Sara, Book 2

What can i say? Ask and its given! I was only saying to myself the other day how good it would be to find a book on a "fictional" basis that would give me same teachings on the Law of attraction as do the all the other books on the market. i walked into our local department store and there it was, "Sara Book 2" staring at me.I felt compelled to buy it even though i don't like reading a book if i havn't read the first to the sequel.It took me one day to read it and i was so grateful to the universe and E & J Hicks and Abraham for bringing me the book i asked for. Even though i have read so many books and watched so many dvds on the subject, this book was the most profound because its so real and obvious when you read it in a real life context. Everyone can relate to it and no matter what age you are. i've just ordered 3 copies of "sara book 1' as i'm certain it will be just as brilliant,inspiring, and wonderful as "sara book 2".Do yourself a favour and read it and give it your children. If i had a book like this to read when i was growing up, my life would have been SO different.

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