Sara, Book 1

"Wow! Sara pondered. That's amazing. I can actually see that the way I feel has only to do with what I'm giving my attention to. The conditions didn't change, but my attention did!" - From the book

In essence, the whole craze about the Law of Attraction or "the secret" started with a group of evolved entities known as Abraham. Channeled by Esther Hicks, these astute teachers, along with Esther and her husband Jerry, have imparted hundreds of messages to humanity via live workshops, audio, books and inspirational decks.

Each of these media has their own strengths, but perhaps the most engaging and accessible source for the crux of the Law of Attraction is the fictional Sara Series. In Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Law of Attraction, a wise owl named Solomon appears to a girl named Sara, becoming her confidante and mentor.

In Sara, Book 1, young Sara faces many challenges at home, school and within her community--experiencing boredom, frustration, confusion and anger. One day, her brother and his friend tell Sara about an owl they encountered on Thacker's Trail who they name Solomon.

Sara decides to look for Solomon among the snow-covered pastures--but finds that the once familiar trails and landmarks look quite different covered in snow. When she tries to cross a frozen river, the ice crackles under her weight. She hears a voice saying, "Have you forgotten that you cannot drown?"--and so begins Sara's journey with the large bird.

Solomon counsels Sara that there is a stream of well-being available to everyone--but the trick to receiving its benefits is allowing her "valve" to stay open. Sara: Book 1 answers important questions often asked by those curious about the Law of Attraction, as well as those frustrated and disappointed about the results of trying to apply this metaphysical principle.

For example, why does focusing on someone's "unhappiness" or "hardships" close the valve? How does one respond in the face of challenges or unmet expectations? Most importantly, how does one disconnect from the "chain of pain" and instead hook up to the stream of well-being?

On a personal note, I found this book to be incredibly insightful and timely. I happened to be reading it in my backyard, which is unremarkable in itself--except that my husband and I have been dealing with some peripheral difficulties involving new neighbors.

I began to read Chapter 20, which was incredibly appropriate. In this chapter, Sara sees old Aunt Zoie. She wants to help her--shower her with the stream of joy. But for some reason, it wasn't working for Sara, despite her best efforts.

Solomon explains to Sara that she cannot enter that "feeling place" while still in the "chain of pain". That is, Sara could not offer Aunt Zoie good feelings when Sara was feeling sorry for her Aunt--pitying her because she is "old", "crippled" and "alone". Solomon teaches Sara that everyone in the world wants different things--and we cannot truly know if someone is happy, or what is best for them.

But what we can do, he encourages, is stay hooked up to the faucet of well-being--which not only draws "birds of a feather" to us, but also widens our access to the constant flow that is always there...enabling to give more to others and ourselves.

I decided to look for things to appreciate--including my surroundings and my neighbors (who, in my mind, weren't half as bad as the previous ones!). The more I did this silently as I read, the better I felt. Eventually, one of the neighbors ventured into his back yard and I looked up, feeling such warmth and joy. I gave him a big smile and a cheerful wave and, although he ignored me as usual, I was still able to see him--and my living situation--with gratitude.

Things got better and better for us that day...and I am so very grateful for the transformative reminders found in this delightful book. I especially love how Solomon often concludes his visit with Sara with "have fun with this". It doesn't have to be arduous!

Sara, Book 1, Solomon demonstrates higher perspectives on various situations--and how what we behold and appreciate can not only transform how we feel, but also reality itself.

If you're looking to learn more about the Law of Attraction (especially from a down-to-Earth, nuts-and-bolts perspective), this is a fantastic book. If you already know some (or all) of the principles...but seem to have a hard time "getting" some of the nuances, especially in terms of observing and unhooking from the "chain of pain", then you'll find important reminders and immediately-useful approaches to joining the ever-flowing stream of well-being.

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