A great little book, small enough to keep on your desktop at work, so you can read snippits frequently and stay in-balance. Looks at life from a "road less traveled" perspective, more of a bigger-picture/real meaning-of-life perspective, such as how to really align your thinking with what you want, so that you can actually achieve what you want--getting rid of negativity and the "I can't" mentality, and related subject matter. I keep this booklet and "10 Secrets for Success & Inner Peace" on top of my desk at work at all times and read pieces of them frequently. I also invite co-workers to read them.
One example from the booklet would be that you cannot give away what you don't have to give. So, if you have no love in your heart for others, you cannot give it away, nor can you attract it. Of course, I cannot explain it like Dr Dyer can, but, basically, if you don't feel and demonstrate love toward others, they won't see it or feel it within you. This little book is also loaded with quotes, which reinforce the concepts explained in the book.
The principles of the Law of Attraction is mentioned throughout the book. Basically, this equates to you get what you put out. Again, you DO most certainly get what you give out. For example, if you go around hating people, then you also create an expectation of hate feelings in everyone, and you will attract that very hatred to you. Lots of people don't believe this but I've seen it happen too many times to not believe it. It is easy to watch anger-attracting-anger in action. Just sit back and watch the dynamics of 2 people getting into an argument. Fear attracts fear, and so on. Also sit back and watch the dynamics of joy and laughter. See how others join in the laughter. If you also have the ability to feel energy, then you will feel the change in the type of energy that surrounds that joy and laughter versus the type of energy that surrounds the anger.
One of the chapters in this little booklet talks about things you tell yourself which affect your ability to proceed forward in your life--a list of "out-of-balance" verbiage--the "unmagnificent seven": 1) It's Not God's Will; 2) There's a Limited Supply; 3)I Don't Deserve It; 4) I Have Limited Abilities and Talents; 5) I've Never Been Lucky; 6) It's Always Been This Way; and 7) I Don't Know How to Think "Abundance" for Myself. Hopefully, you can see from the "seven" how this limited thinking capacity would directly affect your ability to achieve optimal benefits in your life. (It's out of my control or I can't so I won't try.) If not, Dr. Dyer explains it all in his little booklet.
I have already read through the booklet, highlighted and tabbed certain spots. Now, frequently, I pick this booklet up and let it fall open to a place. Then I read that page.
After reading this and another Dyer book, I was inspired to write a very profound "poem", which I re-read every day to remind myself of how I will remain in balance, and guess what? It works!
Dr. Dyer has a great deal of wisdom, which he shares in all his writings, CDs, and DVDs. I highly recommend this and any of his material.
One thing to note: No one book, or even group of books, is enough. If you want to make significant changes in your life, your input and output must be in balance. You need to input good material, incorporate it into your inner consciousness, believe it and live it, and put good things out to others. Significant high-quality life-style changes are made by deliberately realigning yourself in a positive manner and for the good of all, at least in my opinion. I look at it as working in partnership with God. It takes work in the form of a life commitment, but this book is a good beginning and will assist you in remembering how to be in balance, and what it looks like when you're out of balance.
Being In Balance
Wayne Dyer
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