Dreams As Sneak Previews of Your Future

Now if you have things you want, but they are not the things that you have any touchstones about in your own life... for instance, you may want to be well, but you have never been well; or you might want to be prosperous, but you have never been prosperous; or you want a loving mate, but you have never had a loving mate... talk to your Inner Being about what you want and why you want it. And let your Inner Being offer to you, in your dream state, images that you can flow Energy toward, which will cause your vibrational state to be as you want it to be. And then the Law of Attraction will bring it to you. Your dreams are manifestations of your vibrational point of attraction, so you can evaluate your dreams to determine what you are really doing with your vibration. Your dreams are sort of a sneak preview of that which is to come, so if you evaluate the content of your dream, you can often determine what your point of attraction is, and then if you do not wish to live out the dream you have been dreaming, you can do something about changing it. As a result of what the influence surrounding you has been encouraging you to think, you may be flowing Energy toward financial disaster, you may be flowing Energy toward a body that will not function well, and so on. As such, your Inner Being, which is aware that you are projecting sickness into your future, may offer you a dream showing you where you are going. And so, you awaken and you say, Ah, I don’t want that! And then you say, What is it I do want? And why do I want it? And then you start flowing your Energy productively toward what you do want, transmuting your Energy and thereby changing your future experience.

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