The Process of Meditation

Any thought that you continue to think is called a belief. And many of your beliefs serve you extremely well: thoughts that harmonize with the knowledge of your Source, and thoughts that match the desires that you hold... but some of your beliefs do not serve you well: Thoughts about your own inadequacy or your unworthiness are examples of those kinds of thoughts.
Now, with an understanding of the Laws of the Universe and some willingness to deliberately choose thoughts, you can, in time, replace all hindering beliefs with life-giving beliefs, but here is a process that can give you the immediate benefit of changing your beliefs in a much shorter time. We call this the process of Meditation.
We playfully tell our physical friends that the reason we teach the process of Meditation is because it is easier for most of you to clear your minds, having no thought, than it is for you to think pure, positive thoughts. For when you quiet your mind, you offer no thought; and when you do so, you offer no resistance; and when you have activated no resistant thought, the vibration of your Being is high and fast and pure.
Imagine a cork bobbing on a body of water. (That represents the place of high, pure, fast vibration that is actually natural to you.) Now, imagine holding the cork down under the water. (That is what resistance is like.) And now, imagine letting go of the cork—and see it rise back up to the surface of the water. Like the cork, naturally floating on the water’s surface, it is natural for you to experience the high, fast, pure vibration, free of the hindering resistance. And, like the cork, if you are not doing something that holds you down under the water, you will bob right back up to the surface where you belong. In other words, you do not have to work at being in the high vibration that is natural to you, because it is natural to you. But you do have to stop holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your vibration. It is a matter of no longer giving your attention to things that do not allow your cork to float or do not allow you to vibrate in harmony with who you really are. If you are not focused upon unwanted things that are the opposite of your own pure desire, you will activate no vibration of resistance—and you will experience your natural state of thriving and Well-Being. A decision is the focusing of the vibration of desire, and the decision point happens when the desire is powerful enough. The only discipline that we would like you to exercise is to make a decision that nothing is more important than that you feel good, and that you are going to find thoughts that feel better. Your cork floating is the only thing that is worthy of discipline. You could say that the process of Meditation is a shortcut to changing your beliefs, for in the absence of thought, there is no resistance within you; and your cork, so to speak, bobs naturally back up to the surface.
Now, to begin the process of Meditation, sit in a quiet space where you are not likely to be interrupted. Wear comfortable clothing. It does not matter if you sit in a chair or on the floor, or even lie on your bed
(unless you tend to fall asleep when doing so). The important thing is that your body be comfortable. Now, close your eyes, relax, and breathe. Slowly draw air into your lungs, and then enjoy the comfortable release of that air (your personal comfort here is very important). As your mind wanders, gently release any thought, or at least do not encourage it by pondering it further—and refocus upon your breathing. You are, by nature, one who wants to focus, so in the beginning, this process of Meditation will feel unnatural, and you will find your mind wanting to return to things you have been focusing on previously.When that happens, relax, breathe again, and try to release the thought.You will find it easier to quiet your mind if you will choose small thoughts that do not have the potential for expanding into something interesting: You could focus upon your own breathing. You could mentally count your breaths, in and out. You could listen to the dripping of a faucet... In choosing the soft, gentle thought, you will leave behind all thoughts of resistance—and your vibration (like the cork) will naturally rise.This is not a process where you work on your desires, but instead, this is one of quieting your mind. As you do so, any resistance will subside, and your state of vibration will rise to its natural, pure state. As you quiet your mind, you may feel a sense of physical detachment. For example, you may feel no real difference between your toe and your nose. Sometimes you will feel the sensation of twitches and itches eneath your skin. And often, once you have released resistance and are soaring in your natural pure,high vibrations—you will feel an involuntary movement in your body. It may sway slightly from side to side or forward and backward, or your head may roll gently from side to side. Or, you may simply feel the sensation of movement or of a yawn. But any or all of these sensations or movements are indicators of your achievement of a state of Meditation. Your point of attraction will now have changed, and your state of allowing will be in place. Things that you have been asking for— all of which have been given—are now flowing gently into your experience. And as you come out of your state of meditation, this state of
allowing will continue until you focus upon something that changes your vibrational frequency. But with enough practice, those higher frequencies will become so familiar to you that you will be able to reclaim them whenever you choose.
Over time, if you meditate regularly, you will become quite sensitive to the way the higher frequencies feel within your body. In other words, whenever you focus on anything that causes a dip in your vibration, you will now be more likely to recognize it at the early, subtle stages before the dip is too significant— and you will be able to easily change your resistant thought in order to maintain your balance.

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