What you think about and what manifests in your life experience is always a vibrational match, and, in
the same way, what you think about and what manifests in your dream state is always a vibrational
Your dominant thoughts always match your manifestations, and so, once you understand the absolute
correlations between your thoughts, how you feel, and what is manifesting in your experience, you can
then accurately predict everything that will come into your life.
It is nice when you are aware of your thoughts and therefore aware of what you are creating before it
manifests, but it is also of value, after something has manifested, to then acknowledge the thoughts that
led up to it. In other words, you can make the conscious association between your thoughts, feelings, and
manifestations before the manifestation occurs or after the manifestation occurs. Both are helpful.
When you dream about something, it is always a match to the thoughts that you have been thinking. And
so, since each of your dreams is, in fact, your creation, it is not possible for you to dream about anything
that you have not created through your thoughts. The fact that it has now manifested in your dream state
means that you have given it a significant amount of thought.
The essence of the way you feel about the things you think about most will eventually manifest in your
real-life experience— but it takes even less time and attention for it to manifest in your dream state. And
for that reason, your dreams can be of immense value in helping you understand what you are in the
process of creating in your awake state. If you are in the process of creating something that you do not
want, it would be easier to change the direction of your thoughts before it manifests than waiting to
change your thoughts after it manifests.
The process for Evaluating Dreams is as follows: As you go to bed, consciously acknowledge that your
dreams accurately reflect your thoughts. Say to yourself, It is my intention to rest well and to awaken
refreshed. And if there is anything important for me to recall from my dream state, I will recall it when I
Then, as you awaken, before you get up, lie there for a few minutes and ask yourself, Do I remember
anything from my dream state? Although you may be able to recall different aspects of your dream state
throughout the day, usually the best chance of recalling your dreams is when you first awaken. And as you
begin to recall one of your dreams, relax and try to remember how you felt during the dream sequence,
for recalling your emotions will give you even more important information than recalling the details of
your dream.
You must give significant attention to any subject for it to become powerful enough to manifest in your
experience. And quite a bit of attention must also be given to a subject before it will begin to show up in
your dream state. For that reason, your more meaningful dreams are always accompanied by strong
emotion. The emotion may feel good or bad—but it will always be strong enough so that you wiU
recognize the feeling.
“How did I feel as that was happening?” If you have awakened from a very good-feeling dream, you can
be confident that your dominant thoughts surrounding that subject are pointed toward manifestations
that you do want. When you awaken from a bad-feeling dream, know that your dominant thoughts are in
the process of attracting something that you do not want; however, no matter where you stand in terms
of what is manifesting in your experience, you can always make a new decision and change the
manifestation to something that is even more pleasing.
It is truly more fulfilling to consciously create increasingly satisfying scenarios in your life experience than
it is for you to create by default things that you really do not want—and then try to turn those around to
things that you do want. For once something does manifest, then you have all that observing-of-theunwanted-
thing to deal with as well as the habit of thought that brought it about to begin with.
As soon as you begin to understand that your dreams are wonderful reflections of how you really feel and
what you are creating, then you can begin to deliberately change your thoughts in order to positively
affect your dreams. And as soon as you receive the positive dream, you will know that you are on the path
of a more positive real-life manifestation.
If you awaken from a bad dream, do not worry; instead, feel appreciation for your awareness that you
have been giving attention to something you do not want. In the same way you appreciate the sensors in
your skin that alert you to the fact that you are approaching something that is very hot, appreciate that
your emotions have made you aware that your thoughts are approaching something unwanted.
Now, you do not create while you are dreaming. Your dream is a manifestation of what you have been
thinking during your awake state. However, once you are awake and you are now thinking about, or
discussing, your dream, those thoughts do affect your future creations.
It is helpful to keep a written record of your dreams, but it is not necessary to be extremely elaborate in
the recording of the details. Record the general setting where the dream took place, the basic people
who appeared in the dream, what you were doing in the dream, what others were doing in the dream,
and, most significantly, how you felt within the dream.
Dreams can give you a wonderful insight into your current vibrational state of being. Your recall of a
dream is your physical translation of blocks of Non-Physical thought that you have interacted with in your
dream state. When you sleep, you reemerge back into the Energy of the Non-Physical, and you have
conversations but not conversations in words, but vibrational ones). Then, as you are awakening, you
translate that block of thought back into its physical equivalent.
Sometimes when you have wanted something for a long while but you do not see any way for it to really
happen, you will experience a dream where it does happen. And then, in the pleasant recollection of the
dream, you soften your vibration of resistance—and then your desire can be fulfilled.
Many years ago, Jerry and Esther were mutually involved in a business enterprise, but they were not
romantically involved. They felt appreciation for one another, but there was not a romantic feeling
because neither of them would allow themselves to have that. Each of them, due to circumstances and
beliefs, had not even tiptoed into that arena of thought relative to one another.
Evaluating Dreams
Abraham Hicks,
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