Abraham on the Multiverse and Alternate Dimensions

The purpose of Abraham's message is for us to live the most satisfying way we can here in THIS "dimension", and in THIS time-space-reality. When they are questioned about "other dimensions" they often don't dwell on the answer since, as I said, it is not the thrust of their teachings. When Abraham says "there is no competition", they are not referring to competing in a game or sport. They mean that there are ample resources available to us all, and that nobody can take your piece of the resource "pie". Anything you can desire, you can manifest IN ITS ESSENCE. So while there will not usually be two winners of a particular contest, all participants can and will achieve that which is a vibrational match to their offering. There is always another contest, another prize, another ship.. you name it. That is the thrust of Abraham's "there is no competition" teaching. You have chosen to come into this "dimension" (although this is not a word I've heard Abraham use frequently). You chose to come HERE to THIS PLANET and THIS TIME SPACE reality in order to experience HERE, the contrast that is available HERE. And... you can have THE ESSENCE of exactly what you want here in this "dimension". The specifics were not important to you when you came in. You didn't care which sports team won any particular game or competition. That you care NOW is a function of the contrast you are experiencing HERE and the choices you are making. Whether your team wins in "another dimension" isn't even relevant, since you have chosen to experience in THIS ONE.No, this doesn't limit you. Abraham says that anything - no exceptions - that this time/space reality has the ability to foster a desire for in you, it also has the ability to yield to you in full manifestation.Abraham's teachings are really VERY SIMPLE, and as I've found myself saying in several threads lately, when we over-think we run the risk of losing their beauty and profundity. If you let go of the specifics that you are asking for, and instead focus on WHAT FEELS GOOD, you will find that the Universe (IN THIS DIMENSION) has INFINITE possibilities to give you WHAT YOU WANT! The problem is when we get our "heart set" on a certain team's victory, a particular object, or a particular relationship, we are LIMITING the infinite universe! If we will instead, focus on our TRUE desire, which is to enjoy the ride, have fun and FEEL GREAT, then we will see that everything we want is TRULY available right here.Yes, you are right, to an extent, that Abraham says "do what you want"... but you are missing a large portion of their lesson if you focus only on that. More importantly, they are saying "follow your guidance", which comes in the form of emotions - either good-feeling, or not good-feeling, and by using that guidance, make your way through this life. If it feels good to do what your boss requests, do it. If it doesn't feel good, you can line up and make it feel better, or you can wait for inspiration to do something that feels better. Abraham does not say that you are "constantly moving through dimensions". In fact they are quite adamant that we chose to come here, we wanted to be here, and we created the physical circumstances and physical laws that govern our experience here because we wanted to enjoy THIS "dimension".

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