here in this "dimension". The specifics were not important to you when you came in. You didn't care which sports team won any particular game or competition. That you care NOW is a function of the contrast you are experiencing HERE and the choices you are making. Whether your team wins in "another dimension" isn't even relevant, since you have chosen to experience in THIS ONE.No, this doesn't limit you. Abraham says that anything - no exceptions - that this time/space reality has the ability to foster a desire for in you, it also has the ability to yield to you in full manifestation.Abraham's teachings are really VERY SIMPLE, and as I've found myself saying in several threads lately, when we over-think we run the risk of losing their beauty and profundity. If you let go of the specifics that you are asking for, and instead focus on WHAT FEELS GOOD, you will find that the Universe (IN THIS DIMENSION) has INFINITE possibilities to give you WHAT YOU WANT! The problem is when we get our "heart set" on a certain team's victory, a particular object, or a particular relationship, we are LIMITING the infinite universe! If we will instead, focus on our TRUE desire, which is to enjoy the ride, have fun and FEEL GREAT, then we will see that everything we want is TRULY available right here.Yes, you are right, to an extent, that Abraham says "do what you want"... but you are missing a large portion of their lesson if you focus only on that. More importantly, they are saying "follow your guidance", which comes in the form of emotions - either good-feeling, or not good-feeling, and by using that guidance, make your way through this life. If it feels good to do what your boss requests, do it. If it doesn't feel good, you can line up and make it feel better, or you can wait for inspiration to do something that feels better. Abraham does not say that you are "constantly moving through dimensions". In fact they are quite adamant that we chose to come here, we wanted to be here, and we created the physical circumstances and physical laws that govern our experience here because we wanted to enjoy THIS "dimension".
What realm Abe is from
Abe's response to questioner whose friend is wanting to know what realm Abe is from;
ABRAHAM: Tell your friend that Abraham explained who they are in this way:We are the vibrational essence that equals the culmination of all that has been lived both physically and non-physically. We are an energy that is expanding consciously and constantly because of the willingness of physical experience and its contribution to the neverending want or desire. We are the expanded version of who each of you are and we are the pure essence of that expanded version. We hold not any of the concerns that you hold but we have benefited from the concerns that you have lived. We are not stumped by your questions but we ride on the stream of your answers. We are notbothered by your problems because your problems have inspired the expansion or solution. We are as broad or as deep as the question that you ask, because Law of Attraction will not match you up with the part of us that is different than the part of you. We can only be aswise as your wisdom, as loving as your love and as smart as your brilliance. We cannot be more than you allow us to be. So when you find something in us that you seem worthy or wonderful or beneficial, you must understand that it is a pure reflection of who you are,because you could not get it from us if you were not it also.
We have enjoyed this interaction immensely.
Meditation and faith
A questioner asked about meditation and faith. Abe spoke about how to have faith in Law of Attraction. Notice when something happens. To increase your faith do these three steps.
1. Think thoughts, note your thoughts
2. Note your feeling about the thoughts
3. Notice what happens.
These steps make it easier to remember the power of Law of Attraction.
Abraham Hicks,
law of attraction,
three steps
Bob Proctor - The Law of Attraction
The Law of Vibration accounts for the difference between mind and matter; between the physical and the nonphysical worlds.
According to the Law of Vibration, we postulate that everything vibrates or moves; nothing sits idle. Everything is in a constant state of motion, and therefore, there is no such thing as "inertia", or a state of rest. From the most ethereal, to the most gross form of matter, everything is in a constant state of vibration.
Moving from the lowest to the highest degree of vibration, we discover there are literally millions upon millions of intervening levels or degrees; from the electron to the universe, everything is in vibratory motion. (Energy is manifested in all the varying degrees of vibration.)
Rates of vibration" are called "frequencies," and the higher the frequency, the more potent the force. Since thought is one of the highest forms of vibration, it is very potent in nature and therefore, it must be understood by all of us.
To vibrate means: "to move backwards and forwards, to oscillate, to shake, to quiver, to swing, to waver, to cause to quiver."
To obtain a more graphic conceptualization of the idea of Vibration, just stretch out one of your arms straight in front of you. Then hold it perfectly still. While you are holding it still and are unable to perceive any motion in that arm at all, know that the electrons which compose the arm, are moving, shaking, quivering, or vibrating, at the rate of 186,300 miles per second.
The arm appears still to you, but in reality it is in a constant state of motion. Of course, although such motion is imperceptible to the naked eye, under a high-powered microscope it would become very apparent, indeed.
Now, begin to shake your arm. You, yourself, are now causing the arm to vibrate. It was already vibrating of its own accord, in obedience to the Law of Vibration (which teaches that everything is in constant motion). But you have stepped up, or increased, the rate of that vibration. You have pushed down on the vibratory accelerator pedal, as it were.
"The mind in itself and in its own place can make a hell out of heaven or a heaven out of hell." - John Milton
People, as a rule, can be classified as positive personalities (optimists) or negative personalities (pessimists).
Those individuals who are positive in their thoughts always tend to look upon the brighter side of life. With their faces turned toward the sunshine, they attempt to see the good, even in the bad. Such individuals habitually think thoughts of a positive nature and they are a blessing to the world. They are in a "Positive Vibration," and therefore attract other positive personalities to them.
Negative personalities, on the other hand, habitually look upon the dark, gloomy, and depressing side of life. Even the good holds some bad for them. They dwell on the bad and the negative. They think about it, anticipate it, expect it, and invariably they receive what they have been seeking. Due to the negative vibration which they keep themselves in, they of course attract other miserable personalities to them. As you are already aware, "misery loves company."
Their state of mind can be compared to the person who, upon being asked how he felt, said,
"I feel alright today, but I might feel bad tomorrow."
Negative personalities are depressing to everyone around them. Their faces take on the expression, in physical form, of the negative thoughts which they are holding in their minds. Each day, one can observe such individuals passing on the street. No cheer, no joy radiates from them-just gloom, frowns and hostility. Having created their own hell for themselves, they seem to enjoy wallowing in it.
The law of Polarity and Relativity states that for every positive there is an equal and opposite negative. Therefore, both of these personality types are necessary, so you can develop the awareness to distinguish one from the other, and in that manner, choose the one which will advance you in life.
You do have Free Will. You can choose which of these two personality types you wish to adopt. Therefore, if a person is constantly negative, but tires of that state, the person may, through awareness and proper effort, change himself into a positive personality type of individual.
Understand this-The Law of Vibration will give people the awareness they require, to make the personality changes they desire.
The Brain - The Body
The human body, believe it or not, is one of the most efficient electrical instruments in this entire universe. The human brain, similarly, is probably the most efficient electrical instrument ever created. Both are truly marvels.
The brain is the part of the body where all manner of frequencies are transformed from one frequency level into another. In the brain, for example, sensations are transformed into muscular action. Sound, heat, light and thought are also, each in their turn, transformed into other frequencies, each affecting the body.
Within the brain there are centers which control and regulate the functioning of all organs and parts of the body. By means of the proper stimulation of these centers, the functioning of the organs may thereby be controlled. In our seminars, we refer to this phenomenon as the vibratory control of the body.
In the final analysis, the brain is simply a vibratory instrument. To begin to understand its functioning you must undertake the study of the Law of Vibration.
Since the early 1940's, we have had at our disposal the EEG (electroencephalograph), which reads the electrical activity of the brain, and the ECG (electrocardiograph), which traces the electrical changes which occur during heart contractions.
Therefore, vibrations are certainly not something which are new to us. Indeed, all of us have an awareness of them. However, the problem which we encounter is that the vast majority of people are not aware of the connection between their vibrations and their results in life.
It is, unfortunately, a very common sight to see people in bad or confused vibrations, busily attempting-through force-to achieve good results. However, due to the negative vibration which they are in, they are continually being bombarded by all manner of negative people and situations, which by law, are being attracted to them. Consequently, at some point, their battle must become overwhelming for them.
These people may be likened to a person who is jumping off the top of a building, and trying to go up, at one and the same time. The result, in either case, would be equally predictable and equally disastrous.
Everything Is Energy, Everything Vibrates
For you to gain a better awareness of how you are to take control over your results (i.e. to better understand how and why the thoughts and things come into your life as they do), you must go back to the basic premise with which we started: namely, everything vibrates and nothing stands still. There is, in truth, no such thing as inertia. Scientists today support this thesis and every new scientific discovery tends to lend even more credibility to it.
However, by virtue of your Free Will and the many other mental factors in your marvelous mind, you have the Co-Creative ability to cause vibratory changes to take place at your bidding in your life. The cause for our lack of ability to exercise this tremendous power for good is nothing other than our own ignorance about the Law of Vibration.
Let There Be Light-Your Connecting Link
Slowly but surely, let us see with our inner eye of understanding, how you may "connect" with the good that you desire, to improve the quality of your own life.
Two objects whose electromagnetic fields are the same are operating on the same frequency. Therefore, we can say they are in resonance, in harmony, or in rapport. When two objects are in resonance or vibrating at the same speed, the vibratory rate may be transmitted from one to the other through the medium of the electron. ("Resonance" as a field of study, is concerned with the electromagnetic fields surrounding objects.)
For example, we find a globe in a chandelier will vibrate when in resonance with a certain key on a piano; yet it will not vibrate to any other note on the piano keyboard.
The two objects under discussion are composed of entirely different material and they have completely different shapes. Still, they are in resonance with one another, due to the fact their ultimate magnetic fields are the same. They are within the same sphere of relative motion, and this holds true, irrespective of their size, shape, or the elements of which they are composed.
All electromagnetic waves, or quantums, have their own particular rate or frequency, which corresponds to the number of changes in direction they make per second. The electromagnetic wave spectrum is simply a "Scale of Vibration," and it is subdivided into specific regions.
Nevertheless, one must always remember these regions are not actual divisions, but merely arbitrary spaces covering frequencies that manifest in our senses in different ways. Each region actually "blends" into the one above and the one below, and in truth, there are no definite lines of demarcation.
Everything Is An Expression Of The Same Thing
Everything in this entire universe is connected to everything else in this entire universe, through the Law of Vibration. Just as the colors in a rainbow are connected in such a way that you are not able to tell where one color stops and the other begins, so too are you unable to distinguish where one "thing" starts and another one stops. Everything in this universe is connected to everything else in this universe, just as the water that boils is connected to the steam into which it transmutes, and the steam is connected to the ether or air into which it changes.
You too are connected to everything in the universe. Whether you can see it with the naked eye or not is unimportant. The only physical difference which exists between one thing and another, relates to the density or the amplitude of their vibration.
Therefore, as soon as you choose certain thoughts, your brain cells are affected. These cells vibrate and send off electromagnetic waves. When you concentrate on those thoughts, you increase the amplitude of vibration of those cells, and the electric waves, in turn, become much more potent.
Know that it is you who is originating those electric waves and know that you are also determining the density of them by your own free will. You must also know, since you are originating these electric waves, your whole being is being put in that particular vibration.
We have already covered the point that two objects may be of entirely different material and shape, and yet still be in Resonance. This is due to the fact their ultimate magnetic fields are the same, because they are within the same sphere of relative motion. (Keep in mind that resonance is the factor governing the transmutation of vibrations.)
When you hold the image of your goal on the screen of your mind, in the present tense, you are vibrating in harmony (in resonance) with every particle of energy necessary for the manifestation of your image on the physical plane. By holding that image, those particles of energy are moving toward you (attraction) and you are moving toward them-because that is the law.
All things are merely manifestations of energy or Spirit.
When the world comes to understand this great truth, we will be aware that all people are the same; they only appear to be different. The true dividing lines for mankind are not borders, color or language, but simply ignorance and its polar opposite, understanding.
Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free.
Excerpted from You were born rich by Bob Proctor.
I'm Wasting My Life Stuck In Traffic
„I live in a big city with millions of people. And the traffic is terrible. I commute over an hour each way to and from my place of employment. And that‘s when things are going well. But there are times when I am stuck in traffic for hours because of road construction or an accident. I guess I could try to find a home that‘s closer to my work, but there are so many things for me to consider. It isn‘t easy to find everything that my family and I want, and a house that at the same time is near enough to my work to make that much difference. But I feel like I‘m wasting my life sitting in traffic.“
No matter what it is that people desire, one of the greatest hindrances that slows the process of receiving it, and sometimes keeps them from ever obtaining it, is their fixation upon where they stand in relationship to where they want to be. People will say, „I want to be over there. But here I am, over here“. And since here, where they stand, is so easy for them to observe, it usually dominates the bulk of the vibrations that they offer. Well, you may be thinking, „Yes, but this is a situation where I really am here, and I would really rather be there. And I can‘t physically pick myself up and transport myself to another location“. But we want you to understand that wheter you want to be well from your place of sickness, or slender from your place of fatness, or rich from your place of poverty, or flowing in traffic rather than stuck in traffic, the dynamics of creation are the same – when you want something and you believe that having it will make you feel good, if right now you feel bad, you‘re not moving toward what you want. You have to feel good now, no matter
what the conditions are, or the conditions cannot improve. You must make peace, so to speak, with where you are to allow yourself to move to a place you would rather be.
People often worry that making peace with an unpleasant situation is equivalent to giving in and accepting it, so that now the unwanted will only remain longer. But that‘s not what happens at all. When you make peace with where you are, you feel better, or turn downstream, so to speak, and flow toward what you do want.
Whenever you rive at discomfort or whine and complain, you‘re turned upstream, and away from what you want for the duration of your discomfort. The more you complain about traffic, the more you prevent improvement in your situation. Some would say that traffic is what it is, so your experience within it is not in your control. But there‘s nothing that affects you over which you have no control. However, you cannot affect positive change from your position of lack. Any action that‘s taken from a place of negative emotion will not yield positive results. If you‘re able to bring yourself from a position of discomfort into a peaceful position of feeling good, even though no outside condition has changed, in a short time the outside condition must change. If you continue to observe an unpleasant condition, making no effort to find a better feeling
way of seeing it, the condition will not only not improve, but the LOA will bring further evidence to support it. The things you are observing cannot change until you see them in a different way. Many people say, „Give me more money, and then I‘ll feel more prosperous“. We say, you must feel more prosperous and then more money will come.The key to deliberate creation is simply to decide how you want to feel and then to figure out a way to feel that way now. And when you do, everything around you will acquiesce to your new found
basis of attraction. The powerful LOA is utterly cooperative and absolutely precise.
A clearer route, or path, from where you are to where you want to be is always available. But when you‘re feeling negative emotion, you cannot find it. As you consistantly feel good, your timing will improve, new ideas will occur to you, road improvements that have been bogged down in commities will be freed up, work projects you‘ve wanted will show up around the corner, your employer will tell you that he wants you to work from your home. The resources of the Universe are vast and unlimitted, and now you have access to them. So begin where you are and reach for improved feeling thoughts.
For instance,
Why would I choose to live in a place where I spend all of my time sitting here breathing in fumes?
I can hardly bear to sit here.
I want to abandon my car and just run off into the bushes.
We have offered this exaggerated example of how some feel as they‘re stuck in traffic in order to amplify something significant. The way you‘re feeling right now as you‘re stuck in traffic is rarely only because you‘re right now stuck in traffic. In other words, those who are pleased with how life is going, happy in their relationships, thriving financially, feeling good in their bodies, are not nearly as bothered about being stuck in traffic as others who are out there hanging on the raw and ragged edge of life, regarding other aspects of their life experience. However, no matter how you feel or how bad it is, and no matter what the reasons are why you feel so bad, your work is still exactly the same – from where you are make an effort to feel just a little bit of relief. If your discomfort as you‘re stuck in traffic is really only a feeling of frustration because you‘re stuck in traffic, you‘ll be able to easily bring youself to a better feeling place. And as you do so consistanly, day after day, while you‘re sitting in slow moving traffic, you‘ll begin to receive impulses that will serve you. Your timing as you enter the roadways will improve. Your impulse to exit the freeway and take the surface roads for a distance will serve you. In your state of alignment you will begin to move with other drivers in a sort of cosmic dance that you will find amazing and exhilarating. The entire Universe cooperates with you when you‘re in the flow of your own vibrational stream.
For example,
I think that I will use this time to ponder some imortant things.
Since thinking is more important than action, I‘ll use this time of not much action to think.
It‘s fun to observe other people in the cars around me.
It‘s sort of like going to a party where you can see other people in other conversations even though you‘re not personally conversing with them.
It‘s fun to guess what they‘re discussing or what their lives are about.
I enjoy the wide variety of people, vehicles and stories that surround me in traffic.
I like the idea of using my own thoughts to create my own story.
I like the idea of my story radiating out of me and out of my vehicle.
It‘s fun to get tuned into my best feeling Self and then notice the other drivers that notice me.
It may very well turn out that my favourite part of life is slowly moving down this freeway,watching the evidence of my own vibrational offering.
And here is a new dilemma for a future discussion:
I sometimes miss the slow moving traffic, during which I did my very best thinking.
The astonishing power of emotions- Esther and Jerry Hicks
Vibrations, It's All About Vibrations
Are you knowing what you are wanting, and are you enjoying desire pulsing within you? If you are, then you are somewhere in the vibrational proximity of your desire. If your desire is not pleasing you so much it only means that, for whatever reason, you have not yet achieved a close vibrational harmony with your desire. For when you find up-close vibrational to your own desire, then your desire feels satisfying; it feels interesting; it feels life-giving. And the further you are—in vibrational proximity—from your own desire, then the more it aggravates you and the more uncomfortable you feel.
So, if you find yourself wanting to think about the things you want and wanting to talk about them with others, if the desire is calling your interest and calling your attention and calling your action, then you’re pretty well lined up with it, and it is unfolding. But if it feels like work; if you’re thinking about your desire because you have been told that goal-setting is important and that Deliberate Creation is about thinking about what you want; if it feels like you are making it happen rather than letting it happen, then there may still be some resistance within your vibration. It is interesting as we hear this buzz in your meeting room because it is almost the same sort of thing that happens in your body. It is something that is vibrationally not in alignment. In this room you hear it in the electrical system and the sound system, but each of you has that same awareness, that vibrational sensing, when things are out of alignment within you.
But sometimes you just get used to the buzz; it’s been there for as long as you can remember it . . . you don’t quite know what to do about it, and so, you just acclimate to the buzz of the resistance rather than releasing the resistance and bringing yourself into alignment with your own desire.
Vibrational alignment: that is what everything is about. You are flesh, blood and bone, yes you are. You can see it; you can pinch it; you can lick it; you can see the physicalness of your Being. But you are extensions of Source Energy, which means you are electronic Beings. You are vibrational, first and foremost.
Sometimes you’ll have a sensation in your body (you call it sickness maybe, or discomfort or uneasiness; you call it an imbalance) and your first assumption is, “Oh, I have a sickness,” or, “I have a virus,” or “Maybe I’m coming down with something; I think there is something of a physical nature that is wrong with me.” And then, you try to figure out what viruses are afoot and how you can immunize yourself against them. Or, you’re looking for something to soothe it; you’re looking for some sort of remedy. You wonder, Is it something I ate? Is it something that is going around? And we are in the background smiling but shouting: It is Energy! It is Energy! It is Energy! Now, it might be Energy that is manifested into something that you would call sickness. In other words, dis-ease is just not-ease. Dis-ease is not allowing the ease that is natural to be—but everything is vibrational. And so, begin to pay attention to the way you feel. And when you hear a “buzz,” we would encourage you to do something about it. Don’t ignore it. Don’t accept it as normal. Don’t assume that it’s something outside of you that you cannot do anything about. Understand that whatever you are feeling is an indication of your vibrational countenance. Now, why is that such a wonderful and such an important thing? It is because you are extensions of Source Energy. You have come into this physical body as the leading edge…hear that: the Leading Edge Extension of Source Energy. You are the further-most focus of this Energy that creates Worlds; you are creative genius and you have access to all of this Energy—and the way you create with it—the way you utilize it is through your attention.
Whatever you are giving your attention to is vibrating, and as you give your attention to it, a reverberation between you and whatever you are focused upon takes place. You are like your wireless computer, and so you don’t have to plug yourself in with some wire in order to connect to the network which is Source Energy. So, as you connect to this Source Energy network, so to speak (in your wireless way) you can always tell what you are doing as this Leading Edge summoner of the Energy.
Now, let’s say you have an electric toaster and your 7-year-old child has taken it apart (had a good time doing it) but when he put it back together, he got some wires crossed inside. And when you plug your toaster in, exciting explosive things happen. And you say, “The toaster, which is the leading edge extension of the utilization of the electricity, was misaligned.” And we would like you to understand that you are the toaster, and that you always have access to this pure Energy Stream, but depending upon how you’re aligned in any moment, that’s what equals the way you feel.
The Stream is always perfect; the Stream is always Pure Positive Energy flowing toward you. But you have so much leeway, latitude, ability, flexibility . . . You have so much ability to align-misalign, align-misalign with this Energy Stream. So, when you look at your dashboard on your vehicle and you focus upon your fuel gauge and it tells you that your tank is approaching empty, you don’t feel angry with the gauge. You don’t take a hammer and just beat it out of the dash because it told you something you did not want to know. You also don’t stick a “Happy Face” sticker over it so that you can’t see it. In other words, it seems fairly important to you to know the level of fuel in your tank. And when your tank is approaching empty, you do something about it. See your emotions as a similar gauge. When your “tank” is full, you are aligned with your Source Energy; you are full of yourself. But when you are approaching empty, that’s where that orneriness, fitfulness, despair, depression . . . that’s where those strong negative emotions are. And so, when you feel an emotion, we want you to, first of all, appreciate the fact that you are feeling the emotion and then understand that your Guidance System is fulfilling its reason for being just as you knew that it would. It is giving you a clear, constant, always-accurate reading of your vibrational countenance. Now, what does that “fuel gauge on empty” mean in terms of emotion? What does negative emotion mean? It means, whatever you’re focused upon has a vibration activated within you that’s enough off the signal of that which is your Source that you have introduced a “buzz” in your system. It doesn’t mean you’re going to die; It doesn’t mean terrible things are going to happen. Not right away. (Fun!) It means that you are disallowing the Well-Being that would be there, otherwise. Now, you are an extension of Pure Positive Energy, and that Pure Positive Energy is the only Stream that flows and you are allowing it or not allowing it. You are allowing it a lot, or not allowing it very much . . . but whatever you are doing with the allowing of the Stream is what your emotions are telling you . . . negative emotion is your indication of the diminishment of the Stream of Well-Being that would be there if you weren’t thinking whatever thought you’re thinking that’s got that vibration going within you that gives you that negative emotion that is the sensation that is the indicator of what you are doing vibrationally.
Everything is about vibration, and everything you feel is related to what you are doing with vibration. But, we know, especially at first, when you hear some Non-physical “angel” expressing to you about vibration, (Fun!) we know that it can be a little off-putting because you are accustomed to approaching your world through your physical sense. It does feel more logical to you, when you feel something in your body, to start looking for physical clues. But we want you to look for vibrational clues, because at the heart of everything that you are living is a vibration of alignment or a vibration of misalignment—and that is all there is.
So, your emotions are very important; your emotions are your Guidance; your emotions are your constant indicator; and as you make them your friend, and as you do not stick a “Happy Face” over them, but instead, you let them be the indicator that they are, and then you do something about improving your state of emotion—which means raising your vibration, which means lowering your resistance to your Source Energy vibration—now, you are a Deliberate Creator.
We want to point out that your “tank” can never really be empty. You can pinch it off pretty good, but you will never empty out. In an ultimate physical withdrawal you just re-emerge fully into Non-physical. In other words, when you die, your tank fills right up. Death is the ultimate fulfillment of your fuel tank.
We would just like you to discover (on a consistent basis, and without dying) a full extension of that Source Energy. And we know that the only way that you’re going to be able to consistently do that is by reading your vibration and knowing what the feeling of your vibration means—and then adjusting your thought for the purpose of finding the relief that releasing resistance always brings.
It is not vibrationally possible for you to jump from that place of depression into that place of empowerment just because your friend or counselor wants you to. It is vibrationally not possible because Law of Attraction will not let you make that kind of jump any more than you could set your radio on 98.6 and hear what is being broadcast on 101 FM—the frequencies have to match up. You have to be a vibrational match to what you’re reaching for, or you cannot be the receiver of it. Step One is, you ask. Contrast helps you to ask all over the place. You never stop asking; you are asking endlessly. Step Two is, that which you are asking for is always given—every single time. Source hears your request, and answers every single time; there is not an exception to that. Step Three says, those who ask must vibrationally line up with that which they are asking for. In other words, you have to be in the vibrational proximity of your own desire if there is to be any evidence of movement toward your desire. Not because you have been bad in past lives, and not because you are inappropriate now, but for the simple fact that vibrations have to line up.
Law of Attraction (That which is like unto itself is drawn) is this powerful, consistent Law and your very best friend because when you get a sense of what your vibration is, and when you pay attention to the way you feel so you can feel how much of who you really are you are focusing in this moment, then you will never again be uncomfortable or surprised about anything that happens to you, or to anyone else. No one else is keeping you from anything that you want. There is not an agency, not a parent, not an influence, there is not another—nothing can prevent you from the fulfillment of your own desires—only you. And only you can do it through offering a vibration that is not in alignment with your desires. And, your emotions are telling you in every moment whether or not you are allowing or resisting, whether or not you are in alignment or misalignment with your own desires.
Understanding the Law of Attraction, and more importantly, understanding the way you feel, will give you creative abilities beyond your wildest dreams. There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have; there is nothing that you cannot reach for and achieve—and there is nothing that needs to take a long time to come to you. Source Energy is very fast-moving Energy, and manifestation is much faster in these days than it has ever been before. And it is time for you to reclaim your power by paying attention to whatever you are doing that is causing you to divert your power or to resist your power.
Pay attention to the way you feel. And make your essential, determined stance be that you’re going to make the best of things. That’s really the mantra that will put you on course: I’m going to make the best of this. No matter where I am, I’m going to make the best of it! Hear what that means: No matter where I am, if I make the best of it, it’s gotta get better. And then if I still make the best of it, it’s gotta get better. And if I still make the best of it, it’s gotta get even better. . . .
People are going to find you to be very nice to be with. Children may be a little shocked as they discover you are not riding herd on their behavior so much. They will be delighted as they discover you are giving them an up-close example of someone who is joyous. Other’s will discover, through their exposure to you, their own joy—for you will teach through the clarity of your example.
You never teach anyone anything by pointing out what they’re doing wrong and then trying to discipline them into doing something that you believe is right. All you do is distort their awareness of the only Guidance that will ever be of any value to them.
No one else can evaluate anyone else’s Emotional Scale. It’s an inside job. It’s a personal job, and nobody else can do it.
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton
boca raton,
law of attraction,
Alanis Morissette
...These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer
I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter
These are 21 things I choose to choose in a lover
I'm in no hurry I could wait forever
I'm in no rush cuz I like being solo
There are no worries and certainly no pressure
In the meantime I'll live like there's no tomorrow...
We'd gather around
All in a room
Fasten our belts
Engage in dialogue
We'd all slow down
Rest without guilt
Not lie without fear
Disagree sans jugement
We would stay and respond and expand and include and allow and forgive and
Enjoy and evolve and discern and inquire and accept and admit and divulge and
Open and reach out and speak up
This is utopia
This is my utopia
This is my ideal my end in sight
This is my utopia
This is my nirvana
My ultimate
We'd open our arms
We'd all jump in
We'd all coast down
Into safety nets
We would share and listen and support and welcome be propelled by passion not
Invest in outcomes we would breathe and be charmed and amused by difference
Be gentle and make room for every emotion
This is utopia
This is my utopia
This is my ideal my end in sight
This is my utopia
This is my nirvana
My ultimate
We'd provide forums
We'd all speak out
We'd all be heard
We'd all feel seen
We'd rise post-obstacle more defined more grateful we would heal be humbled
And be unstoppable we'd hold close and let go and know when to do which we'd
Release and disarm and stand up and feel safe
This is utopia
This is my utopia
This is my ideal my end in sight
This is my utopia
This is my nirvana
My ultimate
I'll give you countless amounts of outright
Acceptance if you want it. I will give you
Encouragment to choose the path that you want if you need it.
You can speak of anger and doubts,
Your fears and freak-outs and I'll hold it.
You can share your so-called
Shamefilled accounts of times in your life and I won't judge it.
And there are no strings attached to it
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
And you owe me nothing in return.
You can ask for space for yourself
And only yourself and I'll grant it.
You can ask for freedom as well
Or time to travel and you'll have it.
You can ask to live by yourself
Or love someone else and I'll support it.
You can ask for anything you want
Anything at all and I'll understand it.
And there are no strings attached to it
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
And you owe me nothing in return.
I bet you're wonderin' when
The next payback shoe will eventually drop.
I bet you're wonderin' when my conditional police will force you to cough up.
I bet you're wonderin' how far you now have danc-ed your way back into debt.
This is the only kind of love
As I understand it
That there really is.
You can express your deepest of truths
Even if it means I'll lose you and I'll hear it.
You can fall into the abyss
On the way to your bliss
I'll empathize with.
You can say that you'll have to skip town
To chase your passion and I'll hear it.
You can even hit rock bottom have a mid-life chrisis and I'll hold it.
And there are no strings attached to it
You owe me nothin' for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothin' for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
And you owe me nothing in return.
You owe me nothin' for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothin' for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
And you owe me nothing in return.
Abraham Hicks,
Alanis Morissette,
Feeling great but nothing big is happening
Q: "I think I missed out on one little part somewhere, because things are coming to me, but as happy as I am, they've got to come faster than they do."
A: "And therein lies your problem."
Q: "But it's not there most of the time, but I've got to find out what it is. Even if things don't come to me in a month or two or five, I still know it's ok, but I think I've got to do something different to speed things up."
A: "There are two things that are at the heart of this, and you are going to hear this easily and clearly, and we'll take our time until we are certain that you have because a lot of people are right there with you. They get that too. So, you understand that contrast has caused you to build this vibrational escrow. In other words, every rocket of desire that you fire off you have become and there is this state of being that is constantly expanding that is really who you are, and the dissatisfaction that you are feeling is the sort of crevice between this that you know you've launched and given birth to and where you stand in physical proximity to it. So, when it feels like it's not unfolding fast enough, a very good thing for you to say to yourself is 'I have created such a magificent template or pattern in vibrational escrow of what I'm looking for that the universe can't give that too me until I really am a vibrational match to it. And because I have become so specific about what I want, the universe isn't giving me stuff I don't want, stuff I don't want, stuff I don't want to coax me along the way. the universe, like me, is holding out for delivering the goods of what I really, really want. In other words, it's worth waiting for every time you notice that it's taking too long, you tune yourself away from the vision. So saying things like It's worth waiting for, and It doesn't have to manifest this red hot minute, and Things are unfolding, and I know I'm doing good, and because I feel good so much of the time, I know I'm on track. and I don't mind a little contrast, and the contrast is helping me to build it even more. and maybe in this not manifesting right now, I'm still collecting data to make my vibrational escrow even better. and maybe I'm still in the process of building it the way I really want it to be. You see, imagine standing in a place in the middle of a manifestation that just keeps unfolding and unfolding and giving and giving and giving, where you are saying to yourself Oh, it so much more than I even was ever able to mentally conjure! The universe has knocked itself out to deliver every little piece of everything that I ever even thought that I wanted. It's unfolding here and now you see. You cannot be denied. You can't want like you want and line up like you line up without the unfolding of what you really want being in the wings of your life experience, being in the immediate offing. But you cannot turn upstream in that by noticing that it hasn't happened yet or that it's taking too long withotu slowing the whole thing down. You have to find a way of being happy on the way to where you are going, not holding out to be happy only when you get there. Because if you are not willing to be happy on the way, you can't get there. Happy on the way, satisfied on the way, proud of yourself on the way, certain that it's coming on the way, eager on the way, trusting on the way, believing on the way, happy on the way, expanding on the way. So, we'd say things like It must just be getting better and better and better, because I keep collecting data. I cannot be denied this. I can feel it. I can feel I'm on the track of it. Meanwhile, I'm happy on the way, I'm happy on the way, I'm happy on the way. and those aspects that we know loom that make you feel less happy, think less of them and think more on the ones that give you a reason to feel happy. These things are always true. What you feel and what you receive are always a vibrational match. so we will never concede that you are as happy as you can be. We wouldn't say that about ourselves either. there is always more room to be more aligned with that which you have become."
happy on the way,
rocket of desire,
Questioner:Can you offer us some words we can use to practice, when we are by ourselves that would shore up this notion of putting how we feel above what others think.
Abraham:I love you so much I don't care what you think!Think about what that is saying...I so care about being in vibrational alignment with who I am. Because if i'm in vibrational alignment then I HAVE love to give. But if I care more about what you want then my own guidance then, im not tuned in, taped in and have nothing to give. I love you so much I don't care what you think.
Arizona cd 4 track 12 1-3-2008
When someone adores you, in their appreciation of you their in alignment with source energy and they are flooding it all over you. And since its activated in them its activated in you, so you got this really good thing going.. But then as you become dependent upon their appreciation of you in order to feel that way- when they withdraw their appreciation of you, and you haven't learned to connect to that source energy yourself, then you feel like a puppet that someone has let go of the strings. And so if you're a confident person, if you shown yourself that your free no matter what anyone else thinks, and that you can feel good no matter what's happening around you, if you've been practicing that unconditional love that says 'I'm going to feel good because I wanna feel good', and I'm gonna scramble around by darn, and find something thats gonna make me feel good even in a field of things that don't feel good, because my connection to source matters to me morethen all other things put together- then nothing that anybody could ever do would set you off your game.>>>>You've been looking toward what others think, you've been trained that way, that you transfer that to your new love. You say I care so much about how you feel about me, that I will disregard how I FEEL. And then that one being the fickle one, LETS YOU DOWN, EVERY TIME. No one can hold you consistently as their object of their attention, as source would. Everyone is blaming everyone else for their own insecurity. We have to say YOU'RE insecure because you didn't decide to be secure. Your not strong because YOU decided somebody else was strong, which made you weak. You don't feel good, because you didn't INSIST on feeling good. And then you didn't practice it, and then you say YOU hurt my feelings. We would get in a place where our feelings are UNHURTABLE. We would be in a place where we are so connected to source that it didn't matter WHAT anyone was thinking or saying or doing!
Tarrytown workshop Oct 9 2004
Many say to you, "Don't be selfish."Many say to you, "Don't be selfish." And what they mean is, "Satisfy my selfish intent, not your own. I'd be a lot happier if you were doing the things I need you to do in order for me to be happy". And so, the best gift that you could give to anyone, would be to be a liver of unconditional love. In other words, you're loving them, even though they're not loving you because you're not doing what they need you to do in order for them to loveyou. But it is not keeping you from loving them.*Excerpted from the workshop in Kona, HI*
Do you know the relationship that you are all looking for? Do you know what it really is?You want the relationship between you and you. And when you meet a person who looks fondly at you, or who is appreciative of you, or someone you look fondly upon, or someone you appreciate, it just hooks you up to your Inner Being, which is what you want all along.So the relationship you are all looking for is the relationship between you and you. And everything else is just helpful in that, really.Don't you find that interesting? That what you really want is a reason to vibrationally connect with who you really are.And so, you ask so much of people because you say to them, "You need to be the one who causes me to feel good." And what we want to say to all of you is:If any of you are without the relationship of your dreams right now, that's a wonderful thing. Because now you have an opportunity to work on the relationship that really matters first and foremost. And then, in that connection, the relationship of your dreams will come.But you are going to discover the relationship of your dreams is really your own Inner Being. It's that infusion of clarity and confidence and wellness, that's what you are reaching for.And it is nice to have a human friend who holds you as their object of attention and adores you right into your connection. But we want you to experience greater independence than that. We want you to say to you lovers, "I love you, but I don't live for you. Because Source Energy flows through me. You are a catalyst to my well-being, but you are not essential to my well-being. Because I've got that figured out on my own. I have reached for thoughts that give me relief and I have relieved myself all the way into my full connection of who I really am. And now we can just dance and play together."Can you feel how you take them off the hook? In other words, do you know how many men would flock to you.? (ALL OF THEM!). If they knew that you would allow them to be as they are and you would not hold them responsible for your happiness.That's what everyone wants. How much bondage is there in believing that your happiness depends on me, so I've got to figure out what you want, and stand on my head in all those different ways, and it's not even possible!The greatest gift you can give anyone is to be happy. And we will take that further. The greatest gift you can give to any partner, past, present or future is to be so connected with who you truly are that they are irrelevant to your connection. And when they are irrelevant to your connection, then you are going to have a really good time together.
San Diego 2/7/04B
If you are not selfish enough to deliberately align with the Energy of your Source, you have nothing to give away. Some worry that if they take too much of the pie, others will be left with nothing; while, in reality, the pie expands in proportion to the vibrational requests of all of you."
Ask and It's Given cards
Abraham Hicks,
ask and it is given,
law of attraction,
Extraterrestrials -Abraham quotes
"It's illogical when you understand the expansiveness of this Universe to believe the only physical beings live right here. There are many dimensions and many universes and many other planets, even within this Universe, that experience life in a similar manner to what you're living. In every sense that you all are real, they all are real, too."
"Everything that you have thought or everything that someone else has thought has been projected and is manifesting in some way. But these planets that have given birth [to human life] are all coming from core energy. It is life force, it is pure positive energy that launches all of that into motion.
"Now much that physical humans worry about or speculate about does NOT come from that Source Energy. There are all kinds of things that you worry about that you've launched in thought form fashion that become thought forms. They are thoughts that are connected with thoughts that are connected with thoughts enough that others can pick up on them. They are not physical manifestation in the sense that they have been launched from Source Energy.
"And it's difficult, as physical beings who begin to decipher non-physical energy, to discern the difference between that, because to you, anything that is not knock-on-wood physical then is non-physical. And we say that there's a difference between the non-physical thought energy that comes from the eternity of non-physical energy life force and the spin-off of man's conscious thought.... As civilizations on this planet, you do not hold your thoughts consistently upon anything long enough that you could create life form from this physical perspective. Those creations are always made from a non-physical point of view."
"And most of the aliens or alien life forms that people are talking about do not exist in a real life reality in the way that you do because they were not launched from the non-physical stream in the way you were. They are the spin-off of man's conscious, fearful thoughts....
"Yes, there are other physical beings that live in other dimensions. Do they interact with you here in a physical sense? No, they do not. But you can connect to them vibrationally through thought and you can have what feels like very real experiences with them just like you do in your dream state and in your out of body experiences.... They are vibrationally happening and therefore they feel real.
"But it is our promise to you that you will never in this physical dimension dig up one of those spaceships. You are not going to find the metal from other planets. You're not going to find any little bones. All of that stuff is conscious conclusion that comes from a premise that is not valid...."
"Most of the time, the conversations about aliens comes as a spin-off of man's conscious thoughts of vulnerability, not from connection to core energy....
"You did not come forth to contemplate the rightness or wrongness of this galaxy or any other. You came forth to find your joyous pleasure in motion forward right here and now. And that is the reason, we promise you, you are not going to be intergalactically co-creating."
(Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks workshop tape, Tallahassee, FL 3/30/97)
Abraham Hicks,
laws of Universe,
Questioner: Now I'm reaching for a feeling. The feeling of all feelings is self-love. And. It's what I want more than anything in the world. And. What I'm finding when I do your processes, it feels to me like every process has at its heart enhancing self-love. Like ...
Abraham interrupts: Think about what you are saying. You're exactly right but think about it in the broader context. Every process that we offer is with the deliberate intention of helping you to release resistance.
Q: Yes.
A: And when you release resistance, your cork floats and you become a vibrational match to who you really are. And when you are a vibrational match to who you really are, who loves beyond description, then, that is the sensation that you have. And so, you are exactly right. The processes are ALL about closing that gap so that you can perceive through a self that loves.
Q: Yes. And all the processes feel like that to me and I've noticed it in an incremental way, with the cork rising slowly. And when I came on this cruise I wanted to sit in this chair and ask you to hit me with the self-love stick so that I could feel total self-love instantly and not incrementally. Not over time but faster and more. And then I've been here all week and I realized that incremental was OK. Incremental is wonderful. And that's been your message about everything we've talked about.
A: Because. Vibration is vibration. You can't set your radio dial on 630 am and hear what is broadcast on 98.7. There is no such thing as a quantum leap. There is no such thing.
Q: But to press that point. I know that the self-love is who I am. I mean, I know when I croak that I'll feel complete self-love and instantly and you said, "heaven's gate swings both ways." And so, I know some manifestations take time and I know others, like feelings can happen in an instant. I've been flooded with incredible self-love in different circumstances and I'm very good in my world ...
A: Before you go further we want to say to you, very simply, that the only hindrance to self-love - we're just going to lay it out here where you can see it - What has caused an eroding of self-love within so many of you is comparing you and what you want with others and what they want and you and what you've got with others and what they've got. That's what causes an eroding of self-love. What causes an inclusion of self-love, an embracing of self-love, a loving of self is a 'not giving a rip what anybody else thinks' and having your eye only on this two vibrational points of relativity, where you, thought by thought, experience by experience, conversation by conversation, memory by memory, experience by experience, just train yourself into something that feels better and better and better and better and better. In other words, it is, if there was ever an inside job, it's got to be that. Because, when you are taught love by somebody outside of you, like a mother loving you and you really feeling it, what has happened is, they're tuned in, tapped in turned on. They've already, for whatever reason, focused upon you in a way that they are a vibrational match to their inner being. And so, they are love. They are liquid love and as they hold you in their gaze they flood this all over you and you say, "Ooo, this feels so good. I want this always." But then you need their undivided attention. Then you need them to always be tuned in, tapped in turned on. Then you need them to hold you as their object of attention. And they will let you down EVERY time, the selfish buggers. Because they have other things they want to think about and they cannot hold themselves to that standard. And so, when you finally get it that while it feels good to be loved, nothing feels better in all of the Universe than to love.
Q: Yes.
A: And we want to replace the word love with some other words. We want to say that when you are fascinated by something, you are in that vibration of connection with who you are. That's as close to love as it gets. When you are appreciating yourself or someone else, that's as close to it as it gets. Jerry and Esther can be in a restaurant and there can be some sweet waiter or waitress helping them and Esther will offer, not to them but about them to Jerry, some appreciation about them and ripples of connected energy will just soar through her body as she joins us in our appreciation of that person, you see.
Q: Hmm.
A: So, as you realize that here you are in this body a perceiver and you've got your telescope out there, so to speak, and you're looking out and you're looking at something and whatever you are perceiving through your telescope is generating an emotional response in vibrational relationship. In other words, you would have no feelings at all if there were not this vibrational relationship between where you are and who you really are. And so, as you look out with the intention of finding love, now you're looking for people who are tuned in, tapped in turned on, which is not that easy to find sometimes, especially at work and get them to love you and, or you're looking for it in a boyfriend or in a lover or some place and now you're powerless because you can't control what they are doing with their vibrational relativity. And so, you look for it and you don't find it and look for it and don't find it, look for it and don't find it and then you tend to call that self-love. "I'm looking for love and I'm not finding it and because I didn't find it then I trained myself not to love me because I don't love me because that one does not love me and I don't love me because that one doesn't love me and I don't love me because that one doesn't love me." And we say, they're not loving you because they are not tuned in. They don't have the capacity to love you, unless they are in alignment with who they are. And so, don't look for the love through their eyes. Look for the connection through your eyes. And so, let it be love of this rug, and love of these flowers and love of this environment and love of this wonderful air and love of this ship and love of what I'm having for dinner and love of this hair clip and love of this ring and love of this watch and love of these flexible fingers and love of whatever I can feel appreciation of. And as you just begin to tune yourself, first to the things that are easy to appreciate and then to the things that are obvious to appreciate and then as you begin looking for things to appreciate, you begin to tune yourself into a vibrational alignment with who you really are about things that are easier for you to love. Because friend. We don't want it to be this way. It shouldn't be this way. But for most of you, the hardest focal point on this planet for you to love is that one you see reflected back in the mirror.
Q: Well, that's exactly what ...
A: Go home today, or back to your cabin today and sit before a mirror and sit there and look into the depths of your eyes and look with the intention of seeing your inner being looking back at you and say, "I know you're in there and I have an inkling of how you feel about me because Abraham has been talking about it and I'm just going to look for you until I find you. I'm going to stay here until I find that feeling of awareness of me and appreciation of me that I'm looking for." And from where you are, we can feel that you can get there very quickly. Show me then IB that I am love…(see below)But, the most important thing that we're saying to you is, this self-love that you think you're looking for is not love of self. It's Love that Is Self. And there's a difference. There is a difference between loving me and being me who loves. And it is being me who loves that is really you. And when you are me who loves it's easy to love that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one. And then it becomes irrelevant what your object of love is if you're loving. What difference does it make what is the reason, the focal point, for the love that you are feeling? What possible difference does it make? It would be like eating a really wonderful meal and while you are eating it being unhappy that you can't be eating that one and that one and that one and that one. It doesn't matter. Does it matter what you are eating that feels wonderful is and does it matter what your focal point of your love is as long as the love that you're feeling is the love that really is you, you see. That was good. That was really, really good. Audience applauds.
Q: So I'm hearing you say .. One of the things I love to do is, I'm a writer. And I go out in my world and I see an old couple in the park and I feel incredible love just looking at them. Or a dog on the street. Or somebody's shoes. So I can flow love that way. Are you saying, that when I'm flowing love like that randomly to anything and everything, that that is who I am?
A: Yes. That is who you are. That is who you are. And the more you do it deliberately and acknowledge, "That is who I am." then the more you demand of yourself and demand is too strong a word, but the more you set our intention to find that and the more you look for it everywhere you go. And the more you look for it the more you find it and the more you find it the more you look for it. Until soon you just become it. And then you become this stable being who is never off your balance. Who, if someone looks at you and doesn't find appreciation as they're looking you understand, it hasn't got anything to do with you. It never had anything to do with you. Everything that has everything to do with you are in control of, you see.
Q: Well, then I want to probe a little bit. Why it's ..? I already do that, looking out, which I was defining as external, but you corrected me and I understand, that's not external, it's all part of me. Why is it so hard for me and others to look at our own human self and not feel that same ripple of appreciation?
A: Because you're looking for love focused at you rather than love to be focused through you.
Q: But I want to focus it at myself. I know what you mean about third party. I've been down that rabbit hole. But I'm talking about focusing it on myself.
A: But what we're saying to you. And we want you to love you like we love you. But in the mean time, what difference does it make what the object of your attention is when you're feeling love? And the thing that is apparent and we appreciate you saying it and everyone is saying it to some extent also is that, in your awareness of not loving self you can't find self-love. And so we're just trying to build a bridge for you. In other words, any time somebody hurts your feelings, it is because you're in a different vibration than who you really are. And so this quest for self-love, we think is down the rabbit hole. We wouldn't be looking for self-love. We would be looking for the part of self that does love. In other words rather than saying to someone that we love, "I want you to love me." We would begin training ourselves into a desire that says, "I love loving you. I love the feeling of loving you. And how you feel about me is irrelevant. I love the feeling of loving you." And then what begins to happen. It's like our friend who got so angry at us, "Abraham I don't think you care if my lover ever comes to me." It is exactly right. We just want you to form a vibration that makes you feel so wonderful that it doesn't matter. But then he cannot not come! In other words when you find that vibration the universe has to match you up with somebody that feels exactly that way, you see. But we don't want you to let what is happening in terms of manifestation be the criteria for how you feel. And that really is what we are wanting to bring this gathering round to discuss, because so many people say, "OK, Abraham, I'll play your silly games. I'll do your processes. I'll do whatever I can to bring myself to the place of offering the vibration that will get me to the manifestation that I want." And we say, "Have you heard nothing from us? It isn't getting you to the manifestation that we are teaching you all of this. It is getting you to the place of feeling so good that the manifestation doesn't matter." And then you worry and say, "Ohoh. So, I'm not maybe going to get the manifestation?" And we say, "That is not what we're saying at all!" We are saying, the desire for the manifestation is what gives you the reason to want to connect to the energy that is really you that is the true living of life. And that self-love is evident then. You see. But ... and that's why we don't hit you over the head with an I love me stick because that really is not what you are looking for. You are looking for reasons to love. You're looking for reasons to love. And in this environment there is so much abundance of that. We are appreciating your willingness to discuss this very personal thing and we think that you've pinpointed something that is stuck in the craw of almost everyone. In other words most seminars hammer away at the feeling of worthiness because unworthiness is at the heart of everything that goes wrong for everyone. But these are just buzz-words that have only the potential of stirring you up and making you uncomfortable and we are wanting you to make ...(? change of audio section) So in that light we would like to say to you that we find you loving of yourself quite often and we find you absolutely lovable. We find you recognizing that you're lovable. And we believe with everything that we are that if it were not for your comparison of yourself to others and ... Oh here it is ... This is really what is at the heart of all of this. So, all of you stand where you do and you launch rockets of different things that you want and you conclude that others are already living what you want and you're not. And you gather that information by comparing the smiles on their faces and the words that they speak and the things they write in their books and the movies they show you. So you use their success as a club that works against you as you compare them getting what they want and pointing out to you that in some instances you're not getting what you want.
Q: That's right.
A: And what we want you to understand is that you cannot accurately compare what anybody is getting because you have no way off accurately accessing their points of vibrational relativity. And what they appear to be showing you and what they are actually living are two very different things. Don't you know people that have all the money in the world and are still dissatisfied. Don't you know people that are living in what you think is your dream house who are dissatisfied with it. Don't you find it amazing that people that ought to be happy under the conditions that you think you' re reaching for aren't? And doesn't it sort of point out to you that you just can't compare anything that anybody else is living with what you are living?
Q: Yeah.
A: So, we don't want you to feel bad about in every moment not being able to announce to the world that you've achieved absolute self-love. We just want it to be your never ending quest. And we will say to you that you've hit upon something that is so essential and so to the core of who you really are and who you were as you came forth into this body, because that self-love is the driving motivating factor. It is the inspiration. It is the thing. It is the ultimate calling. In other words. Here Source is, over here and loving you with everything that it is and of course it is the quest that you're most wanting to answer. And so therefore of course it would be the thing that you would feel most uncomfortable about, about not achieving moment after moment after moment. But what Source wants to say to you is that the love that you hold for yourself in any moment is enough. In fact it is the perfect love under the conditions in which you are living. It is enough. It is just right. Where you are on your path is just exactly right. It is exactly where you should be on your path. Can you imagine Jerry and Esther going across the desert. They are on their way from Phoenix to San Diego and they are out there in the middle of the desert. They are not where they want to be. They are in Yuma, for God's sake. There they are in Yuma, no place to eat in Yuma! Can you imagine them getting so unhappy about not having completed their destination that they get all disoriented and end up going back to Phoenix? Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma ... and that's sort of what you 're doing. In your assessment of not enough self-love it's the Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma, Phoenix, Yuma .. whereas you can acknowledge, "Where I am is just right. And given the circumstances of my life I'm right on track. And I'm reaching for a fuller more encompassing sensation of love. And Source is over there patiently, never for a moment impatient, always loving me. Do you know, here is a good thing to say to yourself, "Even though for whatever reason I don't like myself very much right now. I know that I have not caused Source to deviate in Source's appreciation of me at all."
Q: Sighs
A: "I have not convinced Source not to like me." Sometimes when Esther misbehaves she thinks, "Hmm. Jerry probably does not like me very much right now." And she doesn't really know whether he does or not. And we would say it's irrelevant how he feels. But even if she could misbehave enough to get Jerry to begin to respond in a way that displays to Esther that he is displeased with the way she behaves, Source will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do that. Source maintains its absolute appreciation of you. And as you know that maybe it will help you to give yourself a little bit more of a break. Maybe it will help you to acknowledge, "I'm in the perfect place relative to everything, even relative to self-love."
Q: I feel like you've just said to me that I had it all along and that I have it right now and that feels like great relief. And I'm content with not being hit with the stick. I feel ..
A: Well, we just hit you with it.
Q: I do. I feel hit by it. Thank you. Thank you so much! Abraham Caribbean Cruise, 2006
Abraham Hicks,
San diego,
self love,
Questioner: I was reading something that Wayne Dyer wrote, that if you don't get past forgiving and resentment, you can forget about getting to a higher spiritual level. How do you know when resentment is resolved, or how do you know that you've forgiven?
Abraham: We like to tease everyone, especially him [laughter], by saying you don't have to offer forgiveness if you've never condemned to begin with. And the Source energy part of you has never condemned. But let's talk about this—you're really going to like this … if the Source within you is one who loves, and that is the case, and you have yourself focused upon something where you're feeling resentment or unfairness, injustice, and you're all balled up over it, what that means is you're looking at that situation in a way that the Source within you will not look. So the feeling of forgiveness is the feeling of relief you have when you start turning downstream and you start seeing it more like the Source within you sees it. So those are really accurate words because until you come into alignment with who you are,you cannot achieve that enlightenment. We want to remind all of you that enlightenment is not something like a college degree, that once you achieve it is yours forevermore; it either is or it isn't in the moment, depending upon what you're doing with your vibration.So isn't it logical that, since you are a lover when you're loving, forgiveness isn't an issue—it's alignment. But if you are hating, now you're upstream, and you've got to turn back toward love or forgiveness.But we don't like to use the word "forgiveness" because "forgiveness"sounds like taking something back. And you can't ever take anything back. Instead, we would like to call it redirecting the vibration ofyour thought into alignment with who you really are.* * *And so your forgiveness—in essence, you weren't so much forgiving someone for what they did as you were finding a way of looking at it that allowed you to align with the way your Source sees it. So interesting, because it feels like it's about what somebody else did,but it's not. It's always about letting yourself be who you are or not. You are a lover, and when you are not loving, you're not who you are. And so, many would say that when you forgive, then you are who you really are. And we say it's not forgiving that makes you who really are, it's looking at it the way your Source energy looks at it that makes you the way you are. And you're right—your Source energy will never condemn anyone.
Abraham Hicks,
Wayne Dyer
Taking that action
"Abe: So, let's say that you're standing in a place where you have an idea you think that might be a good action to take... and so you just contemplate taking the action. You just imagine taking it. And in your imagery, if it feels free flowing and exhilarating to you, then that's an indication that it is going with the flow. But if it feels uncomfortable to you, then that's an indication that there's some resistance. Now here's a question we want to put back to you: Does a feeling of resistance about a certain action... does that mean it's the wrong action?
Questioner: No, not necessarily because I might get contrast from that which will lead me to knowing more of what I want.
Abe: That is always true. But even more than that, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the wrong action. It means... it always means... you're going to really like this... that I haven't done enough energy alignment to make it feel right. In other words, it doesn't mean it's wrong, it just means I'm trying to get too much leverage out of my action. How about that? It just means I'm tryingto get too much leverage out of my action. Why not prepave it with more thought?"
The Law of Attraction in Action Episode III, DVD 2.
Abraham Hicks,
law of attraction,
taking action
It's done
"Focus on the presence of the dollars (or the partner, etc.) that you've asked for, rather than the absence of the dollars. Accept that it's done and then do what you can do to line up with what's done. Feel how much easier that is?
It's done. I've done the work. I've lived the life. I've met the other people. I've given birth. I've identified. I've honed. I've lived enough experiences to know what I don't want so I know what I do want. I've come more into alignment with who I am. I know who I am as a Source Energy BEing. I'm together. I have now given birth. I am ready to let myself be the receiver of this thing that I have already created. My work is to let in what is already done. It's already done. So now move your words with that attitude -- It's done. So if something's done, then don't you have a different attitude than when it's not done? When it's not done...Where should I go? Who should I talk to? Who should I see? What should I do? How should I feel? What should I say?... When it's done, it's done. It's done. Feel the difference. It's done. It's done. What does that mean? It's DONE. So when it's done, you don't have to try harder. It's done. When it's done, you just watch expectantly for the way that it will unfold in your life experience. It's done."
Abraham San Raphael, CA February 9, 2008
Abraham Hicks,
it`s done,
law of attraction