Quantum Success

Well, Ms. Taylor has done it again...or, rather, outdone herself! In Secrets of Attraction, the author shows us how we not only set the stage for our life-performance but inadvertently instruct other "players" to treat us well or badly, based on how we think about and treat ourselves. In her latest book,Quantum Success, we are taken several steps further into the quantum realm (layman's terms, thankyou!) for a step-by-step lesson on how, precisely, to put these universal laws to work for ourselves in the areas of money and personal fulfillment. An easy, riveting read with many "aha" moments along the way. We've all heard it before...we've all read it before...some of us might even be able to "teach the class" so to say; but never before has any one book put these sound and viable principles into words that actually worked their way into my consciousness where I believe they will stay forever. Thank you, Sandra Anne Taylor, Hay House, and Amazon.Com. A must-read for anyone on the verge of financial ruin (or great good fortune) who is totally ready for an extra nudge or great leap of faith into a new way of thinking about and using MONEY. This is not just another "self help" blog - this is a highly interactive and effective tool for those who are willing to give up the notion that there is "only so much to go around" and let go of all guilt surrounding the idea of "having it ALL". The good news is, "Having it ALL" IS an option and everyone deserves to manifest their fondest wishes and fulfill their desire for financial freedom. This book will show you how to do it, quickly and easily. 5 stars...two thumbs up...buy the book! The principles in this book literally saved my business and helped me to start a new one, in addition. I recently had the opportunity to hear Ms. Taylor speak at a conference in Orlando. What a presence! I am a confirmed fan of this author and her skillful contributions have, in my opinion, put heretofore obscure ideas into language that the average person can understand and utilize. Here's hoping there is a third book underway!

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