Self-Esteem Affirmations

When I first listened to Hay's affirmations (tape A as spoken words and tape B as subliminal with soothing music) in this recording, I said to myself 'Oh, my God... I don't want anyone to know I owe it...I am NOT THAT SAD', as I found them awfully embarassing (3 years ago). But then, recently I had experienced a really depressing phase of my life, a sort of middle-age crisis, feeling my confidence was totally destroyed. So I have played it while I was working (for only half a day for 2 days). Miraculously enough, not only didn't I find it embarasssing, but also I felt so poised and calmed that the panic crisis seems to be almost over now!! I am glad that I didn't have to rely on Valium.
Her guidance at the very beginning clearly said that the purpose is for ONE'S SUBCONSCIOUS MIND TO ABSORB THE MESSAGES which conscious mind would reject, which one should bear in mind. No wonder that such affirmations like "I am lovable because I exist" or "I am good enough just as I am" or "I love myself more and more evey day" sound too awkward to listen to when you are 'SOBER'. I doubt it's that useful if you CONSCIOUSLY try to remember the phrases as some of the reviewers suggest. However, I cannot deny this tape actually rescued me at subconscious level. Perhaps it may be the affirmations' power, or may be just the relaxing Hay's voice and the music that really helped me, who knows.

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