Thoughts are…..

What are your thoughts? Do you pay attention to them? Do you know they are things, and have power? Are you choosing them consciously, intentionally? Well, it may be time to start, since this is one place where you have power. Power to create the life, money, love, job, house and freinds you want. Power to feel good, happy, at peace, fulfilled. Isn’t it amazing that we all have this power, yet so few use it, or know about it? And so many people now know about it, and law of attraction, and yet still do not have the results they want. Why?

Well, the first reason is there are laws to the Universe, rules by which things operate. And within that, all things are also possible. A little confusiong, yes, yet worth understanding. I want to help people find bliss, be their true selves and experience the life that most fills them with joy. This has been my lifelong quest for myself and I share it with you. Right now, I see a stumbling block that people are constantly tripping over. What is it? Law of Attraction.

Since the movie the “Secret” came out, more people than ever before have become familiar with the concept of the law of attraction. That like attracts like. That just like in science experiments and magnets, we put out a signal and it attracts back to us things of similar vibration. Our body and mind are actually electrical and magnetic fields always pulsing and shifting and flowing. These are emitting a signal, non stop. So no matter what you do, you are sending out a vibration and it is changing your body, your environment and drawing to you things with a similar signal. This happens all day, everyday, even when you sleep. You can’t stop it, without being dead.

So since this is happening all the time and it is our ‘point of attraction’, our broadcasting base, we might as well choose what signal we send out instead of whatever we happen to be thinking or feeling. That is what most people do and it is called living my default. If you do not choose, it is still a choice! It is still a decision, not to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. So, the real question is, what do you want your life to be like? How do you want to feel? What do you want to do, who do you want to be with? You must decide these things in order to attract what you prefer. In order to attract what you prefer, you must be aware of what you think, believe, feel and how you respond.

Law of attraction is doing it’s thing, regardless of whether you are consciously choosing your thoughts and feelings or not.

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