
We want you to be IRRATIONAL in your willingness to produce personal relief in your belly. And as you do that, that means you will consistently be releasing resistance, which means all that time that you've been living all that stuff you're not the only one that has put this magnificent business out there in your vibrational future. Billions of people around the planet have put this magnificent business out there in the future of so many of you, you see.
Don't use your rationale to line up with it. Use the power of your ability to direct your thought.You line up with your dreams about this, and the Universe will find a way to carve out a niche for you. And anybody standing back and watching you will say, It is amazing what's going on with you. This doesn't happen to anyone.And we say, Happens to everyone who is irrationally able to induce their own relief. [audience applause]

Buffalo, NY, 5-29-07

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