"The Attractor Factor" by Joe Vitale

One day, I was having dinner with Jerry and Esther Hicks, and a friend. We were talking about marketing in general and advertising in particular. My friend said: "You don't have to advertise."

"You don't have to," I said, "but you might want to. A good ad can increase your business."

"The last time we ran an ad in a magazine," Jerry began, "we got so many replies we couldn't handle them all. I dropped the ad until we hired more staff."

"It doesn't matter what you put in the ad," Esther added. "People will sense who you are and what you are offering and make a decision from that feeling."

Jerry and Esther have hired me to write their ads because they know I believe in their work. If I didn't believe in them, the ads I create for them would show it. And if they didn't believe in their work, the person they hired to create their ads would reveal that attitude."
p. 143

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